Minecraft PC IP: play.cubecraft.net


Novice Member
Sep 28, 2024
Hello, everyone!

To celebrate finally reaching 1,000 messages on the forums after almost seven years, I’ve decided to write a new introduction. My original introduction was posted in July of 2020, so it’s high time I make an updated one! This thread is split up into three different sections which are described below.

Fun Facts About Me
In this section, I have compiled a variety of random fun facts about myself! Some of them relate to Minecraft, and others relate to real life.

My favourite colours are purple and turquoise.

My favourite game on CubeCraft is Pillars of Fortune, which I enjoy because of its randomness and re-playability. Other games you might see me playing are MinerWare, Lucky Islands, BedWars and the new beta game Buy ‘N’ Build. Most of my previous favourite games have unfortunately been removed, such as Among Slimes, Wing Rush, Tower Defence and Colony Control.

I am a university student and I'm studying English Literature. As you may expect from this, I do a lot of reading and writing. My favourite genres to read/write in are fantasy and sci-fi, but I will honestly just read anything that catches my eye.

I’m an animal lover and I absolutely adore owls in particular. Barn owls and tawny owls are my favourite of the five species found here in the UK.

I occasionally make Minecraft skins in my free time. You can check out my designs on my Planet Minecraft profile.

I like everything strawberry flavoured (strawberry ice cream, strawberry milkshakes etc.), but for some reason, I’m not a fan of actual strawberries!

I enjoy learning languages, just for fun in my free time. I know a decent amount of German, as well as bits and pieces of Spanish, French and Portuguese.

My History on CubeCraft
In this section I’ll describe how I discovered CubeCraft, and what I’ve been doing here over the years! I’ve split it into three main sections, based on the communities/situations I was in.

1 - The BlockWars Era

I was originally a regular player of The Chunk, another Minecraft server that merged with CubeCraft in 2016. After the merge I lost interest in servers for a while, eventually joining CubeCraft for the first time in 2018. The first game I ever played was BlockWars CTF, a game that I remembered from The Chunk. The Java version of the game involved more strategy and teamwork than the Bedrock version that we have today, and I quickly became obsessed with it. I found a group of friends through the game and I even joined the forums specifically to make posts about it. Over time my playstyle became more competitive, and I began playing with leaderboard players and later reached the leaderboard myself.

Unfortunately, everything changed when CubeCraft released The Big Change update in October of 2018. All of a sudden BlockWars was just gone, and since the featured games system had not been announced at the time, we assumed that it was never coming back. Most of my friends left the server and I didn’t hear from them again. I played some other games on my own up until the end of the year, but the experience was just not the same.

I spent the majority of 2019 trying out other games and servers. Towards the end of the year, I received a message from an old friend out of the blue, inviting me to play BlockWars with them and a bunch of others. This group of people cemented my return to CubeCraft. However, the BlockWars community was becoming increasingly more toxic and competitive, and by early 2020 I had lost interest in this playstyle, so I decided to leave. I tried out some other games, such as the newly released Skyblock, which kept me returning to CubeCraft.

2 - Exploring the Community

A few months after leaving the BlockWars community, a friend invited me to join a Discord server called CubeCraft Ranked. It hosted mainly EggWars tournaments, and it was my first experience with an external (community-run) Discord server. After this, I decided to join several more. One of them was co-owned by that same friend, and in September of 2020 I became a Helper there. This was my first staff experience and although the server was quite small I really enjoyed it.

At the end of the year, The CubeCraft Times hosted a writing competition which I decided to participate in. My winning entry can be found here. After the competition had concluded in early 2021, I was invited to become a reporter for the newspaper, and I wrote short stories and regular news articles for it. I continued doing this until early 2022, just before I was due to become a Moderator on CubeCraft, which brings me onto the next section!

3 - Joining the Moderation Team

In February 2022 I decided to apply for Helper. This decision was based on multiple reasons, including having found a genuine enjoyment in helping players, and also wanting to take on a bit more responsibility without stepping too far out of my comfort zone. CubeCraft was a server I was very familiar with, so I knew I wouldn’t have any problems answering people’s questions.

I officially became a Java Helper on March 13th, 2022, and I spent the next month training to become a Moderator with my fellow Helpers @Frontlane and @Jiivan. Over the summer I trained for the Bedrock edition as well. In September, just over six months after I joined the team, I received an offer to become a Senior Moderator, a position that I am still in to this day. I’m glad I accepted the offer because the recruitment tasks are my favourite part of being a Moderator here now.

Since then, not many significant events have happened to me on CubeCraft. It was nice to begin hosting Community Games again last year, and the upcoming CubeCraft League should be exciting too. I’m interested to see what 2025 has in store for us!

Q&A Section
On my forum profile I asked you all to send me some questions through a Google form. I ended up receiving far more than I expected, so unfortunately I couldn’t answer them all. However, I have tried to work some of them into the above sections instead, as I already wanted to talk about them.

Q: Why have you stuck with CubeCraft since 2018? (@coolzombiee)
A: CubeCraft was the first server I actually managed to make friends in and become a part of the community, so it has a special place in my heart.​

Q: When and why did you decide to be a Moderator? (@Mintypie)
A: I mentioned this a little bit already, but I’ll go into more detail here. I decided I wanted to join the moderation team when the Spring Adventure RPG was active in 2021. I realised that, even after I had finished the story myself, I enjoyed coming back to help other players solve the different puzzles. This happened in Magic & Mayhem as well and was the only reason I continued to play it after finishing the story. When it came to moderation-related issues, I wanted to be able to help people better than just redirecting them to talk to a staff member.​

Q: What’s your favourite part of the CubeCraft community? (@Hoshi)
A: Definitely the forums. I think it’s made up of a more mature and thoughtful group of players, and the fewer active users makes it feel kind of cosy? It’s really fun to read suggestions and creations here, and it was the inspiration for starting my Community Highlights thread series which I made until the end of last year.​

Q: What is your favourite team size for gamemodes? (@Tommy Boi)
A: I would have to say Teams of 2. I immediately ruled out Teams of 10 as it’s much too chaotic for me and there tends to be too many over competitive players. Solos can get boring if you’re playing by yourself all the time. Teams of 4 is okay, but I find playing with just one friend more enjoyable as opposed to playing with a group.​

Q: What are your best experiences on CubeCraft?
A: I would say it’s the moments that revolve around the community, such as participating in or hosting community games and competitions.​

Q: When did you start playing Minecraft?
A: I started with the pocket edition in 2012, which was before it became the Bedrock edition and had only limited features. I purchased the Java edition in 2014 when I got my first PC. I have been pretty hyper fixated on Minecraft ever since - I can’t believe it’s been 13 years!​

Q: Do you like Skyblock? If so, is it underrated?
A: Yes, I love Skyblock! I don’t think it’s that underrated, I see that it still has a lot of dedicated players and I see conversations about it often. However, I think we can all agree that it could use an update!​

Q: Can you go into a CubeCraft lobby without being noticed?
A: Sometimes. I can usually go unnoticed in Java due to the quieter lobbies, but in Bedrock it’s a lot harder because the [SrMod] tag is quite bright and obvious. However, I have features such as /nick just like partners do if I want to avoid being noticed!​

Q: How much time do you spend on the forums? Be honest…
A: Honestly, not that long. I check them at various times throughout the day, as I have push notifications on for new threads posted.​

Q: If you could design a completely new game mode for CubeCraft without any limitations, what would it be? (@𝑷𝑹𝑶 𝑾𝑰𝑵𝑵𝑨𝑨𝑹)
A: This is a tricky one! I know Tower Defence has already been on Cube, but I would like to completely redesign it to suit the Bedrock player base, so it would probably be a completely different game after that. I am also quite inspired by the new beta game Buy ‘N’ Build, so I might consider taking a classic mini game concept such as hide and seek or UHC and giving it a modern twist.​

Q: If you could bring back any old CubeCraft feature, map or game mode, what would it be and why? (@𝑷𝑹𝑶 𝑾𝑰𝑵𝑵𝑨𝑨𝑹)
A: It would be Tower Defence, but since I’ve already mentioned that, I’ll pick something else. I would probably bring back the Spring Adventure RPG because I think it was a unique experience that other servers don’t have, and it didn’t lag as much as Magic & Mayhem!​

That’s all I have for my re-introduction. If you actually read all of it then thanks a lot! This took me a while to write and I’m so happy to finally be able to post messages on the forums again now. I’ll see you around!
I think I arrived a little late but it was entertaining to see everything that was all your way that really is a great motivation for some people🥰🙌 btw congrats for the 1000 messages
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Novice Member
Jan 14, 2023
Hello, everyone!

To celebrate finally reaching 1,000 messages on the forums after almost seven years, I’ve decided to write a new introduction. My original introduction was posted in July of 2020, so it’s high time I make an updated one! This thread is split up into three different sections which are described below.

Fun Facts About Me
In this section, I have compiled a variety of random fun facts about myself! Some of them relate to Minecraft, and others relate to real life.

My favourite colours are purple and turquoise.

My favourite game on CubeCraft is Pillars of Fortune, which I enjoy because of its randomness and re-playability. Other games you might see me playing are MinerWare, Lucky Islands, BedWars and the new beta game Buy ‘N’ Build. Most of my previous favourite games have unfortunately been removed, such as Among Slimes, Wing Rush, Tower Defence and Colony Control.

I am a university student and I'm studying English Literature. As you may expect from this, I do a lot of reading and writing. My favourite genres to read/write in are fantasy and sci-fi, but I will honestly just read anything that catches my eye.

I’m an animal lover and I absolutely adore owls in particular. Barn owls and tawny owls are my favourite of the five species found here in the UK.

I occasionally make Minecraft skins in my free time. You can check out my designs on my Planet Minecraft profile.

I like everything strawberry flavoured (strawberry ice cream, strawberry milkshakes etc.), but for some reason, I’m not a fan of actual strawberries!

I enjoy learning languages, just for fun in my free time. I know a decent amount of German, as well as bits and pieces of Spanish, French and Portuguese.

My History on CubeCraft
In this section I’ll describe how I discovered CubeCraft, and what I’ve been doing here over the years! I’ve split it into three main sections, based on the communities/situations I was in.

1 - The BlockWars Era

I was originally a regular player of The Chunk, another Minecraft server that merged with CubeCraft in 2016. After the merge I lost interest in servers for a while, eventually joining CubeCraft for the first time in 2018. The first game I ever played was BlockWars CTF, a game that I remembered from The Chunk. The Java version of the game involved more strategy and teamwork than the Bedrock version that we have today, and I quickly became obsessed with it. I found a group of friends through the game and I even joined the forums specifically to make posts about it. Over time my playstyle became more competitive, and I began playing with leaderboard players and later reached the leaderboard myself.

Unfortunately, everything changed when CubeCraft released The Big Change update in October of 2018. All of a sudden BlockWars was just gone, and since the featured games system had not been announced at the time, we assumed that it was never coming back. Most of my friends left the server and I didn’t hear from them again. I played some other games on my own up until the end of the year, but the experience was just not the same.

I spent the majority of 2019 trying out other games and servers. Towards the end of the year, I received a message from an old friend out of the blue, inviting me to play BlockWars with them and a bunch of others. This group of people cemented my return to CubeCraft. However, the BlockWars community was becoming increasingly more toxic and competitive, and by early 2020 I had lost interest in this playstyle, so I decided to leave. I tried out some other games, such as the newly released Skyblock, which kept me returning to CubeCraft.

2 - Exploring the Community

A few months after leaving the BlockWars community, a friend invited me to join a Discord server called CubeCraft Ranked. It hosted mainly EggWars tournaments, and it was my first experience with an external (community-run) Discord server. After this, I decided to join several more. One of them was co-owned by that same friend, and in September of 2020 I became a Helper there. This was my first staff experience and although the server was quite small I really enjoyed it.

At the end of the year, The CubeCraft Times hosted a writing competition which I decided to participate in. My winning entry can be found here. After the competition had concluded in early 2021, I was invited to become a reporter for the newspaper, and I wrote short stories and regular news articles for it. I continued doing this until early 2022, just before I was due to become a Moderator on CubeCraft, which brings me onto the next section!

3 - Joining the Moderation Team

In February 2022 I decided to apply for Helper. This decision was based on multiple reasons, including having found a genuine enjoyment in helping players, and also wanting to take on a bit more responsibility without stepping too far out of my comfort zone. CubeCraft was a server I was very familiar with, so I knew I wouldn’t have any problems answering people’s questions.

I officially became a Java Helper on March 13th, 2022, and I spent the next month training to become a Moderator with my fellow Helpers @Frontlane and @Jiivan. Over the summer I trained for the Bedrock edition as well. In September, just over six months after I joined the team, I received an offer to become a Senior Moderator, a position that I am still in to this day. I’m glad I accepted the offer because the recruitment tasks are my favourite part of being a Moderator here now.

Since then, not many significant events have happened to me on CubeCraft. It was nice to begin hosting Community Games again last year, and the upcoming CubeCraft League should be exciting too. I’m interested to see what 2025 has in store for us!

Q&A Section
On my forum profile I asked you all to send me some questions through a Google form. I ended up receiving far more than I expected, so unfortunately I couldn’t answer them all. However, I have tried to work some of them into the above sections instead, as I already wanted to talk about them.

Q: Why have you stuck with CubeCraft since 2018? (@coolzombiee)
A: CubeCraft was the first server I actually managed to make friends in and become a part of the community, so it has a special place in my heart.​

Q: When and why did you decide to be a Moderator? (@Mintypie)
A: I mentioned this a little bit already, but I’ll go into more detail here. I decided I wanted to join the moderation team when the Spring Adventure RPG was active in 2021. I realised that, even after I had finished the story myself, I enjoyed coming back to help other players solve the different puzzles. This happened in Magic & Mayhem as well and was the only reason I continued to play it after finishing the story. When it came to moderation-related issues, I wanted to be able to help people better than just redirecting them to talk to a staff member.​

Q: What’s your favourite part of the CubeCraft community? (@Hoshi)
A: Definitely the forums. I think it’s made up of a more mature and thoughtful group of players, and the fewer active users makes it feel kind of cosy? It’s really fun to read suggestions and creations here, and it was the inspiration for starting my Community Highlights thread series which I made until the end of last year.​

Q: What is your favourite team size for gamemodes? (@Tommy Boi)
A: I would have to say Teams of 2. I immediately ruled out Teams of 10 as it’s much too chaotic for me and there tends to be too many over competitive players. Solos can get boring if you’re playing by yourself all the time. Teams of 4 is okay, but I find playing with just one friend more enjoyable as opposed to playing with a group.​

Q: What are your best experiences on CubeCraft?
A: I would say it’s the moments that revolve around the community, such as participating in or hosting community games and competitions.​

Q: When did you start playing Minecraft?
A: I started with the pocket edition in 2012, which was before it became the Bedrock edition and had only limited features. I purchased the Java edition in 2014 when I got my first PC. I have been pretty hyper fixated on Minecraft ever since - I can’t believe it’s been 13 years!​

Q: Do you like Skyblock? If so, is it underrated?
A: Yes, I love Skyblock! I don’t think it’s that underrated, I see that it still has a lot of dedicated players and I see conversations about it often. However, I think we can all agree that it could use an update!​

Q: Can you go into a CubeCraft lobby without being noticed?
A: Sometimes. I can usually go unnoticed in Java due to the quieter lobbies, but in Bedrock it’s a lot harder because the [SrMod] tag is quite bright and obvious. However, I have features such as /nick just like partners do if I want to avoid being noticed!​

Q: How much time do you spend on the forums? Be honest…
A: Honestly, not that long. I check them at various times throughout the day, as I have push notifications on for new threads posted.​

Q: If you could design a completely new game mode for CubeCraft without any limitations, what would it be? (@𝑷𝑹𝑶 𝑾𝑰𝑵𝑵𝑨𝑨𝑹)
A: This is a tricky one! I know Tower Defence has already been on Cube, but I would like to completely redesign it to suit the Bedrock player base, so it would probably be a completely different game after that. I am also quite inspired by the new beta game Buy ‘N’ Build, so I might consider taking a classic mini game concept such as hide and seek or UHC and giving it a modern twist.​

Q: If you could bring back any old CubeCraft feature, map or game mode, what would it be and why? (@𝑷𝑹𝑶 𝑾𝑰𝑵𝑵𝑨𝑨𝑹)
A: It would be Tower Defence, but since I’ve already mentioned that, I’ll pick something else. I would probably bring back the Spring Adventure RPG because I think it was a unique experience that other servers don’t have, and it didn’t lag as much as Magic & Mayhem!​

That’s all I have for my re-introduction. If you actually read all of it then thanks a lot! This took me a while to write and I’m so happy to finally be able to post messages on the forums again now. I’ll see you around!
congrats on 1k!!!
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jamesthesignificant wrote on OpenDistress4's profile.
Welcome to the forums dude! If you need any help then DM me or one of our awesome staff members! You are cool for joining 😎
Daily Question 43.

What is the worst possible day to have a birthday?
Alberto_essa wrote on Capitan's profile.
im too late but still happy birthday capitan :3
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Thanks for the follow! <3
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