Hey Cubecrafters!
I am usually playing Skywars so I always see the Skywars leaderboard, but for the last day I have played quite a lot Eggwars and something on the leaderboards took my attention, and when I checked it on other game leaderboards it has all the same problem. But what is actually the problem/suggestion? I saw that some armour stands on game leaderboards has cool poses and I thought "Why isn't this on all leaderboards?". So my suggestion is, Cubecraft please add those poses to all leaderboards because it looks great. (It's just a little change :D) You can find the leaderboards in the spoilers.
- Thanks for taking time to read my thread and let me know your opinion!
I am usually playing Skywars so I always see the Skywars leaderboard, but for the last day I have played quite a lot Eggwars and something on the leaderboards took my attention, and when I checked it on other game leaderboards it has all the same problem. But what is actually the problem/suggestion? I saw that some armour stands on game leaderboards has cool poses and I thought "Why isn't this on all leaderboards?". So my suggestion is, Cubecraft please add those poses to all leaderboards because it looks great. (It's just a little change :D) You can find the leaderboards in the spoilers.
- Thanks for taking time to read my thread and let me know your opinion!