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Dedicated Member
Dec 23, 2015
Beyond The Wall


MinerWare is a fast paced collection of micro-games thrown together - inspired by WarioWare.

Update Log

MinerWare 10/29/16 Update - 7 new micro-games, 3 boss games, 2 brand new maps and the addition of Achievements! Other changes include.. "Avoid Hot Potato" microgame has been updated so as to assign 4 players with a HOT POTATO instead of 1! Because of this change, I have increased the level of difficulty to Very Hard.

How To Play
  • The max amount of players in one game can be 12 players, but you need at least 4 players in order to start a game.​
  • One game lasts 16 rounds in total, with 15 micro-games and 1 boss round.​
  • Winning one micro-game awards you with 1 point, and winning a boss round awards you with 3 points.​
  • Read and follow the micro-games instructions to win your point.​
  • Like WarioWare, the game starts to speed up after a certain amount of micro-games has gone by. After 4 rounds, Level 1 speed is applied, then Level 2 speed when you reach 8 rounds, and then finally Level 3 speed upon reaching 12 rounds (making you reach max speed). Hold onto your pants!​
  • The top 3 players with the most points win the game.​



Arena is enclosed by a spectacular dense jungle!


Arena takes place In the middle of a giant arcade!


Arena takes place in a big city surrounded by tall buildings!


Arena is surrounded by ancient temples in a muggy environment!


Arena goes prehistoric in this dino skeleton ridden place!


Credits - @Efcluke94


Micro-games are short minigames ranging from 4-12 seconds. Complete each micro-games instruction to gain points.
Difficulty Scale
ALL difficulties are thought of and based on the general player. Experienced players may think differently of each difficulty as do I.
Green = Fairly easy
Orange = Medium
Red = Very hard

Total: 35 micro-games
Wait for it… - In the future, some more micro-games might begin with this message then immediately switch to another instruction, but for now, there is only one that it switches to, which is jump in the void.

Milk The Cow - Chests filled with buckets spawn randomly around the platform. Grab a bucket and milk the cow that’s in the middle to achieve a point!

Loot Chests & Kill all - Chests filled with an assortment of armour, weapons and other items spawn randomly around the platform. Grab something to defend yourself with and live to tell the tale so you achieve a point!

King of the Hill - A hill erupts from the middle and everyone is given knockback sticks. Knock people away from the top and be the last person standing up there when the time runs out. You will then win yourself a point.

Stack 10 blocks high tower - Players are given a stack of wool assigned with a random colour. Stack up 10 blocks high to get a point!

Fly to the Moon - Day turns to night, and all of the sudden you are able to fly (must be happy thoughts or something!). Fly up into the air until you ‘touch’ the moon to achieve another point!

Hide under Block - Random 2x2 block ceilings appear above the platform as players need to hide under them so they don’t get killed by the storm of arrows coming their way. Players are once again given knockback sticks (probably because @Minikloon is evil or something). Stay alive until the timer runs out, and you got yourself another point!

Mine <Ore> - As the platform turns into a large cube of cobblestone and an assortment of ores, players will need to mine whatever ore they are commanded to mine. (psst.. dig down).

Craft <Item> - Crafting tables spawn around the platform and floating above them is the item that you are instructed to craft. Resources are inside your inventory. Craft the item before the time runs out to win a point.

Stand on <Color> - The platform is turned into an assortment of different coloured wool. Stand on the instructed colour to achieve another point!

Be last Knight standing - Players are equipped with half iron-half leather armour and a mighty sword. Stay alive until the end of the round to get a point!

Survive Shulker onslaught - The platform is surrounded by shulkers. Dip and dodge their projectiles until the time runs out to survive and get a point.

Stand on diamond - Some of the 2x2 platforms are turned into diamond blocks. When the time runs out, every platform will disappear except the diamond block ones., so you better be standing on one when the time runs out or you will lose out on a point!

Avoid hot potato - 4 random players will be a given a hot potato, and they will appear to be on fire. Stay away from them until the time runs out to win a point. Note: If given the potato, you cannot pass it back to the player who gave it to you; meaning you must give it to a different player.

Knock everyone off - Every player is given a knockback slimeball. The micro-game is set up like the game Super Smash Bros. meaning each hit will add more and more knockback percentages which are visualised by the colour of your leather armour. Stay alive until the end of the round to win a point.

Dodge anvils - The platform is turned into bedrock, and the sky is raining anvils! Dodge the oncoming anvils until the timer runs out to win yourself another point! Note: It’s easier if you keep looking up throughout the whole micro-game if you didn’t think of that before.

Lava floor! - The platform is turning into lava! Jump from block to block avoiding lava until the time runs out to win a point. Note: The order of coloured clay before turning into lava is this: Yellow -> Orange -> Red -> Lava.

Parkour & Eat Cake - A random short parkour course (there are 3 in the queue) is made on the platform. At the end of each parkour course, there is a cake that you must take a bite out of to win a point. Note: Player collision is a thing.

Shear 12 Sheep - The platform is turned into a fence surrounded pen full of spawning sheep. Equipped with shears, you are required to shear sheep and gain at least 12 pieces of wool to achieve another point!

Win snow fight - Players are split into two teams, red and blue and are equipped with a stack of snowballs. Last team standing wins. Note: If both teams die, everyone gains a point, same goes for if one from each team lives.

Jump & Catch 5 Emeralds - The platform is turned into a giant slime block trampoline, and your job is to catch 5 emeralds. Emeralds in this micro-game are miniature emerald blocks floating in the sky.

Turn in 10 Nuggets - Players are teleported to a zombie-filled area equipped with a diamond axe and iron armour. Zombies drop 3 gold nuggets each. Gain at least 12 gold nuggets and hand them into the NPC in the middle to achieve another point.

Get a <Flower> - The platform is turned into a giant garden filled with an assortment of flowers. Players will be instructed to break a certain flower to gain another point. Make sure you know your Minecraft flowers!

Solve Equation - A random equation will appear on the screen ranging from multiplication to addition. Type your answer in chat. Answer correctly to gain a point!

Build Crafting Table - The platform is turned into flat grass and players are given an iron axe, a sapling and some bonemeal. Plant a sapling, grow it with your bonemeal, chop down a log and craft yourself a crafting table to gain another point!

Answer Question - The platform is split into two sides, one side is red clay, and the other is green clay. There will be a question in chat. Answer “No” by standing on the side of the red clay, while standing on the green clay side will change your answer to “Yes”. Answer correctly to win another point!

Dress like the mannequins - Mannequins will appear around the platform wearing an assortment of different coloured pieces of leather armour. Choose from different colours in your inventory to dress. Dress exactly like shown by the mannequins to gain one more point.

Keep running, fast - Players are given super speed. Keep running around the platform and don’t stop until the timer runs out so you get another point! Note: You can just move around your camera and that counts as moving.

Ride a Cow - Cows are spawned around the platform for the players to ride them. To ride a Cow, simply right click one. Punching someone will eject them off their cow and sent them hurling upwards. Be one of the few players to stay on a Cow when the time runs out to win a point.

Ignite the TNT - Players are given Flint ‘n Steel upon game start. There are TNT blocks in one corner of each of the mini platforms that need to be lit. There is not enough TNT for everyone and one person can light multiple blocks of TNT. Be one of the few players to successfully light at least one block of TNT and you get a point!

Don't Stop Sneaking - Simple rules. Crouch and stay crouched. If you break the rules, you lose. Follow the rules and you win netting yourself a point!

Avoid the TNT - Players are teleported randomly around the platform upon activation of the microgame along with random placements of 6-8 lit TNT. Avoid the explosions to survive and get yourself another point.

Hatch Chickens - Players are given stacks of 16 eggs to throw at the ground. If you’re lucky, you will be able to hatch 8 Chickens before the time runs out. Doing so will get you another point!

Enchant the Item - Enchantment tables spawn all around the platform and players are given a bunch of Enchanted Books and Items to enchant. Simply read what the item you're enchanting is and which Enchantments are required on that item. Successfully enchanting the item with the required enchants will earn you a point!

Build a Snow Golem - All the 2x2 mini platforms are turned into snow blocks and everyone is given 16 Snowballs and a Pumpkin. Craft a Snow block with your Snowballs and create a Snow Golem to make a friend and receive a point!​


Boss Games

Boss games are different from normal micro-games because they are much longer than a micro-game and have way crazier circumstances usually. These games are also your chance to get back to the top of the leaderboards because winning one will award you 3 points!

7 Boss games​

Color Floor - Players are given a diamond hoe with is like your paintbrush. Right click to paint floor tiles your colour. You can only paint floor tiles connected to your colour already. If you’ve already been circled off by someone else, no need to worry for you have paint bombs (new from the old boss game that was originally on The Chunk). These paint bombs explode your colour on 5 tiles of wherever you throw it. You can then keep painting the floor from there. Top 3 players with the most coloured tiles win!

Kill most players - Players are given the 4 kit options before the game starts. Once kit selection ends, you have 2 minutes to kill as many players as you can. Top 3 players with the most kills win.

Maze - Time to use your instincts because in this boss game, players are thrown into a maze, and you only have 1 and a half minutes to solve it.

Fly through hoops - Every player is given Elytra and is teleported very high above the platform. Equip the Elytra by right-clicking it and fly through as many hoops as you can (there are 50 hoops in total)! The top 3 players with the most hoops flown through in succession win the game.

Lucky PvP - The platform is turned into a PvP arena with Lucky Blocks spawning all over the place! Break Lucky Blocks and hope you get something useful by the time the grace period is over! Be one of the last three standing to win the game!

Spleef - The platform is turned into 5 layers of snow with each player receiving a Diamond Shovel. Dig underneath other players to make them fall into the void. Be one of the last three standing to win the game!

Bow Spleef - The platform is transformed into TNT and each player is given a Flame 1 Bow. Shoot the TNT to ignite it and try to make all the other players fall. Survive as one of the last three standing to win the game!




Be sure to check out @DontYouDare's Tips & Tricks for MinerWare!

Check out my other guides below!
Tower Defense - https://www.cubecraft.net/threads/tower-defence-guide-tips-info-5-21-16.96579/
Assassins - https://www.cubecraft.net/threads/assassins-guide-tips-info-6-28-16.124788/
Survival Games - https://www.cubecraft.net/threads/survival-games-guide-tips-info-07-09-16.128100/

Blockband - https://www.cubecraft.net/threads/♫-blockband-guide-tips-info-9-19-16-♪.158927/
Last edited:

Qin Shihuangdi

Forum Expert
Nov 11, 2015
The Orange House


MinerWare is a fast paced collection of micro-games thrown together - inspired by WarioWare.

How To Play
  • The max amount of players in one game can be 12 players, but you need at least 4 players in order to start a game.​
  • One game lasts 16 rounds in total, with 15 micro-games and 1 boss round.​
  • Winning one micro-game awards you with 1 point, and winning a boss round awards you with 3 points.​
  • Read and follow the micro-games instructions to win your point.​
  • Like WarioWare, the game starts to speed up after a certain amount of micro-games has gone by. After 4 rounds, Level 1 speed is applied, then Level 2 speed when you reach 8 rounds, and then finally Level 3 speed upon reaching 12 rounds (making you reach max speed). Hold onto your pants!​
  • The top 3 players with the most points win the game.​



Arena is enclosed by a spectacular dense jungle!

Arena takes place In the middle of a giant arcade!

Arena takes place in a big city surrounded by tall buildings!




Micro-games are short minigames ranging from 4-12 seconds. Complete each micro-games instruction to gain points.
Difficulty Scale
= Fairly easy
Orange = Medium
Red = Very hard
Wait for it… - In the future, some more micro-games might begin with this message then immediately switch to another instruction, but for now, there is only one that it switches to, which is jump in the void.

Milk The Cow - Chests filled with buckets spawn randomly around the platform. Grab a bucket and milk the cow that’s in the middle to achieve a point!

Loot Chests & Kill all - Chests filled with an assortment of armour, weapons and other items spawn randomly around the platform. Grab something to defend yourself with and live to tell the tale so you achieve a point!

King of the Hill - A hill erupts from the middle and everyone is given knockback sticks. Knock people away from the top and be the last person standing up there when the time runs out. You will then win yourself a point.

Stack 10 blocks high tower - Players are given a stack of wool assigned with a random colour. Stack up 10 blocks high to get a point!

Fly to the Moon - Day turns to night, and all of the sudden you are able to fly (must be happy thoughts or something!). Fly up into the air until you ‘touch’ the moon to achieve another point!

Hide under Block - Random 2x2 block ceilings appear above the platform as players need to hide under them so they don’t get killed by the storm of arrows coming their way. Players are once again given knockback sticks (probably because @Minikloon is evil or something). Stay alive until the timer runs out, and you got yourself another point!

Mine <Ore> - As the platform turns into a large cube of cobblestone and an assortment of ores, players will need to mine whatever ore they are commanded to mine. (psst.. dig down).

Craft <Item> - Crafting tables spawn around the platform and floating above them is the item that you are instructed to craft. Resources are inside your inventory. Craft the item before the time runs out to win a point.

Stand on <Color> - The platform is turned into an assortment of different coloured wool. Stand on the instructed colour to achieve another point!

Be last Knight standing - Players are equipped with half iron-half leather armour and a mighty sword. Stay alive until the end of the round to get a point!

Survive Shulker onslaught - The platform is surrounded by shulkers. Dip and dodge their projectiles until the time runs out to survive and get a point.

Stand on diamond - Some of the 2x2 platforms are turned into diamond blocks. When the time runs out, every platform will disappear except the diamond block ones., so you better be standing on one when the time runs out or you will lose out on a point!

Avoid hot potato - A random player will be a given a hot potato, and they will appear to be on fire. Stay away from them until the time runs out to win a point. Note: If given the potato, you cannot pass it back to the player who gave it to you; meaning you must give it to a different player.

Knock everyone off - Every player is given a knockback slimeball. The micro-game is set up like the game Super Smash Bros. meaning each hit will add more and more knockback percentages which are visualised by the colour of your leather armour. Stay alive until the end of the round to win a point.

Dodge anvils - The platform is turned into bedrock, and the sky is raining anvils! Dodge the oncoming anvils until the timer runs out to win yourself another point! Note: It’s easier if you keep looking up throughout the whole micro-game if you didn’t think of that before.

Lava floor! - The platform is turning into lava! Jump from block to block avoiding lava until the time runs out to win a point. Note: The order of coloured clay before turning into lava is this: Yellow -> Orange -> Red -> Lava.

Parkour & Eat Cake - A random short parkour course (there are 3 in the queue) is made on the platform. At the end of each parkour course, there is a cake that you must take a bite out of to win a point. Note: Player collision is a thing.

Shear 12 Sheep - The platform is turned into a fence surrounded pen full of spawning sheep. Equipped with shears, you are required to shear sheep and gain at least 12 pieces of wool to achieve another point!

Win snow fight - Players are split into two teams, red and blue and are equipped with a stack of snowballs. Last team standing wins. Note: If both teams die, everyone gains a point, same goes for if one from each team lives.

Jump & Catch 5 Emeralds - The platform is turned into a giant slime block trampoline, and your job is to catch 5 emeralds. Emeralds in this micro-game are miniature emerald blocks floating in the sky.

Turn in 10 Nuggets - Players are teleported to a zombie-filled area equipped with a diamond axe and iron armour. Zombies drop 3 gold nuggets each. Gain at least 12 gold nuggets and hand them into the NPC in the middle to achieve another point.

Get a <Flower> - The platform is turned into a giant garden filled with an assortment of flowers. Players will be instructed to break a certain flower to gain another point. Make sure you know your Minecraft flowers!

Solve Equation - A random equation will appear on the screen ranging from multiplication to addition. Type your answer in chat. Answer correctly to gain a point!

Build Crafting Table - The platform is turned into flat grass and players are given an iron axe, a sapling and some bonemeal. Plant a sapling, grow it with your bonemeal, chop down a log and craft yourself a crafting table to gain another point!

Answer Question - The platform is split into two sides, one side is red clay, and the other is green clay. There will be a question in chat. Answer “No” by standing on the side of the red clay, while standing on the green clay side will change your answer to “Yes”. Answer correctly to win another point!

Dress like the mannequins - Mannequins will appear around the platform wearing an assortment of different coloured pieces of leather armour. Choose from different colours in your inventory to dress. Dress exactly like shown by the mannequins to gain one more point.

Keep running, fast - Players are given super speed. Keep running around the platform and don’t stop until the timer runs out so you get another point!​



Boss Games

Boss games are different from normal micro-games because they are much longer than a micro-game and have way crazier circumstances usually. These games are also your chance to get back to the top of the leaderboards because winning one will award you 3 points!

Color Floor - Players are given a diamond hoe with is like your paintbrush. Right click to paint floor tiles your colour. You can only paint floor tiles connected to your colour already. If you’ve already been circled off by someone else, no need to worry for you have paint bombs (new from the old boss game that was originally on The Chunk). These paint bombs explode your colour on 5 tiles of wherever you throw it. You can then keep painting the floor from there. Top 3 players with the most coloured tiles win!

Kill most players - Players are given the 4 kit options before the game starts. Once kit selection ends, you have 2 minutes to kill as many players as you can. Top 3 players with the most kills win.

Maze - Time to use your instincts because in this boss game, players are thrown into a maze, and you only have 1 and a half minutes to solve it.

Fly through hoops - Every player is given Elytra and is teleported very high above the platform. Equip the Elytra by right-clicking it and fly through as many hoops as you can (there are 50 hoops in total)! The top 3 players with the most hoops flown through in succession win the game.




Be sure to check out @DontYouDare's Tips & Tricks for MinerWare!

Check out my other guides below!
Tower Defense - https://www.cubecraft.net/threads/tower-defence-guide-tips-info-5-21-16.96579/
Assassins - https://www.cubecraft.net/threads/assassins-guide-tips-info-6-28-16.124788/

Survival Games - https://www.cubecraft.net/threads/survival-games-guide-tips-info-07-09-16.128100/
One Tip to add for Hide Under Block: Don't hide Under The Block :p. Just try to dodge the arrows like you would the anvils. @earth does the same thing :D
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Reactions: Cheez


Forum Veteran
Dec 6, 2015
the Netherlands
THAT moment somebody rates Lava Floor and Dress Like The Manequins as Medium. It's pretty easy.

However, sometimes the game is a jerk and turns the yellow block you are standing on to lava in like 2 seconds.

About the Shulker one, stand on a 2x2 platform near the edge. You can parkour ON the Shulkers if there is an end rod in front of them. High risk because a lot of times I still die.

About all PVP (non-boss) Microgames, DON'T FIGHT. Run and avoid any kind of confrontation. Easy point.

And Mine the <Ore> is just my favorite of them all!!

Anyways nice guide as usual :P
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Reactions: Cheez


Dedicated Member
Dec 23, 2015
Beyond The Wall
THAT moment somebody rates Lava Floor and Dress Like The Manequins as Medium. It's pretty easy.

However, sometimes the game is a jerk and turns the yellow block you are standing on to lava in like 2 seconds.

About the Shulker one, stand on a 2x2 platform near the edge. You can parkour ON the Shulkers if there is an end rod in front of them. High risk because a lot of times I still die.

About all PVP (non-boss) Microgames, DON'T FIGHT. Run and avoid any kind of confrontation. Easy point.

And Mine the <Ore> is just my favorite of them all!!

Anyways nice guide as usual :p
Lava Floor and Drees Like The Mannequin are usually pretty easy to me as well but I made them Medium Difficulty because they can sometimes screw you up (like one colour looking almost identical to another colour or like you mentioned, one block turning into lava prematurely).

I find the Shulker one easy to win too if you can pull off jumping on top of them but if that doesn't happen, then you're pretty much screwed.
As for the PvP micro-games, you only need to PvP if there's a particular player in the lead that you need to take out.. :rolleyes:
This guide not only looks amazing, it pretty much is amazing :p

Stickied post? It would be a shame to see this get buried...
Eh, I just make 'em for fun and figure it'll help out some people. 2 of them are already sticked so from there, people can check out my other guides via the links to them at the bottom of each guide. :)

Another amazing guide! Good job :D
Well done Cheezzyy , the guide looks amazing :p
Thank ye!


Dedicated Member
Dec 23, 2015
Beyond The Wall
GUIDE HAS BEEN UPDATED (End of October Update)

MinerWare 10/29/16 Update - 7 new micro-games, 3 boss games, 2 brand new maps and the addition of Achievements! Other changes include.. "Avoid Hot Potato" microgame has been updated so as to assign 4 players with a HOT POTATO instead of 1! Because of this change, I have increased the level of difficulty to Very Hard.

- Summary and How to Play added for new micro and boss games
- Description and pictures of new maps have been added

As always, if I'm missing anything, be sure to let me know!


Forum Veteran
Jul 1, 2016
GUIDE HAS BEEN UPDATED (End of October Update)

MinerWare 10/29/16 Update - 7 new micro-games, 3 boss games, 2 brand new maps and the addition of Achievements! Other changes include.. "Avoid Hot Potato" microgame has been updated so as to assign 4 players with a HOT POTATO instead of 1! Because of this change, I have increased the level of difficulty to Very Hard.

- Summary and How to Play added for new micro and boss games
- Description and pictures of new maps have been added

As always, if I'm missing anything, be sure to let me know!
Thx for updating you guide it is very helpfull!!
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Reactions: Cheez


Forum Expert
Jul 6, 2016
In a chicken coop
GUIDE HAS BEEN UPDATED (End of October Update)

MinerWare 10/29/16 Update - 7 new micro-games, 3 boss games, 2 brand new maps and the addition of Achievements! Other changes include.. "Avoid Hot Potato" microgame has been updated so as to assign 4 players with a HOT POTATO instead of 1! Because of this change, I have increased the level of difficulty to Very Hard.

- Summary and How to Play added for new micro and boss games
- Description and pictures of new maps have been added

As always, if I'm missing anything, be sure to let me know!
This is a very helpful guide! Thanks!
  • Like
Reactions: Cheez


Oct 4, 2017
The only thing annoying me is that its impossible to do the equation thing if you're muted, they should take it away or make it that muted people can do it as well. Love your work tho, amazing job you've done. :rolleyes:
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