Lucky Island Resource Pack Suggestion
Hello, Cubecraft-ers! It's me again with another suggestion! As you might know, you can choose between a ''Fancy Resource Pack (high tier PCs), Fast Resourcepack (mid tier PCs) & No Resourcepack (lower tier PCs)'' in the lucky island npc menu (Spoiler 1). This ''pop-up'' goes away after you selected the ''Fancy'' or ''Fast'' Resourcepack, however, it doesn't go away when you select ''No Resourcepack''. There's a decent amount of players who prefer to play without resourcepack, but are annoyed to click on ''No Resourcepack'' every time they want to join a game of lucky island. I totally understand them and there's no reason for it to stay there if you already clicked on not wanting the pack. Now there are a few ways to solve them, I don't really care which one it is, all I want is this to go away, so I will mention an idea Goldy came up with.
1. There can be a pop-up after the first time you open the NPC after joining the server and from that point on, there can be a button that you can press to get the pop-up screen, so you can still get the resourcepack after denying it. Thanks @Goldy, lysm <3
I am looking forward to hear your thoughts and I am always open for feedback. Thank you for taking a few minutes of your day to read my suggestion. If you have an idea to deal with this suggestion, let me know in the replies down below!
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