Minecraft PC IP: play.cubecraft.net

Should this be implemented?

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Well-Known Member
Mar 26, 2021
Cordoba, Spain
Sometimes when you get into an Eggwars game there are only 10 seconds last before the game starts but there are only half of the players there can be in the game. It's kinda annoying to play a game with, for instance, 12 players of 24 just at the moment the game starts. This happens specially frequently when you are going to play in a really big map with a capacity for a lot of players, for example teaparty, which is one the biggest Eggwars maps


I think when this happens the server should automatically postpone the game for about 20 seconds more or so, this way many more players could join and start the Eggwars game with a full server. I think it's an easy way to solve this problem and that would make the players experience better.

Vote on the poll above what do you think about this and if it should be implemented within the server to try to fix this problem with the matchmaking system.


Dedicated Member
Sep 3, 2018
This idea you're suggesting is somehow a thing in Tower Defence. If there are not enough players, the game postpones a bit until some more players join the game, thus equilibrating both teams. However, in other games like Eggwars this is not a thing. I think you may be right, perhaps we should need to wait a bit more if there are not enough players on eggwars map tea party, for example. However, I believe this should not change, or, in other words, we should not have some 20 seconds more. Who knows... perhaps if we let the game postone for 20 seconds, people won't join, or they will, but the teams may be more unbalanced. Sometimes this happens in Tower Defence, where the game pospones 20-30 seconds more and the teams are more unbalanced, or they are just as they would be if there was no additional time. Also, I don't see that as a big problem to have 1 or 2 empty teams in a map. Imagine the things you can do with two islands...
I don't know... From my experience, I don't always see eggwars or skywars maps just partially full. Also, it's better to have just 12 out of 24 players rather than 13 or 15 out of 24.
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Jan 25, 2021
Sometimes when you get into an Eggwars game there are only 10 seconds last before the game starts but there are only half of the players there can be in the game. It's kinda annoying to play a game with, for instance, 12 players of 24 just at the moment the game starts. This happens specially frequently when you are going to play in a really big map with a capacity for a lot of players, for example teaparty, which is one the biggest Eggwars maps


I think when this happens the server should automatically postpone the game for about 20 seconds more or so, this way many more players could join and start the Eggwars game with a full server. I think it's an easy way to solve this problem and that would make the players experience better.

Vote on the poll above what do you think about this and if it should be implemented within the server to try to fix this problem with the matchmaking system.
well the java count on that games isn't that high imo (correct me if i'm wrong i haven't been on cubecraft for a couple of months)


Forum Expert
Apr 26, 2020
Well I don't agree with this suggestion, as if the games did get postponed, especially during non-peak hours, it will take MUCH longer for a game to start, which may make some people leave and join another map, which will cause another postpone, and so on...it would just ruin everything.


Well-Known Member
Mar 26, 2021
Cordoba, Spain
Well I don't agree with this suggestion, as if the games did get postponed, especially during non-peak hours, it will take MUCH longer for a game to start, which may make some people leave and join another map, which will cause another postpone, and so on...it would just ruin everything.
I don't say the games should be postponed if the servers are not completely full, my suggestion is to postpone the game start only if there is a significant lack of players to start the game, for example if there are 12 of 24 players. That happened to me today a couple of times and that's the reason why I suggested it.


Well-Known Member
Mar 26, 2021
Cordoba, Spain
This idea you're suggesting is somehow a thing in Tower Defence. If there are not enough players, the game postpones a bit until some more players join the game, thus equilibrating both teams. However, in other games like Eggwars this is not a thing. I think you may be right, perhaps we should need to wait a bit more if there are not enough players on eggwars map tea party, for example. However, I believe this should not change, or, in other words, we should not have some 20 seconds more. Who knows... perhaps if we let the game postone for 20 seconds, people won't join, or they will, but the teams may be more unbalanced. Sometimes this happens in Tower Defence, where the game pospones 20-30 seconds more and the teams are more unbalanced, or they are just as they would be if there was no additional time. Also, I don't see that as a big problem to have 1 or 2 empty teams in a map. Imagine the things you can do with two islands...
I don't know... From my experience, I don't always see eggwars or skywars maps just partially full. Also, it's better to have just 12 out of 24 players rather than 13 or 15 out of 24.
I don't think it would unbalance the teams as starting the game with an important lack of players makes the teams unbalanced aswell. But it's true what some people said on this post and it's that it could make people to leave the game and join another one, that's why I think this should only be applied when there are a big quantity of free spots in comparison with the capacity of the map you are going to play. If this applied everytime a game wasn't full, it would make people leave and join another game, repeating the same problem indefinitely, but if there are 10 spots free I don't think anyone would leave the game to join another one instead of waiting 15 seconds more. Because going to the lobby, joining another game and waiting for it to start takes more time than waiting a few extra seconds.
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Well-Known Member
Sep 23, 2017
The Netherlands
empty lobbies is also because people leave last few seconds, there's nothing to do against this. adding more time would only make the same thing happen, but with a longer time waiting for the game to start. a lot of people want to be quick in stead of waiting minutes long to get a full lobby


Novice Member
Sep 6, 2020
I don't agree, when I play eggwars the games are awlays full. This is probably because you play at times when there aren't many players online. If this would be added the start of games will be postponned to much.
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