Minecraft PC IP: play.cubecraft.net


Aug 14, 2024
Ok so last week FFA was experiencing problems with the maps which luckily got fixed.
This week all the maps seem more crowded. I tried to join in the morning and I could only join one map with 2 players in it, every other map was at the player limit even sanctuary!! Sanctuary isn’t that big I’m my opinion and yet it has a limit of 60 players while most the others have 40. With the removal of the Asian region, which I noticed and heard about, I think that’s a cause of this happening. Which would also explain why a lot more laggy players have been in my region. Now I’m not complaining about the laggy players, I find them a good challenge, but the 40 player limit sucks. I feel like maps such as beach, space, classic, and biomes could fit more players. Especially beach map, that map is literally gigantic!!
Mayan had a lot of room to accommodate many players too, maybe bring that back? Replace space with Mayan possibly. Now I love the concept of space map, but it sucks. There are too many visual glitches to make it fun and a glitch where you actually get stuck in a flying position. The way to escape that is to press shift, but it’s still annoying. And rocket PvP with that map is the worst combination ever, how do you expect me to travel??

And why was Asian region removed? I don’t see any maps for them anymore.
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BicolourSine41 wrote on YeoXuHang's profile.
Thanks for playing!
BicolourSine41 wrote on Lord of Ducks's profile.
I can play PoF with you! But I don't have the subscription
BicolourSine41 wrote on !notcitingdow's profile.
Thanks for the follow! Have it back :)
Reesle wrote on yuduki0729's profile.
Welcome to the Official Cubecraft Forums! :D
Happy to have you here!
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