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Well-Known Member
May 14, 2020
This is just an idea that I've played around with on a test server, and I thought I'd share it. The general gist is that giving a permanent perk to a kit could help it stand out from other kits and breathe new life into some underwhelming ones (because God knows they need it).

Health on kill, most likely 1 or 2 hearts. Warrior is currently a strong kit, with its main strength as a quick rushing tool in solo and on a few maps in teams like Butterfly, Oasis, and Yeti. It's also important for Warrior to be a very straightforward and easy-to-understand kit, seeing as it's one of the 2 free kits.

Scaffolding on lucky block break. On average, a player breaks around 10-20 lucky blocks, depending on the map and mode (teams generally have more blocks to break). This provides Builder with a quick way to bridge to enemies, either in solo or teams. Again, like Warrior, it should be easy to understand.

First bought kit on the list, so it's a bit more complex. As long as the player is at full health, they gain Speed 1. This allows Scout to traverse the game much more quickly and reduces the user's reliance on potions, making it worth sharing them with teammates (assuming they're playing teams). Making it so that this only works at full health means that Scouts caught off guard can't simply run away with higher speed—unless they have consumed a Speed potion.

Similar to Scout, Heavy can have a form of permanent resistance, but since Resistance is one of the strongest effects in the game, I think it'd be more balanced to give the user Resistance only when they fall below half health. Once the user has more than half health, they lose their Resistance. On paper, this would give Heavy a 10% resistance (Resistance 1 gives 20%, divide that by the fact that it only works half of the time, giving 10%). But in practice, it's less, since you'd only get full value out of it when a hit gets you to EXACTLY 5 hearts.

Ah yes, the teamkilling kit. I think giving it a TNT wand cooldown reduction of 25% could make it more interesting to set up explosive traps, since you're able to use the TNT wand with less restriction (this would bring the cooldown down from 20 seconds to 15 seconds). Other than that, it's hard to change this while keeping teamkilling in mind.

By far the best and most used kit. Getting a free sword/axe and helmet/boots on spawn with a little bit of prep time is HUGE. But other than that, it doesn't change the gameplay much. It's like combining Warrior and Heavy into one kit with a bit of delay (also Miner if you're playing Stonehenge specifically). Making enemies drop 1 or 2 diamonds on kill might make it more fun to go on a kill streak with, but since it's the strongest kit in the game, it might be too much? I don't know.

Egg farmer:
I want to know, who actually uses this kit regularly??? I get that it's supposed to be a tool to knock people off bridges, etc., but it's entirely outclassed by Archer (in teams; I don't know much about its use in solo, to be honest). The only thing I can imagine making it slightly more interesting is either giving it a lot of eggs on kill or giving players an egg back when they hit a different player WITH an egg. This would reward the player for hitting a slow, non-lethal projectile. In general, I think they should give this kit something like cooked chicken or feather falling boots.

Egg Farmer's older brother, is one of the stronger kits, especially when paired with Enchanter. Similar to the Diamond kit, giving it 4 or so arrows on kill could make it feel more sustainable and prevent the user from relying on other bow drops. It could also have special bow cooldowns reduced, maybe by something like 20% (so the Explosive Bow would stay as it is, but the Shotgun Bow would go from 5 to 4 seconds).

This one depends on what is possible. I'd personally say increase the weight for positive drops, but I don't know how the weight system in Lucky really works. A second option that achieves the same effect is giving it a 25% chance of getting a positive drop. A third option is giving it a small chance to get a lucky block out of a different lucky block, much like the double luck perk, but this might make games take too long and become stall-y.

Oh my God, please make the potions splashing; it would be so close to being a good support kit, but it's absolutely trash right now, even getting outclassed by Chef since its golden apples are like the instant health potions but better. Anyway, as a perk, it could heal nearby teammates and the user by half a heart every 10 seconds. Given that, it won’t really do much in singles.

Secretly, it's pretty usable; combining it with Archer teammates allows your team to two-shot anything, barring players with decent armor. It could maybe get half a bar of XP every time it enchants something, making it feel like you'd get a discount on enchants.

I think giving it 1 extra hunger bar and 1 extra saturation whenever the user consumes any food could prove pretty useful, especially since bread feels a bit lackluster sometimes. Not a lot to say, to be honest :/

Well, that's easy: permanent Haste 1. But if that messes too much with attack speed (attack speed increases by 10% for every Haste level), it might be a good option to give the user the kit equivalent of the Instant Smelt perk. Quite a few maps have iron ore and gold ore scattered around, but unless you have the Instant Smelt perk on a pretty high level, these never get used for anything.

Yeah, I'm gonna be real here—I have absolutely no clue what you can even do to this kit. Something, something traps on kill, something, something.

You can just give it a 10% cooldown reduction on every wand. It might make it feel spammy, but let's be real—it's fun to just chuck tons of TNT at people, spam lightning everywhere, make free paths using Frost Path, or go gambling with the Mob Wand. (Everybody's gangster until people chuck a hoglin at you.)

Tamer could be an actually scary kit if not for the fact that the animals die when looked at weirdly. It'd be nice if they had fall damage immunity when teleporting to the player (so they don't instantly die when they walk into the void). For a perk, you can give any pet (being a dog, a cat, Frosty, and maybe a goat—I don't know if that counts) regeneration so that they stick around slightly longer.

In general, I think that the Villager kit deserves more villager spawns. Currently, it feels like gambling with a 5% chance of winning something that isn't even all that good. For the perk it could receive, I think giving it permanent Hero of the Village could be neat. Anytime the player gets the villager stack drop, they'd get MANY options and sometimes even some free things that the villagers throw toward them.

Like Egg Farmer, this kit is completely useless, especially now that players are granted a player tracker when only 2 players or teams are left. To give it a very small niche, it could make all compasses that the player uses give Glowing to the person they're currently tracking. But in general, I think this kit could really use a little bit of armor or something comparable to that (e.g., a red leather helmet and blue leather boots to stay in theme).
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