Hi there,
Looking to find out if the mods or anyone else in control of the server can actually do anything to ban hackers?
I've reported sooooo many hackers over the past few months and it seems that the same few just make a new account, get onto the server and thats it.
And before a mod tells me "Report them for multi accounting" I have and its been denied or its been resolved and nothing has been done as they come back with a similar account name and continue hacking.
Literally every single CTF game on block wars you join is hacked and you are unable to capture tha flag as the hackers fly across the map at the start of the game and drop it in the void or above build limit.
It has 100% become unplayable as even when you stick the game out, the hackers will kill the enemy team when they approach diamonds, which allows everyone on the other team to get diamonds easily and usually results in spawn trapping.
Can someone please reply to this with a genuine solution to this or should I just give up?
Looking to find out if the mods or anyone else in control of the server can actually do anything to ban hackers?
I've reported sooooo many hackers over the past few months and it seems that the same few just make a new account, get onto the server and thats it.
And before a mod tells me "Report them for multi accounting" I have and its been denied or its been resolved and nothing has been done as they come back with a similar account name and continue hacking.
Literally every single CTF game on block wars you join is hacked and you are unable to capture tha flag as the hackers fly across the map at the start of the game and drop it in the void or above build limit.
It has 100% become unplayable as even when you stick the game out, the hackers will kill the enemy team when they approach diamonds, which allows everyone on the other team to get diamonds easily and usually results in spawn trapping.
Can someone please reply to this with a genuine solution to this or should I just give up?
