Minecraft PC IP: play.cubecraft.net
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Well-Known Member
Aug 5, 2016
In real life, when there is a situation, ppl in america can call 911 for immediate police assistance. In real life, the civilians dont get evidence, file in a report to the police, and then the police make the decision of whether to send them to jail or execute them. YOU BET NOT!! In real life, the police THEMSELVES collect evidence AND THEMSELVES perform and investigation AND THEMSELVES make executive action of shooting a criminal if need be. THIS IS HOW NORMAL SOCIETY WORKS!
On the other hand, Cubecraft's system is completely illogical in my opinion. There should be a "police squad" in cubecraft, where ppl can alert a staff member or someone who can do something to stop the rowdy, cursing, and disruptive of peace player. It takes 5 days for a response to set in, and a dirty person can do a lot of dammage in a lot of lobbies in that time.
Just now, before I posted, a person was cursing like crazy, insulting jews, insulting black people, insulting everyone in lobby. I took several screenshots, and warned him 5 times. He didn't care. I told him I would send in a report, and he would get banned. He said he didn't care, he said "i can still cuss u f****ing ni*****er for a lot of time more because it takes forever for a report to be acepted u bi****". He spoke the truth
In conclusion, a cubecraft squad that can take executive action and can come on short notice if, say 20 people alert on a single player. Obviously, like in real life, if someone tricks the police, they can be punished. Similarly here, if people trick this cubecraft squad, similar banning for maybe 1 day for them to understand the consequences. Im sure at first people will abuse this button. But soon enough, once people understand how to use it, and when, it will be a powerful tool to have clean lobbies.
Yours Truly,


Dedicated Member
Jun 21, 2016
In real life, when there is a situation, ppl in america can call 911 for immediate police assistance. In real life, the civilians dont get evidence, file in a report to the police, and then the police make the decision of whether to send them to jail or execute them. YOU BET NOT!! In real life, the police THEMSELVES collect evidence AND THEMSELVES perform and investigation AND THEMSELVES make executive action of shooting a criminal if need be. THIS IS HOW NORMAL SOCIETY WORKS!
On the other hand, Cubecraft's system is completely illogical in my opinion. There should be a "police squad" in cubecraft, where ppl can alert a staff member or someone who can do something to stop the rowdy, cursing, and disruptive of peace player. It takes 5 days for a response to set in, and a dirty person can do a lot of dammage in a lot of lobbies in that time.
Just now, before I posted, a person was cursing like crazy, insulting jews, insulting black people, insulting everyone in lobby. I took several screenshots, and warned him 5 times. He didn't care. I told him I would send in a report, and he would get banned. He said he didn't care, he said "i can still cuss u f****ing ni*****er for a lot of time more because it takes forever for a report to be acepted u bi****". He spoke the truth
In conclusion, a cubecraft squad that can take executive action and can come on short notice if, say 20 people alert on a single player. Obviously, like in real life, if someone tricks the police, they can be punished. Similarly here, if people trick this cubecraft squad, similar banning for maybe 1 day for them to understand the consequences. Im sure at first people will abuse this button. But soon enough, once people understand how to use it, and when, it will be a powerful tool to have clean lobbies.
Yours Truly,
First of all, you said you warned him 5 times. Warn him twice and then report. Nobody can always come on in short notice, I think adding a "police squad" would be illogical. Also, you only get muted for swearing I believe. This is so extremely unneeded. Players in game are supposed to be the "police squad" All you have to do is warn and then report. No need for players to have this rank just to do what others can. I'm hoping if you got screenshots and verbally warned the player in chat atleast two times like you have said, that you already reported them. Now, with the time it takes for staff to get to the reports. It happens, and everybody knows it does. I have seen lately staff have been working extremely hard on accepting/denying reports they get.

Qin Shihuangdi

Forum Expert
Nov 11, 2015
The Orange House
In real life, when there is a situation, ppl in america can call 911 for immediate police assistance. In real life, the civilians dont get evidence, file in a report to the police, and then the police make the decision of whether to send them to jail or execute them. YOU BET NOT!! In real life, the police THEMSELVES collect evidence AND THEMSELVES perform and investigation AND THEMSELVES make executive action of shooting a criminal if need be. THIS IS HOW NORMAL SOCIETY WORKS!
On the other hand, Cubecraft's system is completely illogical in my opinion. There should be a "police squad" in cubecraft, where ppl can alert a staff member or someone who can do something to stop the rowdy, cursing, and disruptive of peace player. It takes 5 days for a response to set in, and a dirty person can do a lot of dammage in a lot of lobbies in that time.
Just now, before I posted, a person was cursing like crazy, insulting jews, insulting black people, insulting everyone in lobby. I took several screenshots, and warned him 5 times. He didn't care. I told him I would send in a report, and he would get banned. He said he didn't care, he said "i can still cuss u f****ing ni*****er for a lot of time more because it takes forever for a report to be acepted u bi****". He spoke the truth
In conclusion, a cubecraft squad that can take executive action and can come on short notice if, say 20 people alert on a single player. Obviously, like in real life, if someone tricks the police, they can be punished. Similarly here, if people trick this cubecraft squad, similar banning for maybe 1 day for them to understand the consequences. Im sure at first people will abuse this button. But soon enough, once people understand how to use it, and when, it will be a powerful tool to have clean lobbies.
Yours Truly,
This is not near as simple as you think it is.
First of all, we only have 40 or so mods on a server with 30,000 players. This means that if every mod was on 24/7 then each mod would cater to 750 players. This is not the case at all however. There are generally 0-20 mods online. Around 5 AM GMT, there are usually only one or two staff online; and 5,000 players. Staff are not robots which you perceive them to be in this thread. Staff have personal lives, and want to actually have fun on the server by playing its games. If staff had to constantly react to these requests there would be less, not more successful reports. Also, most staff would resign if they couldn't enjoy the server.

If you've ever seen the movie Home Alone 3, that is a great example as to why this wouldn't work.

The child spots robbers across the street and calls the police. As the robber sees the police arriving, they run out the back door and they remain unpunished. W

Another Example:

If the Chinese Communist Party could be perceived as police, they were going after Kuomintang's Party. Kuomintang fled to Taiwan and remains unpunished to this date, even 66 years after the Chinese Civil War.
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Well-Known Member
Aug 5, 2016
Dear LilNugget,
No offense, if working "really hard" means taking a week to respond to flying hacker reports that easily should be banned, i don't think thats really hard, or at least, even if they are, its not enough people then. Why should such a hacker be on the loose for a week, flying around in every solo match, destroying every match he plays, it doesn't make sense. Or a curser who is destroying friendly and peaceful lobbies. I seriously cant have a friendly chat for 5 minutes without someone cursing me off. I today, im still counting, already observed 11 hackers. It takes half an hour for a video to upload, it takes time to type a report, and this all takes time from friendly gameplay. What am I supposed to do, report every hacker, every curser i warn and still curses after 2 warnings, every cross teamer? At that rate I will be reporting more than I play. I look at the report form... ITS BURIED WITH TONS AND TONS OF REPORTS!!!! You don't need to be a genius to realize there are so many violations. Im guessing there is a mod staff of around 20 (based off the amount of different mod staff I see every day). Its just not enough, its not working, I don't see improvement in the amount of hackers i see everyday, or cursers, etc. There needs to be an immediate alert system that can directly allow mods to apprehend the violation, or the mass of reports will never be solved.
Yours Truly,

A couple pet peeves on your respose:
1) You cant simply state something is illogical without actually explaining why you hold such a view. You stated its extremely uneeded, thats just opinion. Throughout your whole response, I don't see a single reason WHY you disagree with all you put across is that you do.
2) You only attacked me on technicalities like 2 warnings vs. 5, and mute vs. banning. Please actually address in an intelligent fashion my arguments instead of attacking me on trivial technicalities that dont address my suggestion and point

In sum, your whole response didn't add to the discussion, only pointed out technicalities, stated the opinion you disagree, and claimed that the staff is working hard (which you can't even verify because your only a member, and even if they are, its like telling a person to move a mountain, and even if that one person is trying really hard, they wont achieve it without some cleverness, as in this case, an immediate alert system). So, since your response added little to the discussion, you could have simply said: I disagree, and gave me just as much information as your response did

Qin Shihuangdi

Forum Expert
Nov 11, 2015
The Orange House
Dear LilNugget,
No offense, if working "really hard" means taking a week to respond to flying hacker reports that easily should be banned, i don't think thats really hard, or at least, even if they are, its not enough people then. Why should such a hacker be on the loose for a week, flying around in every solo match, destroying every match he plays, it doesn't make sense. Or a curser who is destroying friendly and peaceful lobbies. I seriously cant have a friendly chat for 5 minutes without someone cursing me off. I today, im still counting, already observed 11 hackers. It takes half an hour for a video to upload, it takes time to type a report, and this all takes time from friendly gameplay. What am I supposed to do, report every hacker, every curser i warn and still curses after 2 warnings, every cross teamer? At that rate I will be reporting more than I play. I look at the report form... ITS BURIED WITH TONS AND TONS OF REPORTS!!!! You don't need to be a genius to realize there are so many violations. Im guessing there is a mod staff of around 20 (based off the amount of different mod staff I see every day). Its just not enough, its not working, I don't see improvement in the amount of hackers i see everyday, or cursers, etc. There needs to be an immediate alert system that can directly allow mods to apprehend the violation, or the mass of reports will never be solved.
Yours Truly,

A couple pet peeves on your respose:
1) You cant simply state something is illogical without actually explaining why you hold such a view. You stated its extremely uneeded, thats just opinion. Throughout your whole response, I don't see a single reason WHY you disagree with all you put across is that you do.
2) You only attacked me on technicalities like 2 warnings vs. 5, and mute vs. banning. Please actually address in an intelligent fashion my arguments instead of attacking me on trivial technicalities that dont address my suggestion and point

In sum, your whole response didn't add to the discussion, only pointed out technicalities, stated the opinion you disagree, and claimed that the staff is working hard (which you can't even verify because your only a member, and even if they are, its like telling a person to move a mountain, and even if that one person is trying really hard, they wont achieve it without some cleverness, as in this case, an immediate alert system). So, since your response added little to the discussion, you could have simply said: I disagree, and gave me just as much information as your response did
Mods will receive hundreds of Violation reports. They can't tend to every single one, especially considering the Kuomintang scenario I stated above. Also, please don't be rude to forum members. Generally, the members that reply to suggestions know the most about the community and have the highest chance of becoming staff so being rude to them will only hurt the chances of your suggestion being implemented.


Well-Known Member
Aug 5, 2016
Dear BuildBuild25,
I never said anything about watching over 750 individual players, I said an alert system that bypasses this, where staff can come to hotspots, instead having a blanket watch. Also, your examples dont appply to the situation. All the alerts can be private, and no one can else can view, like a private message. In Home Alone 3, the criminals SEE the police and walked out. You can very easily make it so that the hacker or curser cant see a staff enter a game, without alerting anyone. Kuomintang fled because he saw it coming. Once again, you can easily have the staff invisible to anyone in a game, so that the staff can observe invisible to everyone else, even the alerters. Your example dont consider the power of programming. Also, the staff can easily enjoy matches, its just when they, say, get 20 alerts from a hotspot, bam, they can go in and apprehend invisibly.
Yours Truly,

Qin Shihuangdi

Forum Expert
Nov 11, 2015
The Orange House
Dear BuildBuild25,
I never said anything about watching over 750 individual players, I said an alert system that bypasses this, where staff can come to hotspots, instead having a blanket watch. Also, your examples dont appply to the situation. All the alerts can be private, and no one can else can view, like a private message. In Home Alone 3, the criminals SEE the police and walked out. You can very easily make it so that the hacker or curser cant see a staff enter a game, without alerting anyone. Kuomintang fled because he saw it coming. Once again, you can easily have the staff invisible to anyone in a game, so that the staff can observe invisible to everyone else, even the alerters. Your example dont consider the power of programming. Also, the staff can easily enjoy matches, its just when they, say, get 20 alerts from a hotspot, bam, they can go in and apprehend invisibly.
Yours Truly,
You're acting as if everyone knows about the warning rule. People will call over staff after they say one swear word. The mod would warn them and boom the invisibility is broken. This would also happen if a player asked a question. Also, if staff have to deal with many more in-game reports than the much worse rule breakers, hackers, would not get noticed because mods can't check the forums.


Well-Known Member
Aug 5, 2016
Im not talking about the person who says one curse word. As I wrote earlier, I encountered a "serial cursor", cursing at every line, every chat he enters is cursing someone, saying the f word, the b word, insulting jews, insulting everyone. THATS the hotspot im talking about where warnings from people don't work, and they are continually disruptive, and have 5 days more to curse. Plus, who said the staff has to themselves warn. They can make a protocol in that the staff person is invisible, and that people themselves have to do the warning. And they can easily have, after you press the alert item in the inventory, a text in ur private chat pop up "Warn the offender yourself, and if you surpassed 2 warnings, the mod will observe, and act" and in this way the warning rule is transmitted to everyone. That could be the power of the invisible mod. If you gave a bit of creative thought to ur obstacles, they can all be solved, and this strong solution that centers on very drastic rule violators can be very effective. Hacking on the other hand doesn't need warning, if you look in the rules. All of this can be very secretive swooping in of the staff, and when all the conditions of the rules are met to ban, the violator will be punished swiftly. Im sure we can go on like this forever with these minute obstacles, and all of this is very good for cubecraft developers, but for the sake of this idea, with a bit of programming here and there, ur obstacles can be solved. To tell you the truth, these obstacles you gave me I definitely did not think about, but then in 2 seconds I came up with a solution. Seriously, try to envision a succesful working of such a system, and this could really work.

Qin Shihuangdi

Forum Expert
Nov 11, 2015
The Orange House
Im not talking about the person who says one curse word. As I wrote earlier, I encountered a "serial cursor", cursing at every line, every chat he enters is cursing someone, saying the f word, the b word, insulting jews, insulting everyone. THATS the hotspot im talking about where warnings from people don't work, and they are continually disruptive, and have 5 days more to curse. Plus, who said the staff has to themselves warn. They can make a protocol in that the staff person is invisible, and that people themselves have to do the warning. And they can easily have, after you press the alert item in the inventory, a text in ur private chat pop up "Warn the offender yourself, and if you surpassed 2 warnings, the mod will observe, and act" and in this way the warning rule is transmitted to everyone. That could be the power of the invisible mod. If you gave a bit of creative thought to ur obstacles, they can all be solved, and this strong solution that centers on very drastic rule violators can be very effective. Hacking on the other hand doesn't need warning, if you look in the rules. All of this can be very secretive swooping in of the staff, and when all the conditions of the rules are met to ban, the violator will be punished swiftly. Im sure we can go on like this forever with these minute obstacles, and all of this is very good for cubecraft developers, but for the sake of this idea, with a bit of programming here and there, ur obstacles can be solved. To tell you the truth, these obstacles you gave me I definitely did not think about, but then in 2 seconds I came up with a solution. Seriously, try to envision a succesful working of such a system, and this could really work.
While you make some good points, mods can't simply spectate every single report. That would take even longer than it already does because they have to switch lobbies, find the rulebreaker, etc. rather than looking at simple evidence on the forums and punishing. Also, a mod wouldn't waste time waiting for someone to break the rule while they could be doing other things.


Well-Known Member
Aug 5, 2016
Once again, you don't understand my idea, at least in this one sense. I never said anyone has to spectate every single report. If 20 ppl are alerting about the same person, doesn't that mean something is seriously wrong? the developers could easily make it that staff have their own screen interface or inventory slot, in which if they get 20 or so alerts, (and they could even make a little check list for the alerters asking what type of violation before they press alert: hacking, spamming, cursing, other, etc), and they get an instant "lobby link" on where the violator is and they press it and teleport to that lobby or game, and observe with that invisible power. I'm sure very many alerts will come in, considering how many rule violators there are, so mods sitting around doing nothing isn't a problem. Plus, most people don't know about this website or at least don't use it; the alert system would make it so much more accessible if its an inventory slot. Also, when they first introduce this, they could have, a page describing this update before entering the server, for a month or so, and people will know of this system's power, and im sure many would utilize it because its so undisruptive of gameplay. For me to report someone it takes half an hour, with the upload of the video, typing the report, and its seriously super disruptive of gameplay. Once again, ur obstacles can be surpassed. Furthermore, Im sure it will be much quicker for mod to instantly observe and ban from there than to have to read a report, watch a video 5 days later, than to come there instantly and apprehend in that instant.

Qin Shihuangdi

Forum Expert
Nov 11, 2015
The Orange House
Once again, you don't understand my idea, at least in this one sense. I never said anyone has to spectate every single report. If 20 ppl are alerting about the same person, doesn't that mean something is seriously wrong? the developers could easily make it that staff have their own screen interface or inventory slot, in which if they get 20 or so alerts, (and they could even make a little check list for the alerters asking what type of violation before they press alert: hacking, spamming, cursing, other, etc), and they get an instant "lobby link" on where the violator is and they press it and teleport to that lobby or game, and observe with that invisible power. I'm sure very many alerts will come in, considering how many rule violators there are, so mods sitting around doing nothing isn't a problem. Plus, most people don't know about this website or at least don't use it; the alert system would make it so much more accessible if its an inventory slot. Also, when they first introduce this, they could have, a page describing this update before entering the server, for a month or so, and people will know of this system's power, and im sure many would utilize it because its so undisruptive of gameplay. For me to report someone it takes half an hour, with the upload of the video, typing the report, and its seriously super disruptive of gameplay. Once again, ur obstacles can be surpassed. Furthermore, Im sure it will be much quicker for mod to instantly observe and ban from there than to have to read a report, watch a video 5 days later, than to come there instantly and apprehend in that instant.
Well, here's one that there's absolutely no way to counter. The forums can be accessed through a mobile device, the actual game can't. Also, the developers have more important projects to work on such as Freebuild and UHC.


Ok so with the 100 reports or so coming in you expect that we cator to just one person breaking the rules?

It's simple. Warn once. Warn twice. Report. They will get punished eventually for a long period of time.


Forum Professional
May 13, 2014
I am sorry, but how can you compare the police to a block-based game? Honestly, this whole thread is one of the most "illogical" threads I've seen in a while. Anyways, though there are little staff, you don't need to always rely on them to get the job done. If you find someone breaking the rules, don't just moan about it, go get a recording software, or go get a screenshot, and report them (depending on the offence.)

Also sorry, but staff do not "execute" people on the server.


Forum Veteran
Mar 2, 2016
Cat world
@zRinne , you have competition

I am Chinese who can't even Chinese.

There should be a "police squad" in cubecraft, where ppl can alert a staff member or someone who can do something to stop the rowdy, cursing, and disruptive of peace player. It takes 5 days for a response to set in, and a dirty person can do a lot of dammage in a lot of lobbies in that time.

So something like /report if I'm not wrong? I remember they used to have that but players abused it so they removed it. We have the forums, it may take some time for it to be viewed but it's not like they're not handling it. Justice is still being served to those who breaks the rules.


Well-Known Member
Apr 21, 2016
In my room
Dear LilNugget,
No offense, if working "really hard" means taking a week to respond to flying hacker reports that easily should be banned, i don't think thats really hard, or at least, even if they are, its not enough people then. Why should such a hacker be on the loose for a week, flying around in every solo match, destroying every match he plays, it doesn't make sense. Or a curser who is destroying friendly and peaceful lobbies. I seriously cant have a friendly chat for 5 minutes without someone cursing me off. I today, im still counting, already observed 11 hackers. It takes half an hour for a video to upload, it takes time to type a report, and this all takes time from friendly gameplay. What am I supposed to do, report every hacker, every curser i warn and still curses after 2 warnings, every cross teamer? At that rate I will be reporting more than I play. I look at the report form... ITS BURIED WITH TONS AND TONS OF REPORTS!!!! You don't need to be a genius to realize there are so many violations. Im guessing there is a mod staff of around 20 (based off the amount of different mod staff I see every day). Its just not enough, its not working, I don't see improvement in the amount of hackers i see everyday, or cursers, etc. There needs to be an immediate alert system that can directly allow mods to apprehend the violation, or the mass of reports will never be solved.
Yours Truly,

A couple pet peeves on your respose:
1) You cant simply state something is illogical without actually explaining why you hold such a view. You stated its extremely uneeded, thats just opinion. Throughout your whole response, I don't see a single reason WHY you disagree with all you put across is that you do.
2) You only attacked me on technicalities like 2 warnings vs. 5, and mute vs. banning. Please actually address in an intelligent fashion my arguments instead of attacking me on trivial technicalities that dont address my suggestion and point

In sum, your whole response didn't add to the discussion, only pointed out technicalities, stated the opinion you disagree, and claimed that the staff is working hard (which you can't even verify because your only a member, and even if they are, its like telling a person to move a mountain, and even if that one person is trying really hard, they wont achieve it without some cleverness, as in this case, an immediate alert system). So, since your response added little to the discussion, you could have simply said: I disagree, and gave me just as much information as your response did

If my videos take 30 minutes to upload i would have a 15 min video? may be ther's something wrong with your internet bro. The problem is not that people need to get the advice, the problem is that there are way too less mdoerators who are reviewing the reports. Thats why there is a forum where you can applie for helper. The didn't put that there because they had too many mod's. CCG is currently looking for people for many jobs, first of all for helper,
Dear LilNugget,
No offense, if working "really hard" means taking a week to respond to flying hacker reports that easily should be banned, i don't think thats really hard, or at least, even if they are, its not enough people then. Why should such a hacker be on the loose for a week, flying around in every solo match, destroying every match he plays, it doesn't make sense. Or a curser who is destroying friendly and peaceful lobbies. I seriously cant have a friendly chat for 5 minutes without someone cursing me off. I today, im still counting, already observed 11 hackers. It takes half an hour for a video to upload, it takes time to type a report, and this all takes time from friendly gameplay. What am I supposed to do, report every hacker, every curser i warn and still curses after 2 warnings, every cross teamer? At that rate I will be reporting more than I play. I look at the report form... ITS BURIED WITH TONS AND TONS OF REPORTS!!!! You don't need to be a genius to realize there are so many violations. Im guessing there is a mod staff of around 20 (based off the amount of different mod staff I see every day). Its just not enough, its not working, I don't see improvement in the amount of hackers i see everyday, or cursers, etc. There needs to be an immediate alert system that can directly allow mods to apprehend the violation, or the mass of reports will never be solved.
Yours Truly,

A couple pet peeves on your respose:
1) You cant simply state something is illogical without actually explaining why you hold such a view. You stated its extremely uneeded, thats just opinion. Throughout your whole response, I don't see a single reason WHY you disagree with all you put across is that you do.
2) You only attacked me on technicalities like 2 warnings vs. 5, and mute vs. banning. Please actually address in an intelligent fashion my arguments instead of attacking me on trivial technicalities that dont address my suggestion and point

In sum, your whole response didn't add to the discussion, only pointed out technicalities, stated the opinion you disagree, and claimed that the staff is working hard (which you can't even verify because your only a member, and even if they are, its like telling a person to move a mountain, and even if that one person is trying really hard, they wont achieve it without some cleverness, as in this case, an immediate alert system). So, since your response added little to the discussion, you could have simply said: I disagree, and gave me just as much information as your response did

Dear @AnimalFarmer1984,
The problem isn't that players can't or shouldn't get proof of rule breakers, the problem is with the amount off mod's. Mod's aren't there just because they need to review reports. They also have to help people with questions they need to review suggestions like this and many other things. CCG is hiring a lot of people, for example they are hiring helpers, to later on be mod's, they are hiring service developers and even UX disigners. CCG is doing their best to get hackers of their server and there are hundreds of hackers that get banned early. You suggest giving mod's another task. Which is why the reports are taking so long! Not to mention as @BuildBuild25 already mentioned they are mod's because they love the server and wan't to play on it! If mod's don't have fun or can't play on the server, manny will resign with wil lead to more and more stacks of reports that are unreviewed.

GR. BanBoy
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Forum Veteran
Sep 15, 2015
Once again, you don't understand my idea, at least in this one sense. I never said anyone has to spectate every single report. If 20 ppl are alerting about the same person, doesn't that mean something is seriously wrong? the developers could easily make it that staff have their own screen interface or inventory slot, in which if they get 20 or so alerts, (and they could even make a little check list for the alerters asking what type of violation before they press alert: hacking, spamming, cursing, other, etc), and they get an instant "lobby link" on where the violator is and they press it and teleport to that lobby or game, and observe with that invisible power. I'm sure very many alerts will come in, considering how many rule violators there are, so mods sitting around doing nothing isn't a problem. Plus, most people don't know about this website or at least don't use it; the alert system would make it so much more accessible if its an inventory slot. Also, when they first introduce this, they could have, a page describing this update before entering the server, for a month or so, and people will know of this system's power, and im sure many would utilize it because its so undisruptive of gameplay. For me to report someone it takes half an hour, with the upload of the video, typing the report, and its seriously super disruptive of gameplay. Once again, ur obstacles can be surpassed. Furthermore, Im sure it will be much quicker for mod to instantly observe and ban from there than to have to read a report, watch a video 5 days later, than to come there instantly and apprehend in that instant.
Oh, nice idea. Make a GUI that creates link every time one user report. And, how do you pretend to storage a lot of links? How can they sync it? IT IS REALLY HARD, AND USELESS. Staff members are not robots. I am a robot, Mega is a robot, (we are more) and even us don't have enought time to be 25/7 on the forums
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Despacito 2

Forum Professional
Dec 6, 2015
Im just reading this Interesting discussion.... (War)
But Eh... My opinion is that is Useless .-. Staff members arent Robots you know...

Britney Spears

In real life, when there is a situation, ppl in america can call 911 for immediate police assistance. In real life, the civilians dont get evidence, file in a report to the police, and then the police make the decision of whether to send them to jail or execute them. YOU BET NOT!! In real life, the police THEMSELVES collect evidence AND THEMSELVES perform and investigation AND THEMSELVES make executive action of shooting a criminal if need be. THIS IS HOW NORMAL SOCIETY WORKS!

I don't really see how you can compare 'real-life' with a minecraft server. Sorry if I sound rude but comparing these two is like comparing water and fire , first of all , if you call the police for an 'emergency' and there was no 'emergency' (which happened many times when the /report command was still a thing) you wouldn't get away with it that easy (at least , that's how it works here where I live). That's unfortunately not how it works on the server, we had a /report command and it got abused so the staff team got rid of it due to that.

On the other hand, Cubecraft's system is completely illogical in my opinion. There should be a "police squad" in cubecraft, where ppl can alert a staff member or someone who can do something to stop the rowdy, cursing, and disruptive of peace player. It takes 5 days for a response to set in, and a dirty person can do a lot of dammage in a lot of lobbies in that time.
Just now, before I posted, a person was cursing like crazy, insulting jews, insulting black people, insulting everyone in lobby. I took several screenshots, and warned him 5 times. He didn't care. I told him I would send in a report, and he would get banned. He said he didn't care, he said "i can still cuss u f****ing ni*****er for a lot of time more because it takes forever for a report to be acepted u bi****". He spoke the truth

Sorry but I think that you can understand that we're not able to be online 24/7 and that we also can't be everywhere at the same time since we also have our life's and our own issues.That's why we're asking you guys to help us out and report players that violate rules (which we really appreciate) so that we can review them and punish players that violated a rule as soon as we can.

Dear LilNugget,
No offense, if working "really hard" means taking a week to respond to flying hacker reports that easily should be banned, i don't think thats really hard, or at least, even if they are, its not enough people then. Why should such a hacker be on the loose for a week, flying around in every solo match, destroying every match he plays, it doesn't make sense. Or a curser who is destroying friendly and peaceful lobbies. I seriously cant have a friendly chat for 5 minutes without someone cursing me off. I today, im still counting, already observed 11 hackers. It takes half an hour for a video to upload, it takes time to type a report, and this all takes time from friendly gameplay. What am I supposed to do, report every hacker, every curser i warn and still curses after 2 warnings, every cross teamer? At that rate I will be reporting more than I play. I look at the report form... ITS BURIED WITH TONS AND TONS OF REPORTS!!!! You don't need to be a genius to realize there are so many violations. Im guessing there is a mod staff of around 20 (based off the amount of different mod staff I see every day). Its just not enough, its not working, I don't see improvement in the amount of hackers i see everyday, or cursers, etc. There needs to be an immediate alert system that can directly allow mods to apprehend the violation, or the mass of reports will never be solved.
Yours Truly,

The report system works completely fine if you ask me. But hey, we're in the time of the year where people want to rest from school/work/what so ever (yes we're also humans) , you can't obligate someone who's making some of his/her time to help do reports/moderate on the server do even more, reports/moderation, that's just not how it works.
I know that not getting a reply on your report after it has been in the report a player section for a while could be frustrating but we're really doing our best when it comes to reports.

I'd also like to say that if you don't want to take the time to report hackers/ write a report , it's fine, but don't nag about how much hackers there are then? Because it also takes time to do reports and moderate on the server. It has to come from both sides in order to make the server a better place , that's why we're thankfull to everyone that takes the time and effort to report someone.
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Cool skin btw!
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