When the Cubecraft Times was a thing I did interviews. It disbanded before I could publish all of my interviews. So I will post them below if anyone is interested. Unfortunetly all but one are still staff members
I didn't go through all the articles to see which ones were posted, but I'll post them anyway so you can read them all. Have fun.
1. At CubeCraft Games, I'm a Server Associate Producer and Creative Writer, which means that I mainly work on Game and Server projects, going out to the community and looking at their suggestions for any of our games!
2. I'm very involved with the Server Team, which includes all the people that also focus mainly on making our Games and the Server better. Next to that, I oftentimes talk to Developers to make sure everything works out the way we want it to work out!
3. My main responsibility is communicating between multiple people, leading Game and Server projects and communicating with the community!
4. I really like sleeping haha, so I normally wake up at around 10 am. After that, I get up to walk the dog and make myself some breakfast, normally something that doesn't take too much time to prepare, like toast. And lastly, I go upstairs to my workspace to start work on running projects!
5. Definitely talking to many people on the team and working together with all these awesome people!
6. I haven't found something that I dislike about my work just yet haha.
7. Lots of different problems, all of them being dealt with in a different way as well which is interesting. Some require special attention from different departments and some of them I can solve myself!
8. I get to decide quite a few things when it comes down to the projects I'm working on! It's exciting but also scary!
9. It's important that you're dedicated to what you're doing, that will get you far. If you love what you do, it'll show in the work you deliver.
1. My role at CubeCraft Games is Server Design & Content Producer, this means I lead design over both Java/Bedrock (excluding maps) so I help guide designers when creating art for the servers and also make some myself. Additionally I lead content which is our ranks, loot and other monetized content.
2. I'm sort of a 50/50 split between the design team and server team, all the design admins generally share the same team of artists so we communicate often about who is doing what and where their skills are best put to use.
3. The main responsibilities of my role are improving our server design, this could be our loot by constantly innovating our loot types or bundles, or pushing more design elements into our gamemodes.
My other responsibility is supplying growth to the network through monetization, due to our games being entirely free to play we need to sell things in order to stay online and continue to make more and more free content for everyone and grow the network. It's quite an important element of online games, for this position I analyze a lot of data in our sales to decide what players are most interested in when it comes to ranks/cosmetics and provide those to the community.
4. A typical day for me would be checking on all our content or design projects and making sure they are still moving forward, we track the progress of all our projects via Notion. (which is probably the best website/app ever made) Sometimes if there isn't much management required and projects are moving then I contribute some art/design to those projects or write up new specifications for future updates/ideas.
5. One of the best parts is coming up with some outlandish and wacky idea that everyone thinks is dumb, then executing it as best as I can to change everyone's mind, generally I get a lot of lee-way from other team members when it comes to being a perfectionist, people just let me go crazy and do overly detailed things because I come up with such wacky ideas.
Seeing people compliment a loot item I spent like 14 hours of my life on is very satisfying, or saying they loved a bundle/rank that I spent 70+ hours of my life stressing over messing up is one of my life joys at the moment. The stressful heat of projects is almost always worth it when it goes out and people love it.
Also looking at like loads and loads of sales data & creating cool prediction tables is super fun, it- it doesn't sound like it but trust me it is.
6. It can be pretty stressful, as I said above about monetization being super important to online games (especially free ones), this also goes both ways, in that if it goes poorly then it badly impacts the entire network, it can negate important growth that we really need for the server to continue thriving. I've had a lot of stressful nights making sure things are always going well, but bad moments make the good moments so much better in my opinion.
7. skip this, above question basically answers this
8. also this one as I sort of answered it
9. I have a LOT of advice for aspiring team members, mainly because I've been in this community for nearly all of its existence and been part of the team for a long time. Not only that but I've changed quite a lot, at some points I was toxic and was moved down from Admin, at other points I was inactive and uncommunicative. But I've recovered quite a lot from these things, I think it's possible for everyone to become a team member no matter how badly you view yourself or your behavior.
The main thing is changing who you are now, people may not let you change and that's fine, that's up to them but you do it anyways, because their opinion of you will adapt over time, people are more open to change than you think they are.
My second piece of advice is to be more open minded, people are incredibly complicated, nothing is black and white and it'll take you probably a hundred years to understand 10% of people and what's really going through their mind. That's why listening and thinking before speaking to people is important, most things can be talked out. Just ask questions, respond appropriately and assume good in people, most people are not deliberately mean, it's likely a communication error and they don't mean it.
- Customer Support Lead & Partner Management
2. What teams are you mainly engaged with?
- When it comes to my role, I have to work with many different departments, including our marketing, bugs team, development, sales/business, and customer support departments. This could be for something as simple as scheduling a new Twitter post featuring one of our Partners, or it could be for assistance with a support ticket.
3. What are your main responsibilities?
- My primary responsibilities include:
4. What is a typical day like for you?
- A typical day for me, hmmm, well that's somewhat hard for me to explain as every day is different! Usually, from around 10 am I go through all support tickets that we have open. These could be about anything from appeals, bug reports, or inquiries about the network. Once I've gone through and complete all the leftover tickets, I enable live chat. This way, players can contact us and get instant support. While live chat is running and I am waiting for a new ticket, I usually check Partner applications to see if an applicant fits the programme. I also have quite a few meetings during the week, ranging from anything Ziax or CubeCraft related.
5. What do you like most about your work?
- If I had to pick just one thing, it would have to be engaging with the fantastic CubeCraft community. Without our community by our side, CubeCraft would cease to exist, which is why I like to spend as much time as possible interacting with them instead of lurking in the shadows. Also, going to the office. This one might sound weird but when you're in the office it's like you're just working together with a group of friends. Everybody knows everyone and it's a great place to work (and there is air conditioning!).
6. What do you like least about your work?
- There isn't anything!
7. What kinds of problems do you deal with?
- (answered within question 4)
8. What kinds of decisions do you make?
- It's usually choosing what Partner to promote on our social media pages, what video to choose from them etc. There are times when deciding who gets into the programme can be rather challenging, with Partners meeting the requirements but their channel not being a good fit within the programme. Also, I decide on in-game stuff and website-related stuff that might help benefit the CubeCraft community, including our Partners.
9. What would your advice be to anyone wanting to become staff at CubeCraft games?
- If I had to give one word of advice to someone trying to apply, it would be "just be yourself". Being you is the best thing you can do when applying for a role within a community-based company, and it shows. We have a somewhat mixed bag of staff, all with unusual hobbies and favourite things to do. It's best not to act like someone who you're not, especially if you're trying to impress. It's easy to tell and very noticeable.
I think that's everything you're after, there are a few things I cannot go into detail with, however, I'd say I've provided enough information for you.
Edit: I am also part of the server team, helping to create amazing new experiences for our community, including game updates, passing over suggestions and ideas from the forums, and more.
2. I am mainly engaged with the mentor team and our recruitment team
3. My main responsibilities are making sure Helper waves run smoothly, along with helping out both mentors and Srmods where necessary. Thinking of new ideas and keeping our tools fresh and up-to-date is also something I'm striving towards.
4. Not much, I usually wake up and go to school. When I get home I try to prioritize my work here on Cube and if I'm done with my tasks I'll either work a little longer or of course make my homework, chill a bit, etc...
5. The people around me. I can ensure you that this team works extremely hard to accomplish a lot of different goals. I am extremely proud of those people and I am grateful I get to be a part of this team!
6. There are always downsides to your work. Most of it I cannot talk too much about, though in general, I can get quite grumpy when things get delayed due to external reasons out of our hands.
7. All sorts. Within my work, mainly angry applicants who got denied. There are always different situations that may occur but our team is always prepared to tackle those.
8. Mainly the final decisions about a project or discussion, though of course during the process I help along as well!
9. Never change yourself for this position. In general, a lot of people who get denied for something usually tend to put the blame on other people. It's like when you lose a game and blame your teammate for being bad. Being able to reflect on yourself is an amazing characteristic. Appreciate yourself for who you are, while still being strict enough to yourself. You can't put the blame on everyone around you but you also can't put all the blame on yourself and put yourself in a corner. A healthy dosage between the two is an amazing balance that will bring you very far in life. If you are able to analyze yourself, you are definitely able to figure out where you can improve and become the best version of yourself. On top of that, never give up. I got denied six times before I got a shot at the Helper trial, which then took me three months to get to Mod. It has been a rollercoaster, but I did not regret a single moment and would've happily applied a million times. If this is truly what you want, go for it. If you want to help out people, help out Cube, spend a portion of your day trying to help others and yourself become your best version, it will absolutely pay off. As long as you are able to have that self-knowledge I talked about earlier, all will be fine. Trust the process, work hard, remain active and most importantly, give it time. Rome wasn't built in a day ;))
1) I am a part of the Server Team, specifically I'm a Server Associate Producer. This means I play a role in creating updates or new content surrounding the server, while also listening to the views of the community. I'm very grateful to be able to work in such a wonderful team!
2) Honestly, I never thought I would be able to have the opportunity to make it this far, especially to such a lovely role. I remember in late 2017, when I first started playing regularly, I saw a few Admins in the Winter Lobby on Java and thought that their job seemed so exciting. However, even then as a 13 year old I thought that I would never have the ability to even get close to such a position and that thought stuck with me even as a Moderator.
3) Absolutely, I loved all of the Senior Moderator responsibilities, as well as being able to work alongside dedicated Moderators. It's a shame it had to end so soon in some respect, but I'm very excited and happy to be able to move forward with new opportunities within this role that simply wasn't apart of my tasks as a Moderator.
4) I have too many memories to specifically mention one, as I have been in the community for such a long time and have met some amazing people! Although, the most enjoyable occasions probably have been simply sitting in calls or parties and chatting, I still look forward to these days.
2. I'm mainly engaged in the infrastructure team, as my job title suggests. I have also done web stuff, for example updating the partners site (the site on which you can apply for youtube rank).
3. At this moment, for the infrastructure team, I don't have many responsibilities, as for me, it's just the creation of applications, not much maintenance. I do have the responsibility of keeping the partners site, and all of its components (which I'm not sure I can tell you about) working.
4. Well, what I haven't told you, is that I'm still in high school. For the Dutchies, I'm in the 5th grade of HAVO ;). This means that, on a normal day, I'm at school until about 3 PM. The life you may know me from (on CubeCraft) starts at 3 PM. I usually site behind my computer from 3 to 7 (with breaks of course), and after dinner, I'll keep doing that until about 9-10 PM (if I don't have football training). During the weekends, I also spend a lot of time coding.
5. I really like the flexibility. I basically work whenever I want to (with a set goal of hours, of course). This means I can do school normally, while also having a super-cool job.
6. Of course, the job is all online. It would be cool to actually meet some of the people I'm working with in real life. I actually did that a few times, going to the fair or doing other fun things. Still, it would be fun to meet a lot more :).
7. As for problems while coding, there are a lot! Luckily there are colleagues to help out, and also the internet. Bigger problems would be combining school and my jobs here. I can get a little too focused on coding, that I forget my school work :P.
8. The decisions I make will probably not affect users as much as you'd think. The way it's currently going, I only make decisions on the implementation of certain features, not the features themselves. For example, when coding certain features, I think about how the data fits best into the database. Then we discuss that for a little and make a decision together.
9. My job is a lot different than a moderator's job on the network. I'd say: think about what you're good at and what you're trying to become. For example, applying to become a developer is of no use, if you're not able to code and are not willing to learn it. That's the same as becoming a moderator when you don't want to communicate with other people. CubeCraft (Ziax) is also a company that's very focused on your own willingness to learn stuff and improve yourself. When you want to apply to be a developer for CubeCraft, it's not strictly necessary to be the best coder around, you also need to be willing to improve and learn in the process of working here.
2. As I've said above, currently I work with other Designers to create Marketplace content. I have worked with the Translation Team in the past. However, I am very open on the forums and in our team channels, so I constantly interact with all subteams of Team CubeCraft.
3. My main responsibility is to write and optimize function files. My role is called "Redstone Engineer" but I don't think I've used a single redstone component in months now. As a project progresses, it goes through intensive testing and I will often receive feedback from the QA team and possibly also from other staff members such as Designers, Senior Designers and Admins. To put it simply: myself and other Redstone Engineers write Minecraft commands to enhance the player's experience.
4. What is a typical day like for me? Hmmm... I'm not a full-time Designer, not even close! I work for around about 20-25 hours every month. Though, the most I've worked for CubeCraft in a single day was 10 hours total! Still proud of that haha. Whenever I sit down and work for Cube, I'll usually put on a Spotify playlist, change my Discord status and open Notion and Slack so I have everything I need within arm's reach. The vast majority of Designers work only in their spare time, as many (including myself) still go to school and have other responsibilities.
5. I love the satisfaction I get from finally finishing projects or just finishing features within a project. Especially if it takes a lot of effort and time. The freedom we get when implementing features is also a big one! We don't receive a document with every single detail laid out for us. We get to decide on details such as sound effects, chat messages, animations and more, so we can still give a project our own little twist whilst also still making sure it has a CubeCraft feel to it.
6. Working for CubeCraft can be stressful. Don't get me wrong - I love every second of it and there's an amazing team spirit, but projects usually still have some sort of deadline. When projects get dragged out for longer than first anticipated, it is tough to keep putting your passion into it. All of my projects I put love and passion into, but I am also relieved when a project is shipped to Microsoft and later released to the Marketplace. That means I can move on to something new and can start from scratch again!
7. Aside from fixing bugs and glitches in my own code, I also have to sometimes work around bugs in Minecraft. For example, teleporting a player into unloaded chunks won't load those chunks immediately. There are a few ticks in-between teleporting and loading the chunks, which can cause problems for some systems. While working as a Redstone Engineer I've gotten to know Minecraft's quirks on a whole new level!
8. Aside from getting the freedom to decide on tiny aspects of a project ourselves, sometimes we get the freedom to completely take control of a project, or we can bring our own ideas to the table. One of my ideas became reality when King of the Poo was created - not one of our strongest projects, but definitely a fun game to play with friends! However, we have a Notion page where we can dump all our project ideas! I also remember when Soulless_Unity became an associate producer, I got to give general feedback to help and improve how the team works internally. I didn't get to make a final decision obviously, but our opinions were asked and, I assume, taken into consideration!
9. Is it really what you want or do you just want a rank that makes you stand out? Being a part of Team CubeCraft isn't just receiving a rank and getting attention from everyone, it is about working together with over a hundred other staff members to contribute to the server and guarantee that it remains the high-quality network that it is today. Also, be yourself: have your own identity and be proud of who you are! Be enthusiastic and passionate about what you are doing.
2) When i got Helper It was amazing, Seeing all the people in the Community Happy & Excited to see how my helper trial goes was really nice and kind to see
3) I was not expecting to get helper at all, after my interview i was expecting to see the [Denied] Tag on my application but when i saw the [Successful] Tag it really shocked and surprised me, i even refreshed the page multiple times because i thought it was bugged, but it was not bugged and i did in fact make it to helper
4) I have always wanted to become a cubecraft Helper ever since i came back to cubecraft in May 2020, It was nearly 2 years since i first applied when i was accepted for Helper. Ive always wanted to Help the community and ive wanted to Help moderate bedrock as there has been small levels of bedrock staff members for a while
5) I believe Cubecraft in its current state is fine as it is :D
6) I am loving the helper Trial, The Moderators and higher staff are being really helpful and answering my questions when i have any when its regarding the server or any questions from staff help that i dont fully know the answer too
8) The staff team have been Really friendly towards me :D they're not as scary as people think they are, Once you get to know them they can be really lovely and nice people
9) My advice to any future Helpers would be to Never give up even if you are denied, Take your denial as a Good thing rather than a Negative thing. Keep on Trying and keep on Improving on what your denial reason is and It can turn into an Acceptance. I personally thought i would never get accepted but i persevered and kept going, Kept improving and the denial Turned into an Acceptance, Never give up on your dream if you would like to become a helper!
1) My most played Game was Line dash before it was Taken out, i had 14175 wins on the game before it was taken out
2) i am the biggest noob at Parkour as thats the one thing i cant do in Minecraft
3) I have a few in game friends but some of my best friends from the server have sadly moved on from Cubecraft but i am still in contact with them through platforms like discord and Instagram
4) I have some amazing memories with my good friends CallMeFortex and TeeJustMe when we would play Line dash all day during the First covid Lockdown, it really made things better and brought fun to my life and also When i met Ckelting262 in an External Community related to Cubecraft Called Child Punchers guild It has been great working with him and it has allowed me to Meet some amazing people in the Community who i am glad i have met
5) i like the discord server the most as its where i can interact with the Community more and find out about other players Experiences on the server
When the Cubecraft Times was a thing I did interviews. It disbanded before I could publish all of my interviews. So I will post them below if anyone is interested. Unfortunetly all but one are still staff members

I didn't go through all the articles to see which ones were posted, but I'll post them anyway so you can read them all. Have fun.
- What is your role at Cubecraft games?
- What teams are you mainly engaged with?
- What are your main responsibilities?
- What is a typical day like for you?
- What do you like most about your work?
- What do you like least about your work?
- What kinds of problems do you deal with?
- What kinds of decisions do you make?
- What would your advice be to anyone wanting to become staff at Cubecraft games?
1. At CubeCraft Games, I'm a Server Associate Producer and Creative Writer, which means that I mainly work on Game and Server projects, going out to the community and looking at their suggestions for any of our games!
2. I'm very involved with the Server Team, which includes all the people that also focus mainly on making our Games and the Server better. Next to that, I oftentimes talk to Developers to make sure everything works out the way we want it to work out!
3. My main responsibility is communicating between multiple people, leading Game and Server projects and communicating with the community!
4. I really like sleeping haha, so I normally wake up at around 10 am. After that, I get up to walk the dog and make myself some breakfast, normally something that doesn't take too much time to prepare, like toast. And lastly, I go upstairs to my workspace to start work on running projects!
5. Definitely talking to many people on the team and working together with all these awesome people!
6. I haven't found something that I dislike about my work just yet haha.
7. Lots of different problems, all of them being dealt with in a different way as well which is interesting. Some require special attention from different departments and some of them I can solve myself!
8. I get to decide quite a few things when it comes down to the projects I'm working on! It's exciting but also scary!
9. It's important that you're dedicated to what you're doing, that will get you far. If you love what you do, it'll show in the work you deliver.
- What is your role at Cubecraft games?
- What teams are you mainly engaged with?
- What are your main responsibilities?
- What is a typical day like for you?
- What do you like most about your work?
- What do you like least about your work?
- What kinds of problems do you deal with?
- What kinds of decisions do you make?
- What would your advice be to anyone wanting to become staff at Cubecraft games
1. My role at CubeCraft Games is Server Design & Content Producer, this means I lead design over both Java/Bedrock (excluding maps) so I help guide designers when creating art for the servers and also make some myself. Additionally I lead content which is our ranks, loot and other monetized content.
2. I'm sort of a 50/50 split between the design team and server team, all the design admins generally share the same team of artists so we communicate often about who is doing what and where their skills are best put to use.
3. The main responsibilities of my role are improving our server design, this could be our loot by constantly innovating our loot types or bundles, or pushing more design elements into our gamemodes.
My other responsibility is supplying growth to the network through monetization, due to our games being entirely free to play we need to sell things in order to stay online and continue to make more and more free content for everyone and grow the network. It's quite an important element of online games, for this position I analyze a lot of data in our sales to decide what players are most interested in when it comes to ranks/cosmetics and provide those to the community.
4. A typical day for me would be checking on all our content or design projects and making sure they are still moving forward, we track the progress of all our projects via Notion. (which is probably the best website/app ever made) Sometimes if there isn't much management required and projects are moving then I contribute some art/design to those projects or write up new specifications for future updates/ideas.
5. One of the best parts is coming up with some outlandish and wacky idea that everyone thinks is dumb, then executing it as best as I can to change everyone's mind, generally I get a lot of lee-way from other team members when it comes to being a perfectionist, people just let me go crazy and do overly detailed things because I come up with such wacky ideas.
Seeing people compliment a loot item I spent like 14 hours of my life on is very satisfying, or saying they loved a bundle/rank that I spent 70+ hours of my life stressing over messing up is one of my life joys at the moment. The stressful heat of projects is almost always worth it when it goes out and people love it.
Also looking at like loads and loads of sales data & creating cool prediction tables is super fun, it- it doesn't sound like it but trust me it is.
6. It can be pretty stressful, as I said above about monetization being super important to online games (especially free ones), this also goes both ways, in that if it goes poorly then it badly impacts the entire network, it can negate important growth that we really need for the server to continue thriving. I've had a lot of stressful nights making sure things are always going well, but bad moments make the good moments so much better in my opinion.
7. skip this, above question basically answers this
8. also this one as I sort of answered it
9. I have a LOT of advice for aspiring team members, mainly because I've been in this community for nearly all of its existence and been part of the team for a long time. Not only that but I've changed quite a lot, at some points I was toxic and was moved down from Admin, at other points I was inactive and uncommunicative. But I've recovered quite a lot from these things, I think it's possible for everyone to become a team member no matter how badly you view yourself or your behavior.
The main thing is changing who you are now, people may not let you change and that's fine, that's up to them but you do it anyways, because their opinion of you will adapt over time, people are more open to change than you think they are.
My second piece of advice is to be more open minded, people are incredibly complicated, nothing is black and white and it'll take you probably a hundred years to understand 10% of people and what's really going through their mind. That's why listening and thinking before speaking to people is important, most things can be talked out. Just ask questions, respond appropriately and assume good in people, most people are not deliberately mean, it's likely a communication error and they don't mean it.
- What is your role at Cubecraft games?
- What teams are you mainly engaged with?
- What are your main responsibilities?
- What is a typical day like for you?
- What do you like most about your work?
- What do you like least about your work?
- What kinds of problems do you deal with?
- What kinds of decisions do you make?
- What would your advice be to anyone wanting to become staff at Cubecraft games
- Customer Support Lead & Partner Management
2. What teams are you mainly engaged with?
- When it comes to my role, I have to work with many different departments, including our marketing, bugs team, development, sales/business, and customer support departments. This could be for something as simple as scheduling a new Twitter post featuring one of our Partners, or it could be for assistance with a support ticket.
3. What are your main responsibilities?
- My primary responsibilities include:
- Responding to support tickets
- Managing the support team, making sure we have everything we need to work efficiently.
- Managing Partner applications
- Keeping track of Partner activity and potential future Partners
- Interacting with Partners when they join the network
- Keeping track of the latest and top CubeCraft content across YouTube and Twitch
- Coming up with new ways for our Partners to get involved, such as commands and features.
4. What is a typical day like for you?
- A typical day for me, hmmm, well that's somewhat hard for me to explain as every day is different! Usually, from around 10 am I go through all support tickets that we have open. These could be about anything from appeals, bug reports, or inquiries about the network. Once I've gone through and complete all the leftover tickets, I enable live chat. This way, players can contact us and get instant support. While live chat is running and I am waiting for a new ticket, I usually check Partner applications to see if an applicant fits the programme. I also have quite a few meetings during the week, ranging from anything Ziax or CubeCraft related.
5. What do you like most about your work?
- If I had to pick just one thing, it would have to be engaging with the fantastic CubeCraft community. Without our community by our side, CubeCraft would cease to exist, which is why I like to spend as much time as possible interacting with them instead of lurking in the shadows. Also, going to the office. This one might sound weird but when you're in the office it's like you're just working together with a group of friends. Everybody knows everyone and it's a great place to work (and there is air conditioning!).
6. What do you like least about your work?
- There isn't anything!
7. What kinds of problems do you deal with?
- (answered within question 4)
8. What kinds of decisions do you make?
- It's usually choosing what Partner to promote on our social media pages, what video to choose from them etc. There are times when deciding who gets into the programme can be rather challenging, with Partners meeting the requirements but their channel not being a good fit within the programme. Also, I decide on in-game stuff and website-related stuff that might help benefit the CubeCraft community, including our Partners.
9. What would your advice be to anyone wanting to become staff at CubeCraft games?
- If I had to give one word of advice to someone trying to apply, it would be "just be yourself". Being you is the best thing you can do when applying for a role within a community-based company, and it shows. We have a somewhat mixed bag of staff, all with unusual hobbies and favourite things to do. It's best not to act like someone who you're not, especially if you're trying to impress. It's easy to tell and very noticeable.
I think that's everything you're after, there are a few things I cannot go into detail with, however, I'd say I've provided enough information for you.
Edit: I am also part of the server team, helping to create amazing new experiences for our community, including game updates, passing over suggestions and ideas from the forums, and more.

- What is your role at Cubecraft games?
- What teams are you mainly engaged with?
- What are your main responsibilities?
- What is a typical day like for you?
- What do you like most about your work?
- What do you like least about your work?
- What kinds of problems do you deal with?
- What kinds of decisions do you make?
- What would your advice be to anyone wanting to become staff at Cubecraft games
2. I am mainly engaged with the mentor team and our recruitment team
3. My main responsibilities are making sure Helper waves run smoothly, along with helping out both mentors and Srmods where necessary. Thinking of new ideas and keeping our tools fresh and up-to-date is also something I'm striving towards.
4. Not much, I usually wake up and go to school. When I get home I try to prioritize my work here on Cube and if I'm done with my tasks I'll either work a little longer or of course make my homework, chill a bit, etc...
5. The people around me. I can ensure you that this team works extremely hard to accomplish a lot of different goals. I am extremely proud of those people and I am grateful I get to be a part of this team!
6. There are always downsides to your work. Most of it I cannot talk too much about, though in general, I can get quite grumpy when things get delayed due to external reasons out of our hands.
7. All sorts. Within my work, mainly angry applicants who got denied. There are always different situations that may occur but our team is always prepared to tackle those.
8. Mainly the final decisions about a project or discussion, though of course during the process I help along as well!
9. Never change yourself for this position. In general, a lot of people who get denied for something usually tend to put the blame on other people. It's like when you lose a game and blame your teammate for being bad. Being able to reflect on yourself is an amazing characteristic. Appreciate yourself for who you are, while still being strict enough to yourself. You can't put the blame on everyone around you but you also can't put all the blame on yourself and put yourself in a corner. A healthy dosage between the two is an amazing balance that will bring you very far in life. If you are able to analyze yourself, you are definitely able to figure out where you can improve and become the best version of yourself. On top of that, never give up. I got denied six times before I got a shot at the Helper trial, which then took me three months to get to Mod. It has been a rollercoaster, but I did not regret a single moment and would've happily applied a million times. If this is truly what you want, go for it. If you want to help out people, help out Cube, spend a portion of your day trying to help others and yourself become your best version, it will absolutely pay off. As long as you are able to have that self-knowledge I talked about earlier, all will be fine. Trust the process, work hard, remain active and most importantly, give it time. Rome wasn't built in a day ;))
- What is your specific role for CubeCraft Games?
- Did you always want to be a CubeCraft admin?
- Are you going to miss your responsiblities as Sr mod?
- Do you have any really great memories of CubeCraft, like a specific time playing with friends?
2) Honestly, I never thought I would be able to have the opportunity to make it this far, especially to such a lovely role. I remember in late 2017, when I first started playing regularly, I saw a few Admins in the Winter Lobby on Java and thought that their job seemed so exciting. However, even then as a 13 year old I thought that I would never have the ability to even get close to such a position and that thought stuck with me even as a Moderator.
3) Absolutely, I loved all of the Senior Moderator responsibilities, as well as being able to work alongside dedicated Moderators. It's a shame it had to end so soon in some respect, but I'm very excited and happy to be able to move forward with new opportunities within this role that simply wasn't apart of my tasks as a Moderator.
4) I have too many memories to specifically mention one, as I have been in the community for such a long time and have met some amazing people! Although, the most enjoyable occasions probably have been simply sitting in calls or parties and chatting, I still look forward to these days.
- What is your role at Cubecraft games?
- What teams are you mainly engaged with?
- What are your main responsibilities?
- What is a typical day like for you?
- What do you like most about your work?
- What do you like least about your work?
- What kinds of problems do you deal with?
- What kinds of decisions do you make?
- What would your advice be to anyone wanting to become staff at Cubecraft games
2. I'm mainly engaged in the infrastructure team, as my job title suggests. I have also done web stuff, for example updating the partners site (the site on which you can apply for youtube rank).
3. At this moment, for the infrastructure team, I don't have many responsibilities, as for me, it's just the creation of applications, not much maintenance. I do have the responsibility of keeping the partners site, and all of its components (which I'm not sure I can tell you about) working.
4. Well, what I haven't told you, is that I'm still in high school. For the Dutchies, I'm in the 5th grade of HAVO ;). This means that, on a normal day, I'm at school until about 3 PM. The life you may know me from (on CubeCraft) starts at 3 PM. I usually site behind my computer from 3 to 7 (with breaks of course), and after dinner, I'll keep doing that until about 9-10 PM (if I don't have football training). During the weekends, I also spend a lot of time coding.
5. I really like the flexibility. I basically work whenever I want to (with a set goal of hours, of course). This means I can do school normally, while also having a super-cool job.
6. Of course, the job is all online. It would be cool to actually meet some of the people I'm working with in real life. I actually did that a few times, going to the fair or doing other fun things. Still, it would be fun to meet a lot more :).
7. As for problems while coding, there are a lot! Luckily there are colleagues to help out, and also the internet. Bigger problems would be combining school and my jobs here. I can get a little too focused on coding, that I forget my school work :P.
8. The decisions I make will probably not affect users as much as you'd think. The way it's currently going, I only make decisions on the implementation of certain features, not the features themselves. For example, when coding certain features, I think about how the data fits best into the database. Then we discuss that for a little and make a decision together.
9. My job is a lot different than a moderator's job on the network. I'd say: think about what you're good at and what you're trying to become. For example, applying to become a developer is of no use, if you're not able to code and are not willing to learn it. That's the same as becoming a moderator when you don't want to communicate with other people. CubeCraft (Ziax) is also a company that's very focused on your own willingness to learn stuff and improve yourself. When you want to apply to be a developer for CubeCraft, it's not strictly necessary to be the best coder around, you also need to be willing to improve and learn in the process of working here.
- What is your role at Cubecraft games?
- What teams are you mainly engaged with?
- What are your main responsibilities?
- What is a typical day like for you?
- What do you like most about your work?
- What do you like least about your work?
- What kinds of problems do you deal with?
- What kinds of decisions do you make?
- What would your advice be to anyone wanting to become staff at Cubecraft games
2. As I've said above, currently I work with other Designers to create Marketplace content. I have worked with the Translation Team in the past. However, I am very open on the forums and in our team channels, so I constantly interact with all subteams of Team CubeCraft.
3. My main responsibility is to write and optimize function files. My role is called "Redstone Engineer" but I don't think I've used a single redstone component in months now. As a project progresses, it goes through intensive testing and I will often receive feedback from the QA team and possibly also from other staff members such as Designers, Senior Designers and Admins. To put it simply: myself and other Redstone Engineers write Minecraft commands to enhance the player's experience.
4. What is a typical day like for me? Hmmm... I'm not a full-time Designer, not even close! I work for around about 20-25 hours every month. Though, the most I've worked for CubeCraft in a single day was 10 hours total! Still proud of that haha. Whenever I sit down and work for Cube, I'll usually put on a Spotify playlist, change my Discord status and open Notion and Slack so I have everything I need within arm's reach. The vast majority of Designers work only in their spare time, as many (including myself) still go to school and have other responsibilities.
5. I love the satisfaction I get from finally finishing projects or just finishing features within a project. Especially if it takes a lot of effort and time. The freedom we get when implementing features is also a big one! We don't receive a document with every single detail laid out for us. We get to decide on details such as sound effects, chat messages, animations and more, so we can still give a project our own little twist whilst also still making sure it has a CubeCraft feel to it.
6. Working for CubeCraft can be stressful. Don't get me wrong - I love every second of it and there's an amazing team spirit, but projects usually still have some sort of deadline. When projects get dragged out for longer than first anticipated, it is tough to keep putting your passion into it. All of my projects I put love and passion into, but I am also relieved when a project is shipped to Microsoft and later released to the Marketplace. That means I can move on to something new and can start from scratch again!
7. Aside from fixing bugs and glitches in my own code, I also have to sometimes work around bugs in Minecraft. For example, teleporting a player into unloaded chunks won't load those chunks immediately. There are a few ticks in-between teleporting and loading the chunks, which can cause problems for some systems. While working as a Redstone Engineer I've gotten to know Minecraft's quirks on a whole new level!
8. Aside from getting the freedom to decide on tiny aspects of a project ourselves, sometimes we get the freedom to completely take control of a project, or we can bring our own ideas to the table. One of my ideas became reality when King of the Poo was created - not one of our strongest projects, but definitely a fun game to play with friends! However, we have a Notion page where we can dump all our project ideas! I also remember when Soulless_Unity became an associate producer, I got to give general feedback to help and improve how the team works internally. I didn't get to make a final decision obviously, but our opinions were asked and, I assume, taken into consideration!
9. Is it really what you want or do you just want a rank that makes you stand out? Being a part of Team CubeCraft isn't just receiving a rank and getting attention from everyone, it is about working together with over a hundred other staff members to contribute to the server and guarantee that it remains the high-quality network that it is today. Also, be yourself: have your own identity and be proud of who you are! Be enthusiastic and passionate about what you are doing.
What is your role at CubeCraft Games; what does it entail?
Hai, my name is Lyra and I’m a Moderator at CubeCraft Games. I think the role of a Moderator is pretty self-explanatory, but basically I make sure that anyone who breaks the rules is getting punished accordingly, and I help out the community wherever possible.
Did you expect to get Helper when you applied and were interviewed?
When I applied I honestly had no idea - I was terrified that I would accidentally say or do something out of line and get denied. But after a week or so I started feeling more positive and confident about it. At the time of my interview I was okay since I knew I’d already gotten quite far, though I was worried about the interview itself since I knew it might change everything. Thankfully, not too long after that I found out that I’d been accepted, so there really wasn’t anything to worry about after all!
Did you always want to be a CubeCraft Helper?
I haven’t always, but my interest in becoming a Helper did start as early as Summer 2020, which may come as a bit of a surprise! A close friend of mine wanted to become a Helper and encouraged me to go for it as well, so it was initially something that I thought we could do together. But honestly I just wasn’t ready at the time, and it was only recently when I finally felt I was confident and experienced enough to apply.
Did you enjoy the CubeCraft Helper trial?
Yes, the trial was overall really enjoyable and I’ve gained a lot of amazing memories from it. I can’t go into too much detail about the trial itself, but I think my favourite part was getting the confidence to complete my tasks to the fullest, such as being able to answer questions in #staff-help since that was initially the scariest thing for me. It was definitely challenging at times, but I feel like it was designed to push me out of my comfort zone a little bit. I hope that I’ve now become someone that the community as well as other staff members can rely on, and I’m proud of that along with my other accomplishments.
Are the staff team really as scary as they seem?
Of course not, we’re all just humans like the rest of you! The only staff member who I can think of as even remotely scary is Pineapple, but luckily I can protect you from him if you happen to run into him. All jokes aside, the staff members at CubeCraft are some of the most friendly, hard-working and accepting people ever, and I’m extremely glad to have met them!
What would be your advice to aspiring Helpers and Moderators?
I would just want to make sure that anyone looking to apply has an idea of what they’re getting themselves into, since it can be quite hard to piece it together from the outside, and it’s hard for us to tell you about it without revealing something we shouldn’t. I think that being a staff member requires a lot of quick-thinking and dedication and, especially as a Helper, you’ll need to be ready to learn and ready to make mistakes. Even if you think you know everything there is to know, I can guarantee you that there will be more. Ultimately, I think you need to be able to find a good balance between working well as a team and getting by on your own.
I’m not saying this to discourage anyone from applying - being a staff member can be very rewarding and it’s definitely worth it if you’re interested. I just tend to favour more practical and unique advice over something you might just hear from anyone. A lot of people also tell me that they’re scared of the interview, to which I’m only able to say that it isn’t difficult and you’ll be completely fine. Generally, I tend to value people who are nervous about something but are able to push through it and progress a lot more than those who try to hide what they struggle with, or don’t believe in themselves enough.
What are your favourite and least favourite games and why?
At the moment my favourite game is Lucky Islands, because I love the luck-based parts of it. You could play on the same map twice but get a whole different set of items, completely changing up how you play the game and which strategies you use. On the other hand, my least favourite game and the one that I’m worst at is FFA, and I usually avoid playing it at all costs. I’m not a fan of most types of games that are just full-on PvP, it’s really not my style.
Do you have any really great memories of CubeCraft, like a specific time playing with friends?
Too many to count! However, I could share some highlights. One of my top memories would be my wedding with @EntityDaphne, where a bunch of our friends got into a call and basically messed around on the SkyWars Paris map for an hour. I also enjoyed participating in the very first community games of 2022, and to my surprise I was also one of the winners of the raffle! To be honest, any time where I’m given the opportunity to call and play games is usually pretty high up on my list, so if you’re ever interested in doing something like that then please let me know, I’ll find time!
Hai, my name is Lyra and I’m a Moderator at CubeCraft Games. I think the role of a Moderator is pretty self-explanatory, but basically I make sure that anyone who breaks the rules is getting punished accordingly, and I help out the community wherever possible.
Did you expect to get Helper when you applied and were interviewed?
When I applied I honestly had no idea - I was terrified that I would accidentally say or do something out of line and get denied. But after a week or so I started feeling more positive and confident about it. At the time of my interview I was okay since I knew I’d already gotten quite far, though I was worried about the interview itself since I knew it might change everything. Thankfully, not too long after that I found out that I’d been accepted, so there really wasn’t anything to worry about after all!
Did you always want to be a CubeCraft Helper?
I haven’t always, but my interest in becoming a Helper did start as early as Summer 2020, which may come as a bit of a surprise! A close friend of mine wanted to become a Helper and encouraged me to go for it as well, so it was initially something that I thought we could do together. But honestly I just wasn’t ready at the time, and it was only recently when I finally felt I was confident and experienced enough to apply.
Did you enjoy the CubeCraft Helper trial?
Yes, the trial was overall really enjoyable and I’ve gained a lot of amazing memories from it. I can’t go into too much detail about the trial itself, but I think my favourite part was getting the confidence to complete my tasks to the fullest, such as being able to answer questions in #staff-help since that was initially the scariest thing for me. It was definitely challenging at times, but I feel like it was designed to push me out of my comfort zone a little bit. I hope that I’ve now become someone that the community as well as other staff members can rely on, and I’m proud of that along with my other accomplishments.
Are the staff team really as scary as they seem?
Of course not, we’re all just humans like the rest of you! The only staff member who I can think of as even remotely scary is Pineapple, but luckily I can protect you from him if you happen to run into him. All jokes aside, the staff members at CubeCraft are some of the most friendly, hard-working and accepting people ever, and I’m extremely glad to have met them!
What would be your advice to aspiring Helpers and Moderators?
I would just want to make sure that anyone looking to apply has an idea of what they’re getting themselves into, since it can be quite hard to piece it together from the outside, and it’s hard for us to tell you about it without revealing something we shouldn’t. I think that being a staff member requires a lot of quick-thinking and dedication and, especially as a Helper, you’ll need to be ready to learn and ready to make mistakes. Even if you think you know everything there is to know, I can guarantee you that there will be more. Ultimately, I think you need to be able to find a good balance between working well as a team and getting by on your own.
I’m not saying this to discourage anyone from applying - being a staff member can be very rewarding and it’s definitely worth it if you’re interested. I just tend to favour more practical and unique advice over something you might just hear from anyone. A lot of people also tell me that they’re scared of the interview, to which I’m only able to say that it isn’t difficult and you’ll be completely fine. Generally, I tend to value people who are nervous about something but are able to push through it and progress a lot more than those who try to hide what they struggle with, or don’t believe in themselves enough.
What are your favourite and least favourite games and why?
At the moment my favourite game is Lucky Islands, because I love the luck-based parts of it. You could play on the same map twice but get a whole different set of items, completely changing up how you play the game and which strategies you use. On the other hand, my least favourite game and the one that I’m worst at is FFA, and I usually avoid playing it at all costs. I’m not a fan of most types of games that are just full-on PvP, it’s really not my style.
Do you have any really great memories of CubeCraft, like a specific time playing with friends?
Too many to count! However, I could share some highlights. One of my top memories would be my wedding with @EntityDaphne, where a bunch of our friends got into a call and basically messed around on the SkyWars Paris map for an hour. I also enjoyed participating in the very first community games of 2022, and to my surprise I was also one of the winners of the raffle! To be honest, any time where I’m given the opportunity to call and play games is usually pretty high up on my list, so if you’re ever interested in doing something like that then please let me know, I’ll find time!
- What is your role at CubeCraft Games; what does it entail?
- Were you overwhelmed when you became helper/moderator, how did it feel?
- Did you expect to get helper when you applied and were interviewed?
- Did you always want to be a CubeCraft helper?
- Is there any specific thing you’d love CubeCraft to change or focus more on?
- Did you enjoy the CubeCraft helper trial?
- Was there any great challenges during your helper trial?
- Are the staff team really as scary as they seem?
- What would be your advice to aspiring helpers and moderators?
- What is your most played game, what game do you have the most wins in?
- What game are you noobiest at?
- How many friends do you have in game?
- Do you have any really great memories of CubeCraft, like a specific time playing with friends?
- What is your role at CubeCraft Games; what does it entail?
Not so long ago I've been promoted from Helper to Mod, so as of now, my responsibilities include moderating our networks (handling in-game reports and appeals, as well as actively moderating on Discord and here on the forums), being a go-to person for any player or community member that needs help with their questions or issues, and finally, interact and communicate with our playerbase in general on our networks. At least that's how I see it. Moderate - help - interact. Oh and of course, have fun! - Were you overwhelmed when you became helper/moderator, how did it feel?
It's been a very exciting experience. Whenever I would receive a response to my Helper application a while ago, I would be so enthusiastic, that nothing could break my mood :b. But honestly, I also felt relieved along with each promotion, since I never really seemed to be able to estimate what would happen.
The first days after each promotion have been quite the experience - hectic but very enjoyable at the same time. - Did you expect to get helper when you applied and were interviewed?
I actually felt quite unsure about the interview. I kept overthinking the responses I gave to some questions, and what I could've said better. So no, I actually didn't expect to get Helper, but the only thing I could do was to wait it out patiently. Then all of a sudden, I got the news that I would become a Helper. It felt amazing. - Did you always want to be a CubeCraft helper?
I actually didn't. I used to just enjoy my time on the server here with some of my high school friends, we were all just some noobs that only played Lucky Islands. When I think back to those times, it does give me some type of nostalgia feels. It was only when I noticed the recruitment revamp thread on the forums during quarantine time that I caught some interest in the role. This interest didn't last long however, because of some other activities I was doing back then. I started becoming interested again when some of my friends said I should go for Helper, in October last year. And well, here I am now :)
- Did you enjoy the CubeCraft helper trial?
It was an amazingly enjoyable period, but mostly thanks to the people that made it possible, put their time and effort into us Helpers and support us no matter what - you know who you are. It's very interesting and meaningful to get involved in something you've been doing in your free time for quite some time from a different, more internal perspective. This was also what I wanted to accomplish - I wanted to add more variation to all the hours I spent on CubeCraft every day, it seemed like so much fun. - Were there any great challenges during your helper trial?
I wouldn't be able to name any specific great challenges, though sometimes I wouldn't reach the goals I was aiming for, which would consequently stress me out a bit. Luckily I was guided by amazing mentors and Sr. Mods, not to forget the support from my fellow Helpers Lyriie and Jiivan. A big challenge for every Helper is of course the final test, which will decide whether you get promoted or not. - Are the staff team really as scary as they seem?
Wait... we seem SCARY? Not at all, though I must admit that I've already partially forgotten how I would perceive staff members as a community member myself. I guess every moderator is a different person, but we're a team working for the same cause. I personally like to socialize with players in-game, that way you really get to know a different side of the playerbase. Since not all players are in our Discord server or on the forums, I like to make them feel welcome regardless! - What would be your advice to aspiring helpers and moderators?
Take your time. Don't feel urged to have to apply as soon as possible, but take it slow and enjoy your time on the server. Only by taking it slow, you'll find out if you actually want to go for the role. And secondly, spend some time on your application. I personally started writing my application about a week before I actually applied, slowly adding or correcting things that came to mind. This way you won't be regretting forgetting to add certain things if you write your application and apply in one take. It also made me personally feel more relaxed and prepared.
- What is your most played game, and what game do you have the most wins in?
My most played game is by far Team Lucky Islands, with 13 days, 9 hours and 10 minutes at the time of writing this. I like to play a mix of different games, though this time can be explained by my early years on CubeCraft in which I played this game mode only. I have the most wins in PvP Duels, with 1876 wins at the time of writing this. I like to play Duels to train my PvP skills a bit :D - What game are you noobiest at?
Well, if I had to choose I'd say either Tower Defence or EggWars. I don't play those games often, especially Tower Defence. It's such a unique game in which a lot of strategies can be used. I like to play the game from time to time but then I usually get carried by someone who knows more about it and tells me what to do xD
- How many friends do you have in-game?
I currently have, let me check... 101 friends on my /f list. - Do you have any really great memories of CubeCraft, like a specific time playing with friends?
Honestly, I do, in my early years, I always played on the server with a good high school friend of mine, or with my brother. We almost always played Lucky Islands. I still remember getting hyped together when there appeared a map we liked on one of those join signs in the Lucky Islands lobby and trying to join at the same time since parties didn't exist at the time. Good times!
- What is your role at CubeCraft Games; what does it entail?
- Were you overwhelmed when you became helper, how did it feel?
- Did you expect to get helper when you applied and were interviewed?
- Did you always want to be a CubeCraft helper?
- Is there any specific thing you’d love CubeCraft to change or focus more on?
- Are you enjoying the CubeCraft helper trial?
- Was there any great challenges during your helper trial so far?
- Are the staff team really as scary as they seem?
- What would be your advice to aspiring helpers?
- What is your most played game, what game do you have the most wins in?
- What game are you noobiest at?
- How many friends do you have in game?
- Do you have any really great memories of CubeCraft, like a specific time playing with friends?
- Do you rather the forums, discord or server better?
2) When i got Helper It was amazing, Seeing all the people in the Community Happy & Excited to see how my helper trial goes was really nice and kind to see
3) I was not expecting to get helper at all, after my interview i was expecting to see the [Denied] Tag on my application but when i saw the [Successful] Tag it really shocked and surprised me, i even refreshed the page multiple times because i thought it was bugged, but it was not bugged and i did in fact make it to helper
4) I have always wanted to become a cubecraft Helper ever since i came back to cubecraft in May 2020, It was nearly 2 years since i first applied when i was accepted for Helper. Ive always wanted to Help the community and ive wanted to Help moderate bedrock as there has been small levels of bedrock staff members for a while
5) I believe Cubecraft in its current state is fine as it is :D
6) I am loving the helper Trial, The Moderators and higher staff are being really helpful and answering my questions when i have any when its regarding the server or any questions from staff help that i dont fully know the answer too
8) The staff team have been Really friendly towards me :D they're not as scary as people think they are, Once you get to know them they can be really lovely and nice people
9) My advice to any future Helpers would be to Never give up even if you are denied, Take your denial as a Good thing rather than a Negative thing. Keep on Trying and keep on Improving on what your denial reason is and It can turn into an Acceptance. I personally thought i would never get accepted but i persevered and kept going, Kept improving and the denial Turned into an Acceptance, Never give up on your dream if you would like to become a helper!
1) My most played Game was Line dash before it was Taken out, i had 14175 wins on the game before it was taken out
2) i am the biggest noob at Parkour as thats the one thing i cant do in Minecraft
3) I have a few in game friends but some of my best friends from the server have sadly moved on from Cubecraft but i am still in contact with them through platforms like discord and Instagram
4) I have some amazing memories with my good friends CallMeFortex and TeeJustMe when we would play Line dash all day during the First covid Lockdown, it really made things better and brought fun to my life and also When i met Ckelting262 in an External Community related to Cubecraft Called Child Punchers guild It has been great working with him and it has allowed me to Meet some amazing people in the Community who i am glad i have met
5) i like the discord server the most as its where i can interact with the Community more and find out about other players Experiences on the server
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