Minecraft PC IP: play.cubecraft.net
Dec 5, 2024
  1. Enderman: You spawn without any equipment except an Ender Pearl, and every kill grants you an additional one.
  2. Pyro: You receive a golden chestplate with Fire Protection 3, a Fire Resistance potion, a wooden sword with Sharpness 1, and a flint and steel.
  3. Fisher: You receive an unenchanted iron sword, a fishing rod, and a Slowness potion.
  4. MLG: You receive a diamond chestplate, 8 TNT, 8 slime blocks, 2 water buckets, 2 boats, 16 oak planks, and 16 cobwebs.
  5. Miner: You receive a wooden pickaxe with Efficiency, a wooden axe with Efficiency (available only through the kit), 16 scaffolding blocks, and 1 TNT.
  6. Angel: You receive gold boots with Feather Falling 3, 8 slime blocks, 1 water bucket, and 16 snowballs.
  7. Spiderman: You receive a stone sword, shears, and 32 cobwebs.
  8. Knight: You receive a full chainmail armor set with Projectile Protection 3, a stone sword with Sharpness 1, a horse spawn egg, a random horse armor (excluding leather), and a golden apple.
  9. Snowman: You receive a gold shovel with Efficiency 5, 16 snow blocks, 8 ice blocks, a powder snow bucket, and a water bucket.
  10. Witch: You receive a wooden sword with Knockback 1, a throwable poison potion, and 2 throwable healing potions.
  11. Doctor: You receive a regular gold sword, and every kill grants you a honey bottle and a throwable healing potion.
  12. Firefighter: You receive an iron chestplate with Fire Protection 4, a flint and steel, a water bucket, and a sponge.
  13. Police Officer: You receive a bow with Flame and a leather chestplate with Projectile Protection 4.
  14. Wizard: You receive a golden pickaxe, an anvil, 16 experience bottles, 12 bookshelves, an enchanting table, and 8 lapis lazuli.
  15. Timekeeper: You receive a throwable Slowness potion, 16 cobwebs, and 4 snowballs.
  16. Mediator: You receive an iron sword, a player tracker, an Ender Pearl, and a lava bucket.
  17. Avenger: You receive a chainmail chestplate with Thorns 2.
  18. Architect: You receive an iron helmet, 32 bricks, 24 scaffolding blocks, 16 ladders, and a slime block.
  19. Rusher: You receive an Ender Pearl that teleports you back to your original location after 10 seconds.
  20. Rabbit: You receive an iron sword, 16 carrots, and a rabbit stew.
  21. Diver: You receive a turtle helmet with Respiration 3, a night vision potion, and a magma block.
  22. Santa Claus: You receive a shulker box containing an iron block.
  23. Birthday Kid: You receive a cake, a golden apple, and 2 diamond blocks.
  24. Ghost: You receive a short-duration invisibility potion and an Ender Pearl that causes no fall damage.
  25. Ice Witch: You receive 4 snowballs that place ice blocks on hit opponents and a throwable Turtle Master potion.
  26. Pirate: You receive an unenchanted diamond helmet and diamond boots with Depth Strider 2.
  27. King: You receive an unbreakable golden helmet with Protection 1 and Curse of Binding, as well as a regular iron sword.
  28. Mushroom: You receive an iron sword, 7 brown mushrooms, and 7 red mushrooms.
  29. Farmer: You receive a wooden hoe, a milk bucket, a water bucket, and 4 of each type of seed.
  30. Gardener: You receive shears, 32 leaves, and 3 gold blocks.
  31. Chicken: You receive diamond boots with Feather Falling 4 and a short-duration Slow Falling potion.
  32. Bedwars: You receive a full set of red-dyed leather armor, a wooden sword, and a stick with Knockback 1.
  33. FFA: You receive a golden sword with Sharpness 1, 2 stacks of sandstone, a cobweb, and 2 Ender Pearls.
  34. Baker: You receive an iron helmet, 3 bread, and 16 cakes.
  35. Void: You receive a diamond pickaxe with Silk Touch, 64 white glass blocks, and 4 cobwebs.
  36. Demolitionist: You receive iron leggings with Blast Protection 3 and 12 TNT.
  37. Security: You receive a stone sword with Sharpness 1, a regular bow, and 16 obsidian.
  38. Boxer: You receive a stick with Knockback 2 and 2 cobwebs.
  39. Trusta: You receive a crossbow with 4 arrows of Instant Damage 2.
  40. Pharaoh: You receive a chainmail helmet and the rest of the armor is full gold, a golden sword with Fire Aspect 1, Knockback 1, and Curse of Vanishing, 32 sand, 32 trapdoors, and 8 lava buckets.
  41. Morpher: You gain the kit ability of the last player you killed, losing the previous one.
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Regarding the BedWars Full Release update (my thoughts on it):
2 at once today! (Sorry that I am so bad at this currently)
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For who might want to know, i am not Ukrainian, but im just a huge supporter of ukraine AND a zelensky fan.
Reesle wrote on crystal59gaming's profile.
Happy Birthday! 🥳 🎊
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