This idea I have thought of over a week. This game I call
- This game will hold a lobby of 10 or 15 people
- In a game of 10 people, there will be 9 town and 1 killer
- In a game of 15 people, there will be 13 town and 2 killers
- In each game, there will be 3 periods
- Grace (Lasts for 2 Minutes)
- Role (Lasts for 1 Minute)
- Game (Lasts for 15 Minutes)
- There is a countdown at the top of the screen saying how much is left in the game
- The grace period lasts for 2 minutes
- Everyone has 2 minutes to find somewhere to either hide, or start his/her objective
- There are 13 Objectives for the town
- Get to the top of the middle
- Kill (Gamertag)
- Stay still for 1 minute
- Keep (Gamertag) alive
- Stay alive 5 minutes into the Game Period
- Get to a certain point of the map
- Live until (Gamertag) is killed
- Find the secret lab
- Find the bad people and expose them
- Kill the bad people before the end of the Game Period
- Collect 10 coins
- Stay alive
- To die first
- Each town member is randomly assigned these objectives
- If the town member completes his/her objective they get a hint to who the killer is
- There are also 2 Objectives for the Killers
- Kill everyone
- Live to see everyone who opposes you die
- If all the town completes their objective BEFORE the grace period is over, they automatically win
- After the Grace Period is over, the Role Period starts.
- This period lasts for 1 minutes
- In this period the town are assigned their roles.
- The town can ONLY use their ability ONCE and ONLY during the ROLE PERIOD unless their role states otherwise
- There are 14 Possible Town Roles
- Investigator: Can investigate 1 person only to see what their exact role is
- Sheriff: Can investigate 3 people to see if they are bad are not
- Jailer: Can investigate 1 person to see if they are bad or not, if bad, the bad person is automatically killed
- Maniac: If killed during the first 3 minutes of Game Period the killer's name tag is replaced with KILLER for 3 minutes
- Witch: If killed any time during the Game Period, the killer will be gived slowness, blindness, and fatigue for 3 minutes
- Survivor: Has 3 Lifes. Whenever they are killed they will die, but will respawn in 30 seconds.
- Gold Collector: If finds 15 gold, they know exactly who the killer(s) is/are, but can not speak until the Truce Period
- Guilt Monger: If killed the killer will have nausea for 2 minutes
- Baiter: Baits one person. If your "baited" person is killed, the killer's name is revealed to you. You can't speak until the Truce Period starts
- Executioner: Take matter into your own hands and shot a random person with a bow once in the Game Period
- Gunman: Shoots randomly once. Has a chance to shoot self.
- Miner: If killed in the Game Period, the nearest person is blown up and killed
- Medium: Can see dead chat through entire game
- Crazed: (1% chance to get) If killed by a bad guy, the bad guys lose automatically
- There are 3 Possible Killer Roles
- Leader: Can one hit kill every 10 seconds. Has to hit target.
- Muscle Man: Can deal 1 heart of damage every 3 seconds. Has to hit target
- Fan: (1% chance to get) Will save the leader once if the leader is attacked. Displays in chat as the leader dying.
- The Game Period is when the Killers are allowed to start killing
- If the Game Period lasts longer than 15 minutes, the Truce Period starts
- This truce is a period where no one can be killed
- Whenever the truce starts, everyone is teleported to the middle
- Everyone then has 3 chances to win.
- A screen will pop up asking who you think is the bad guy (If there is more than 1, then you will get 2 guesses the first round)
- This screen will last 10 seconds.
- At the end of the 10 seconds, the person who was voted the most dies
- If that person was good, there is 2 more "trials"
- If that person was bad, the town wins.
- This repeats until there are no more trials.
- If the bad person is not put to death by the end of the trials, the killer wins.
- If the bad person is put to death by the end of the trails, the town wins.