Some time ago Cube organised quite a lot of giveaways. Most of them were won by people that weren't active at all in the discord server, and people were unhappy about this. A lot of ways to fix this have been suggested such as only allowing linked people or people with a minimum amount of messages to join. Now for all these suggestions there were some weak points, so I came up with my own solution.
When you organise a giveaway don't tag @Everyone. Instead just post the message in the announcements channel. Like this only people that are actually active and look in the discord server see that there's a new announcement and will join the giveaway. You'd get rid of all the people that just look in there for once because they got a tag and therefore join the giveaway.
When you organise a giveaway don't tag @Everyone. Instead just post the message in the announcements channel. Like this only people that are actually active and look in the discord server see that there's a new announcement and will join the giveaway. You'd get rid of all the people that just look in there for once because they got a tag and therefore join the giveaway.