Just think for yourself if this could get me banned. They aren't gonna put every little trick people find out to click faster in the rules else it would be longer than the Bible. On the point you make about debounce time it's allowed but if I get banned by the anticheat cause it thinks I use an auto clicker I won't get an unban neither will this dude get an unban he's saying his mouse double clicks but legit, if you get banned for it your not getting an unbanned cause then every double clicker could just say yeah I was doing this special new cool clicking method to double click. Just use your brain and think before you do it maybe next time think: is it smart to use a clicking method that will make my mouse double click?
Sorry but this just hurts my brain to look at. Please consider paragraphing.
First of all, double clicking is mainly used in butterfly and it’s not a new trick. The pvp community has used it since 2015.
Secondly, yes if im going to click a high cps the anticheat will flag it down as an autoclicker. I dont think im going to casually butterfly 30 cps and not get banned.
Finally, that bit about other double clickers is r/IHadAStroke material.
Edit: Theres also no reason a generic clicking method can get you banned.