The story of Spoderman:
"I am alone. I was spawned into the void that they call "cubecraft" by a strange man. He said his name was "TheJeroenGames". Wnat's a name? My entire life I thought it was something you wear on your feet. Wait...what's a feet? is it something you include in your name? This is problematic. I decided to ponder life. I then realized that my creator was boring, so I tried to walk away, but I then realized...I don't have feet. I have never had feet. Wait, what's feet again? I decided to use my blue, tanalizing arms to shoot a web that can take me to a faraway land, but my hands were glued to the ground. How saddening."
Welp, after looking him up, I found out that Spoderman actually is a semi-popular meme, but I don't want to delete this beautiful story, so...merp. Might as well fix the story...