Staff are looking for good candidates who know how to do their job, interact with the community, bring new and unique ideas to the table, and above all else, bring honesty to the table.
As a managerial position at my work in real life, my advice when applying for any position is to not mention your flaws until it’s brought up. When it becomes brought up however, you should be clear and discuss your weaknesses. Make sure to list how you have, or are in the process of, improving on your weaknesses.
One thing I was taught from the beginning, was to have faith in yourself. You shouldn’t list your imperfections from the very gate of the discussion. It looks really bad to list them there; in fact, you shouldn’t list them anywhere on an application.
An application is meant for you to display why you stick out from the other applicants; make sure you stick out for the right reasons, not the wrong reasons.