Hay guys I am here to say that me and my friend who is gold rank emmy1369 and our other friend Lazorgun will be playing some Hardcore but that's not all We will be playing With YOU! me and emmy1369 want to allow all you stone ranks
a chance to play Hard Core for once! we wanna do this because we feel bad for the people who never get to Hardcore mode.
The mode everytime will be Hard core normal health unless another rank choses to interfere. we don't know the exact time yet but it will be today and it will be within the hour! we will wait in lobby for five minuets after each game and will wait in lobby the first time for 5 minuets so you gotta get there fast! I will post on my status what teams win and when we start so keep a eye out. We will be in lobby 28.
Please come join us today and have fun! :D
P.s Lazorgun will join us a little later
a chance to play Hard Core for once! we wanna do this because we feel bad for the people who never get to Hardcore mode.
The mode everytime will be Hard core normal health unless another rank choses to interfere. we don't know the exact time yet but it will be today and it will be within the hour! we will wait in lobby for five minuets after each game and will wait in lobby the first time for 5 minuets so you gotta get there fast! I will post on my status what teams win and when we start so keep a eye out. We will be in lobby 28.
Please come join us today and have fun! :D
P.s Lazorgun will join us a little later