I was thinking about it for some time now and yeah, i‘ve decided to share my idea for a feature here.
As you can see in the title of this thread i had the idea to add a
Monster Spawner-Boosters
to SkyBlock
Main idea

So the main idea of this is to add XP-Drop boosts to SkyBlock, these „XP-Drop boosts“ can boost your Monster Spawners to drop up to twice XP in your active Profile. You can activate this boost on the Optimiser Hut, same as the other boosts available right now with multiple prices and 7 boosting-levels

So it‘s getting too overpowered for lower players getting twice XP there needs to be some limit, so my idea was to make it like that:
16 Leather*1 = Level 1 = 50% (or 0.5x)XP-Boost for 00:05:00*2
16 Feather*1 = Level 2 = 50% (or 0.5x)XP-Boost for 00:10:00*2
16 Spider eye*1 = Level 3 = 100% (or 1.0x)XP-Boost for 00:20:00*2
16 Rotten flesh*1 = Level 4 = 150% (or 1.5x)XP-Boost for 00:30:00*2
16 Gunpowder*1 = Level 5 = 150% (or 1.5x)XP-Boost for 00:45:00*2
16 Slimeball*1 = Level 6 = 200% (or 2.0x)XP-Boost for 01:00:00*2
16 Magmacream*1 = Level 7 = 200% (or 2.0x)XP-Boost for 01:30:00*2
*1 = Amount and item can be changed by DEV‘s.
*2 = Time measured in HH:MM:SS.
Thank you for reading, there is a poll you can vote your voice on it twice, so please
be good with it and dont vote yes and no, as its just for Neutral yes and -no votes.
Any questions or any longer opinions then making a vote?
Let me know then!
Have a good and nice day or night!
