Hey guys, since I felt like my first introduction was quite basic & unprofessional, I make one again!
My name is Ahmed, but most people call me Cole since it's been my online name really.
I'm 15 years old and I have loved minecraft for a while now, I would say about 8 years now.
CubeCraft has been a really big thing for a really long time now and it's pretty cool how to see it evolving every day!
The first time joining CubeCraft was probably back in 2016/2017 when I bought Minecraft.
I had a emerald rank account but unfortunately my account got hacked. ):
Some more information about myself. I have 2 sisters and I live with my mom & stepdad.
I myself live in Belgium but my parents grew up and lived in Algeria. Which makes me speak Dutch, English, Arabic and French. When my real dad and mother met they decided to move to Belgium. Where they got my two sisters and me.
I'm the oldest of my siblings which one is my biological sister & the other one is from my stepdad, which makes it my half-sister.
Unfortunately my biological dad died when I was 9 years old and it really changed my life. It changed my perspective on things that I used to love.
So did it for me on Minecraft, Minecraft became instead of a joyfull adventure a escape from the real world.
I'm ofcourse okay about talking about my dad and I got over it so don't hesitate to ask anything about that topic! ^^
My youngest sister is about 1 year and 9 months old and is from my stepdad. My stepdad had want a kid his whole life and my mom provided him for that. The oldest sister I have is 14 and she is from my mom & biological dad. And Then you have me, the oldest of the 3.
How did the situation affect me, is what you're probably asking right now.
Like I said earlier, it changed my view on things in life. Sometimes bad, sometimes good. I started to skip school and just play video games instead.
It was such a mistake since I was still really young. People really disliked me because of that since I started acting really different and way more agressive/disrespectful. Which I totally didn't realise back then ofcourse. I had to talk to people I didn't even know but that didn't help. I didn't wanna open up to them and just told them what I told others. I added nothing to that story whatsoever .Because of that I really started blocking everyone out of my life and I only had a couple of close friends which I'm thankful for. They showed me faith & the love that I needed and they let me feel alive again. Sometime we don't say it enough to the people we love, but we really love them.
Many years have passed after that situation and I really changed as a person. I like to go skating with friends, have fun, and just try to enjoy life as long as I can! ( I really suck at skating tho ). I play minecraft sometimes too to pass the time if I have some free time. I also love to listen to music like Molcha, Artic Monkeys, Lil Peep, X, juice, and just really a lot of music. I love to play Minecraft too ofcourse and I'm really a pvper. Althought I am not really good, I still enjoy all the games in the server but I'm not that competitive.
As a person I really understand people and love to listen to people's issues and try to help them and make them feel better. So if you ever feel down a bit and just want a person to talk, feel free to send me a discord message. ( Colleeee#0001 ). I have met a bunch of bad situations in my life and fought thru them so I hope I'll be able to help some people that are feeling lonenly, sad, depressed or just some issues in real life.
I hope you enjoyed reading this second introduction.
Have an amazing day! I love you! :) <3
My name is Ahmed, but most people call me Cole since it's been my online name really.
I'm 15 years old and I have loved minecraft for a while now, I would say about 8 years now.
CubeCraft has been a really big thing for a really long time now and it's pretty cool how to see it evolving every day!
The first time joining CubeCraft was probably back in 2016/2017 when I bought Minecraft.
I had a emerald rank account but unfortunately my account got hacked. ):
Some more information about myself. I have 2 sisters and I live with my mom & stepdad.
I myself live in Belgium but my parents grew up and lived in Algeria. Which makes me speak Dutch, English, Arabic and French. When my real dad and mother met they decided to move to Belgium. Where they got my two sisters and me.
I'm the oldest of my siblings which one is my biological sister & the other one is from my stepdad, which makes it my half-sister.
Unfortunately my biological dad died when I was 9 years old and it really changed my life. It changed my perspective on things that I used to love.
So did it for me on Minecraft, Minecraft became instead of a joyfull adventure a escape from the real world.
I'm ofcourse okay about talking about my dad and I got over it so don't hesitate to ask anything about that topic! ^^
My youngest sister is about 1 year and 9 months old and is from my stepdad. My stepdad had want a kid his whole life and my mom provided him for that. The oldest sister I have is 14 and she is from my mom & biological dad. And Then you have me, the oldest of the 3.
How did the situation affect me, is what you're probably asking right now.
Like I said earlier, it changed my view on things in life. Sometimes bad, sometimes good. I started to skip school and just play video games instead.
It was such a mistake since I was still really young. People really disliked me because of that since I started acting really different and way more agressive/disrespectful. Which I totally didn't realise back then ofcourse. I had to talk to people I didn't even know but that didn't help. I didn't wanna open up to them and just told them what I told others. I added nothing to that story whatsoever .Because of that I really started blocking everyone out of my life and I only had a couple of close friends which I'm thankful for. They showed me faith & the love that I needed and they let me feel alive again. Sometime we don't say it enough to the people we love, but we really love them.
Many years have passed after that situation and I really changed as a person. I like to go skating with friends, have fun, and just try to enjoy life as long as I can! ( I really suck at skating tho ). I play minecraft sometimes too to pass the time if I have some free time. I also love to listen to music like Molcha, Artic Monkeys, Lil Peep, X, juice, and just really a lot of music. I love to play Minecraft too ofcourse and I'm really a pvper. Althought I am not really good, I still enjoy all the games in the server but I'm not that competitive.
As a person I really understand people and love to listen to people's issues and try to help them and make them feel better. So if you ever feel down a bit and just want a person to talk, feel free to send me a discord message. ( Colleeee#0001 ). I have met a bunch of bad situations in my life and fought thru them so I hope I'll be able to help some people that are feeling lonenly, sad, depressed or just some issues in real life.
I hope you enjoyed reading this second introduction.
Have an amazing day! I love you! :) <3