I think it will be a good idea adding a kill counter and a death counter at the end of the game that shows you how many kills you made because I always want to know how many people I killed and how many deads I had without the need of looking the entire chat looking for all the kills and deaths, obviously the death counter will only apply to egg wars since theres no reason to apply it on Skywars since you only die one time and you are out, hope you like my post.
I believe every game PVP related and more popular than Survival Games should have a kill counter. However, not a death counter. I think Death counter is useless and depressing :(. (I'm trying to be like Pewdiepie - "0 deaths")
Kill counters might be more useful and less depressing. Also, I think many players will find it convient to see how well they do in the game.
It might also be easier to add in the game because there's already one in SG.
Another reason: While playing with friends, have a competition to see who can get the most kills
I do this alot in SG
+1 kill counter/tracker when you click tab