I'm bored so here's a stupid thread ♡
If mojang were to allow all characters to be used in a minecraft username (including Unicode if you want) and if every username were available what name would you pick? :3 ♡
Obviously I'd go with♡xX_PvP_TBNR_MastaSimplyNoHacksJustPowerRangerSan_YTmc12345_C0MB05_Xx♡ PowerRanger as its just the name I've always wanted to get when I first joined mc :P
Comment your names below so I can have some crap to read...
If mojang were to allow all characters to be used in a minecraft username (including Unicode if you want) and if every username were available what name would you pick? :3 ♡
Obviously I'd go with
Comment your names below so I can have some crap to read...