I think adding games like pot PvP and others to duels would be great for the PvP community. Anyone else think so?
On NetherGames they have the pots stacked so its possible to play PotPvp on controllerHow are controller players going to pot and switch back to their sword? Are they going to butterfly the bumpers on their controller? Are they going to rebind the bumbers to their joystick? What about mobiles? They need a finger to tap, another to look around and ANOTHER to switch from pots to sword and back again?
I think we could have an option to queue with this or without, so there can be more of a challenge.On NetherGames they have the pots stacked so its possible to play PotPvp on controller
I think Pot PvP would be a pretty good addition, think it would be pretty helpful since that would make CubeCraft bigger for its practice pvpI think adding games like pot PvP and others to duels would be great for the PvP community. Anyone else think so?