Hello sweet children, i have enjoyed playing cubecrafts lucky island for around 2 - 3 years now. ive built for large servers like the archon before, so being a builder i thought it would be a cool idea to try and give back to the serve
I really like the execution of your map but I think there are still some thing where you can improve on.
First of all, I think the
middle island could get some improvement ,there isn't really much space where you can fight.
It also needs a bit of smoothing as there are just random pieces of stone and grass laying around the place.
The underside from the middle island could get some more smoothing too, there are random gaps and spheres which could be smoothed really easily.
Although I really think the trees on the starter island are looking unique, it could some changes with the branches and leaves
it just doesn't look natural at all. I really love the gulls you've built, they are looking good. (I like the originality of the theme too, I've never seen this theme before)
I also love how you payed attention the the details on the houses, it looks great!
overall, great map but it still need some little changes here and there.