Hello fellow forums enthusiats! I hope you had a great new years eve, new years day and christmas! Ok so this thread will take me hours so I won't be able to do it in one go so this is the biggest rule you MUST follow. Do not react or comment on this post until i write F with a dot a after it. Okay so this is my honest rating of every gamemode on cubecraft, 2025 edition.
I think that normal parkour is actually a good game if you want to relax. I don't play parkour too much and the only reason why is because it doesn't give out xp, but I honestly think, even though cube refuse to update it, it's a good game. The challenges can be hard or easy or in the middle, and the maps are nice. Honestly there's a parkour for everyone. 7.4 out of 10. It would be higher if you maybe gained xp for getting medals.
COMPETITIVE PARKOUR: I don't think this is as good as normal parkour because you cannot choose what to play on , hard or easy, and there is less variety. I do play this a bit though because it is a very good way to get your movement, parkour and reaction skills up. It's still great but they could maybe add more maps because I cannot name how many times I have played the map "arcade" 6.8 out of 10
BLOCKWARS BRIDGES AND BRIDGES DUELS: Bridges is so well thought out and is a great game. Sometimes you might have 3 or 5 people in your party which is kinda an awkward number but bridges is great with any amount of players, including just yourself! At the start of the year I would've given bridges a very low rating because then it was 10v10, but once they reverted it back it's amazing. The maps are really well thought out, especially Temple and mesa and factory. The best thing is, these 3 maps are the three in selection for bridges duels! Bridges duels I play more because it's a great way to grind levels, is quicker and just as fun as regular bridges. I also love the modifiers for bridges. Normal is well... normal, rush is by far my favourite, and even though if I were to get the rank and be able to vote I wouldn't go for op, the powerups are extremely fun and unpredictable. 9.2 out of 10, usually the game I go to first when I join.
Ctf is just like bridges, but quicker and maybe a tiny bit less fun, but still a fantastic way to spend your time. The excitement of running away from 3 people because you have the flag, jumping and clutching a hard jump while the hunters fall down is priceless. Ctf 5v5 is great, but ctf duels is goated so that's why I am gonna give it a separate rating. Ctf duels is probably tied with eggwars squads as the best game to grind xp on in my opinion. You can get 180 xp in 50 seconds, mark my word, so it is a great game and it's not just to grind xp, it's also very FUN. Unlike many duels, it's a 2v2 which there is no other kind on cube. Ctf and ctf duels are superb games. CTF: 8.8 out of 10. Ctf duels: 9.3 out of 10. No extra comment required.
BLOCKWARS GIGA: Oh God, where do I start..... this game is just.. bad. There are so many reach hackers and acs there, it takes forever for a game to start, whenever I join it just puts me in the middle of a game I can't win, the idea is good but there is way too many players in a game, and the game isn't even that popular. I really don't like giga for those reasons and many more. Whenever I play it I feel like a noob again, struggling to get a kill, and the reason for that is simple. Lag. It is the laggiest game on cube by far for many reasons I shall not state, but I will name a few. It advertises cosmetics not even to do with the game, which drops fps, and the elephant in the room is obviously, as I have previously stated, the player count in one game. Just too many. 1.9 out of 10. Spoiler, my lowest rating I give.
MINERWARE: This is a fantastic game with endless amounts of minigames. It's a great way to get xp, and like pillars of fortune, doesn't really require too much skill in competitive areas such as pvp. The only games where being a pvp sweat is an advantage is the mini survival games, the one with the iron armour and netherite sword (i cannot remember the name) and maybe the one where you must hit people off the edge with like a knockback 5 piece of bamboo. The games have ideas and challenges yoh would never think of before, while not being overly complex. Minerware is fantastic but this is a serious rating so I must give at least one downside. The only thing I could think of would be maybe cube could balance the difference micogames you play. I see games like nerd pole, light the lights and king of the hill a lot whilst not seeing many avoid the anvils or mini survival games. One more complaint is a small one, but yet it's annoying. There is two games to where you must stay on dissolving blocks and stop yourself from falling into the substance below. The nether version goes terracotta, crimson wood, netherack and I think you must stag up for 5 seconds. The other one is blue ice, packed ice and regular ice. Same thing except one difference. The timer. I think you must survive on this one for 9 seconds, which is all luck and wayyyy to long. Apart from these two issues, minerware is great! 8.3 out of 10. ( p.s. bring mw back to java)
SURVIVAL GAMES: Survival games is ok. I don't play it much for 3 reasons. It doesn't give you too much xp. The chests are mostly luck and you could get a chest with northing but raw rabbit and your opponent will get one with a full set of armour and a diamond sword. Finally it isn't overall bad, but I think they could add more things to the chests as it gets boring after time. I suggest adding ender pearls in the supply crate that drops from the sky. I also think you could find certain parkours and challenges around the map to get you a special chest with better loot if you complete it. It's still a good time with friends and I have spent many happy hours there as it was the 1st game I ever played on cubecraft but it could be better (and also worse) 7.1 out of 10. Not too bad, I don't really have much to say about it. One thing i will note is that the maps are nice.
SKYWARS: OK lemme note something before I get into rating one of the best games on cubecraft. I. Sweat. On. Skywars. Yeah it's true I really tryhard it. It's honestly the 3rd best game on cube in my opinion after bedwars and bridges. The loot is balanced, the middle op but a risk to go to, the maps are just.... INCREDIBLE (Props to the skywars map build team, I don't know who you are but you did a fantastic job. ggs) the whole idea is great, it must be the best skywars out of all the servers, the games are quick, the modifiers fun yet sometimes annoying, it can be difficult at times as there is sometimes sweats hanging around there, but as long as you can knock them in to the void, it doesn't matter if they can get 14 cps. I have seen unbelievable plays done on sw and it's one of the best games for a party, but, unlike among other games, I prefer playing it on my own! I know, I know, controversial, but it's true! I hate getting a really good team as it kinda just takes the fun out of it. 9.3 out of 10. Simply fantastic.
LUCKY ISLANDS: Lucky islands is very very fun. I honestly cannot deem a complaint apart from one tiny little thing. Whenever you obtain I think the shotgun bow, or maybe it's the freeze bow idk I can't really remember, it does this mental particle effect animation which cause a LOT OF LQG when playing on a console with not as much hardware as something like PC. It doesn't even look good because my game acts like a slideshow when it's playing! Apart from that tiny issue, lucky blocks is so good. The randomness 9f either getting a diamond sword from a yellow Lucky block or having 9 anvils fall on top of your head is amazing. The blue lucky blocks can be extremely op at times but could also give you 2 raw mutton or 16 dirt... The rainbow lucky block is, of course, overpowered, but it's also balance because it's pretty hard to get to the middle first on a game of solos. It's kind of like minerware where you don't need too much skill, but you need a decent cps and some nice reactions if you want to be good. 8.5 out of 10
BATTLE ARENA DUELS: This is also a great game and is probably my main game after bedwars and bridges. There are so many fantastic kits including crystals, tactical, op warrior, survival games, Fisherman and op palisade. I sometimes prefer going to normal because there is less sweats on normal mode, but if I'm partied I always go with op. If I were to get 1 rank I would be battle arena because some days I just wish I could play one kit as I just feel up for it that day. There is no complaints apart from changing the items around a bit in crystals kit, and making the map with the leave structures less laggy. Actually yes that could be my downside. So a few weeks ago I started having trouble with lag on the map with the leaved structures in the middle (Please someone tell me in comments what this is called) and I played with some of my friends and they said they were having problems on it too! A person from every platform you can play cube on (e.g. switch, PC, ps5, Xbox etc. etc...) told me about it b3ing laggy. If cc were to fix that then battle arena duels would be perfect for it's kind. 9.0 out of 10. If they fixed a few thing I would be maybe 9.7...
FFA: Alright so before you start saying I have over a day and 14 hours on ffa so I must be sweat, I played ffa for maybe 1day and 10 hours of that time when I was level 4-19. Basically when I was bad. I have some nice memories there though, like killing a person 39th on the ffa leaderboard, reaching level 11 whilst being smacked in the back, and meeting the first friend I had on cube. I sometimes get a bit laggy on ffa but I will put cube past that. The maps are splendid on ffa and the playerbase can be kind ... but also a bit toxic. Yes that is my only downside complaint to free for all. Toxicity. As we all know ( and has been mentioned by @NADER KANAAN in ccg memes) f fa players are funnily toxic. Most of the time this is hilarious how they spam L in chat and are flying around the map as fast as a lambo hurracan, but once or twice they get on my nerves. Apart from that though, the kits are good on ffa, the playerbase big and it's a great first game to play on cube. 8.3 out of 10. Can get a bit boring after a while and you have to be fairly skilled.
EGGWARS: I used to not play eggwars a lot,but then I found out that squads is a very good way to get xp. I prefer bedwars to eggwars but that's just mu opinion but I will say something. Eggwars after the og update is SOO MUCH BETTER. I hated it before because of the netherite armour, the tridents, the elytra, the crazy overpowered stuff... now it's better. Eggwars is a great idea and a pretty good game, I can't really give too much of a opinion because I don't play it too much. It can be fun at times but not my favourite game in the world. As i have said with pretty much every game here, the maps are great! I will give this a 6.9 out of 10
PILLARS OF FORTUNE: This is a great game even though I don't play it that much and only have like 40 wins while i have played about 400 games ( mainly because of the kills challenge I did in my goals for 2025 thread. It was risky!) I love the randomness and find it funny when I manage to get a water bucket mid-fall and clutch myself like a pro. The maps can be a bit boring at times but I don't really care. The only thing I am saying to cube is this. Bring. Back. Desert. Map. It was so funny to see the noobs towering downwards and then you could just jump on top of their heads and knock them off. I miss that. It's such a well thought out game and should get it's own lobby along with the next game I'm gonna rate. On maps short and void, it literally doesn't matter how much pvp skill you have. As long as you know how to left click you're sorted. On maps slime, snow, overworked, nether, end and vines, it does require skill if you are at the bottom, but if nobody managed to get a water bucket then you still need no skill. Not too many complaints for pillars apart from the amount of teamers there, but overall it's great so I'm giving it a 9.2 out of 10!
BEDWARS: And here it is, the final game of this massive thread. Bedwars is my main game and my favourite game. On both duos and 4s I have over 200 wins. Alright since it's the game I've been waiting to type out I'm gonna make this VERY detailed. Ok here we go;
Block selection: Obviously wool is a staple in any bedwars server, same with wood. Wool is a teensy bit overpriced but wood is a good price. Terracotta is very overpowered as its so cheap. Now this is how I would make it. If you don't know in hypixel bedwars sandstone is resistant to fireballs but not tnt. Right now tnt is kind of useless so I suggest Terracotta being fireball proof but not tnt proof and then cube adding a new block to bedwars, I was thinking end stone or deepslate. Make this tnt resistant and make it 2 diamonds a pop!
Armour: The armour in bedwars is overpriced. It's good to just have leather, chain, iron and I don't suggest cube adding more types, but I do think that they should make it 12 of its respective item instead of 20. Especially as chain isn't even too much better than leather. Apart from that, armour is good
Weapons: Honestly, no real change required. The weapons for bedwars are perfect.
Other items: I agree with the prices for the totems, fireballs and gapples, but turrets are wayyyy to op. I think cube should make turrets 18 gold instead of 10 because they legit have aimbot. The totems can be annoying but balanced, but now on to the hats. Regeneration hat. unless you have a diamond sword which I almost never buy unless it's a sweaty game it is so hard to kill someone with it on their noggin. Anti-kb hat is the opposite. 20% less kb?!? Like come on it was so much more op before they updated it and, for the price you pay, it's disappointing. Skeleton hat. What it says on the tin. I never use return to home scroll as its pretty bad and the player tracker is pretty good if you have someone hiding I suppose. Tools are tools, so now on to the team upgrades.
Team upgrades: I always buy sharpness first but I have a small suggestion. Do sharpness 1 for 10 diams and then add a sharpness 2 for maybe 15 diamonds. Same with prot. Health boost is a great idea and isn't too op, regeneration boost is pretty balanced surprisingly. Faster generators is very overpowered but great and diamond generators is perfect for campers. Iron age is a good upgrade to buy but one of the last I would get, and terrifying turrets just makes turrets more op, so that's not good.
Maps: the maps on bedwars are the second best after skywars, but i think they should add more! I mean they are beautiful but j get tired of seeing the same ones over and over.
I have mentioned some other things before so you can check out my first ever thread I'd you wanna see an idea I had.
Bedwars overall is so fun and a pretty good way to get exp if you're good at it. My final rating I bedwars and i shall give it 9.6 out of 10. The things I mentioned above were mainly small downsides but I could go on for days about the upsides.
Thank you so much for reading it and yes, this was my big thing I told you I was working on. I heard a bit more about @BicolourSine41 's project and his might be better than mine but idc. This took me 4 hours to write and a lot more time thinking of stuff to put down so I would really appreciate it if you liked this and put your ratings down in the comments below! Happy 2025 cubecraft...

I think that normal parkour is actually a good game if you want to relax. I don't play parkour too much and the only reason why is because it doesn't give out xp, but I honestly think, even though cube refuse to update it, it's a good game. The challenges can be hard or easy or in the middle, and the maps are nice. Honestly there's a parkour for everyone. 7.4 out of 10. It would be higher if you maybe gained xp for getting medals.
COMPETITIVE PARKOUR: I don't think this is as good as normal parkour because you cannot choose what to play on , hard or easy, and there is less variety. I do play this a bit though because it is a very good way to get your movement, parkour and reaction skills up. It's still great but they could maybe add more maps because I cannot name how many times I have played the map "arcade" 6.8 out of 10
BLOCKWARS BRIDGES AND BRIDGES DUELS: Bridges is so well thought out and is a great game. Sometimes you might have 3 or 5 people in your party which is kinda an awkward number but bridges is great with any amount of players, including just yourself! At the start of the year I would've given bridges a very low rating because then it was 10v10, but once they reverted it back it's amazing. The maps are really well thought out, especially Temple and mesa and factory. The best thing is, these 3 maps are the three in selection for bridges duels! Bridges duels I play more because it's a great way to grind levels, is quicker and just as fun as regular bridges. I also love the modifiers for bridges. Normal is well... normal, rush is by far my favourite, and even though if I were to get the rank and be able to vote I wouldn't go for op, the powerups are extremely fun and unpredictable. 9.2 out of 10, usually the game I go to first when I join.
Ctf is just like bridges, but quicker and maybe a tiny bit less fun, but still a fantastic way to spend your time. The excitement of running away from 3 people because you have the flag, jumping and clutching a hard jump while the hunters fall down is priceless. Ctf 5v5 is great, but ctf duels is goated so that's why I am gonna give it a separate rating. Ctf duels is probably tied with eggwars squads as the best game to grind xp on in my opinion. You can get 180 xp in 50 seconds, mark my word, so it is a great game and it's not just to grind xp, it's also very FUN. Unlike many duels, it's a 2v2 which there is no other kind on cube. Ctf and ctf duels are superb games. CTF: 8.8 out of 10. Ctf duels: 9.3 out of 10. No extra comment required.
BLOCKWARS GIGA: Oh God, where do I start..... this game is just.. bad. There are so many reach hackers and acs there, it takes forever for a game to start, whenever I join it just puts me in the middle of a game I can't win, the idea is good but there is way too many players in a game, and the game isn't even that popular. I really don't like giga for those reasons and many more. Whenever I play it I feel like a noob again, struggling to get a kill, and the reason for that is simple. Lag. It is the laggiest game on cube by far for many reasons I shall not state, but I will name a few. It advertises cosmetics not even to do with the game, which drops fps, and the elephant in the room is obviously, as I have previously stated, the player count in one game. Just too many. 1.9 out of 10. Spoiler, my lowest rating I give.
MINERWARE: This is a fantastic game with endless amounts of minigames. It's a great way to get xp, and like pillars of fortune, doesn't really require too much skill in competitive areas such as pvp. The only games where being a pvp sweat is an advantage is the mini survival games, the one with the iron armour and netherite sword (i cannot remember the name) and maybe the one where you must hit people off the edge with like a knockback 5 piece of bamboo. The games have ideas and challenges yoh would never think of before, while not being overly complex. Minerware is fantastic but this is a serious rating so I must give at least one downside. The only thing I could think of would be maybe cube could balance the difference micogames you play. I see games like nerd pole, light the lights and king of the hill a lot whilst not seeing many avoid the anvils or mini survival games. One more complaint is a small one, but yet it's annoying. There is two games to where you must stay on dissolving blocks and stop yourself from falling into the substance below. The nether version goes terracotta, crimson wood, netherack and I think you must stag up for 5 seconds. The other one is blue ice, packed ice and regular ice. Same thing except one difference. The timer. I think you must survive on this one for 9 seconds, which is all luck and wayyyy to long. Apart from these two issues, minerware is great! 8.3 out of 10. ( p.s. bring mw back to java)
SURVIVAL GAMES: Survival games is ok. I don't play it much for 3 reasons. It doesn't give you too much xp. The chests are mostly luck and you could get a chest with northing but raw rabbit and your opponent will get one with a full set of armour and a diamond sword. Finally it isn't overall bad, but I think they could add more things to the chests as it gets boring after time. I suggest adding ender pearls in the supply crate that drops from the sky. I also think you could find certain parkours and challenges around the map to get you a special chest with better loot if you complete it. It's still a good time with friends and I have spent many happy hours there as it was the 1st game I ever played on cubecraft but it could be better (and also worse) 7.1 out of 10. Not too bad, I don't really have much to say about it. One thing i will note is that the maps are nice.
SKYWARS: OK lemme note something before I get into rating one of the best games on cubecraft. I. Sweat. On. Skywars. Yeah it's true I really tryhard it. It's honestly the 3rd best game on cube in my opinion after bedwars and bridges. The loot is balanced, the middle op but a risk to go to, the maps are just.... INCREDIBLE (Props to the skywars map build team, I don't know who you are but you did a fantastic job. ggs) the whole idea is great, it must be the best skywars out of all the servers, the games are quick, the modifiers fun yet sometimes annoying, it can be difficult at times as there is sometimes sweats hanging around there, but as long as you can knock them in to the void, it doesn't matter if they can get 14 cps. I have seen unbelievable plays done on sw and it's one of the best games for a party, but, unlike among other games, I prefer playing it on my own! I know, I know, controversial, but it's true! I hate getting a really good team as it kinda just takes the fun out of it. 9.3 out of 10. Simply fantastic.
LUCKY ISLANDS: Lucky islands is very very fun. I honestly cannot deem a complaint apart from one tiny little thing. Whenever you obtain I think the shotgun bow, or maybe it's the freeze bow idk I can't really remember, it does this mental particle effect animation which cause a LOT OF LQG when playing on a console with not as much hardware as something like PC. It doesn't even look good because my game acts like a slideshow when it's playing! Apart from that tiny issue, lucky blocks is so good. The randomness 9f either getting a diamond sword from a yellow Lucky block or having 9 anvils fall on top of your head is amazing. The blue lucky blocks can be extremely op at times but could also give you 2 raw mutton or 16 dirt... The rainbow lucky block is, of course, overpowered, but it's also balance because it's pretty hard to get to the middle first on a game of solos. It's kind of like minerware where you don't need too much skill, but you need a decent cps and some nice reactions if you want to be good. 8.5 out of 10
BATTLE ARENA DUELS: This is also a great game and is probably my main game after bedwars and bridges. There are so many fantastic kits including crystals, tactical, op warrior, survival games, Fisherman and op palisade. I sometimes prefer going to normal because there is less sweats on normal mode, but if I'm partied I always go with op. If I were to get 1 rank I would be battle arena because some days I just wish I could play one kit as I just feel up for it that day. There is no complaints apart from changing the items around a bit in crystals kit, and making the map with the leave structures less laggy. Actually yes that could be my downside. So a few weeks ago I started having trouble with lag on the map with the leaved structures in the middle (Please someone tell me in comments what this is called) and I played with some of my friends and they said they were having problems on it too! A person from every platform you can play cube on (e.g. switch, PC, ps5, Xbox etc. etc...) told me about it b3ing laggy. If cc were to fix that then battle arena duels would be perfect for it's kind. 9.0 out of 10. If they fixed a few thing I would be maybe 9.7...
FFA: Alright so before you start saying I have over a day and 14 hours on ffa so I must be sweat, I played ffa for maybe 1day and 10 hours of that time when I was level 4-19. Basically when I was bad. I have some nice memories there though, like killing a person 39th on the ffa leaderboard, reaching level 11 whilst being smacked in the back, and meeting the first friend I had on cube. I sometimes get a bit laggy on ffa but I will put cube past that. The maps are splendid on ffa and the playerbase can be kind ... but also a bit toxic. Yes that is my only downside complaint to free for all. Toxicity. As we all know ( and has been mentioned by @NADER KANAAN in ccg memes) f fa players are funnily toxic. Most of the time this is hilarious how they spam L in chat and are flying around the map as fast as a lambo hurracan, but once or twice they get on my nerves. Apart from that though, the kits are good on ffa, the playerbase big and it's a great first game to play on cube. 8.3 out of 10. Can get a bit boring after a while and you have to be fairly skilled.
EGGWARS: I used to not play eggwars a lot,but then I found out that squads is a very good way to get xp. I prefer bedwars to eggwars but that's just mu opinion but I will say something. Eggwars after the og update is SOO MUCH BETTER. I hated it before because of the netherite armour, the tridents, the elytra, the crazy overpowered stuff... now it's better. Eggwars is a great idea and a pretty good game, I can't really give too much of a opinion because I don't play it too much. It can be fun at times but not my favourite game in the world. As i have said with pretty much every game here, the maps are great! I will give this a 6.9 out of 10
PILLARS OF FORTUNE: This is a great game even though I don't play it that much and only have like 40 wins while i have played about 400 games ( mainly because of the kills challenge I did in my goals for 2025 thread. It was risky!) I love the randomness and find it funny when I manage to get a water bucket mid-fall and clutch myself like a pro. The maps can be a bit boring at times but I don't really care. The only thing I am saying to cube is this. Bring. Back. Desert. Map. It was so funny to see the noobs towering downwards and then you could just jump on top of their heads and knock them off. I miss that. It's such a well thought out game and should get it's own lobby along with the next game I'm gonna rate. On maps short and void, it literally doesn't matter how much pvp skill you have. As long as you know how to left click you're sorted. On maps slime, snow, overworked, nether, end and vines, it does require skill if you are at the bottom, but if nobody managed to get a water bucket then you still need no skill. Not too many complaints for pillars apart from the amount of teamers there, but overall it's great so I'm giving it a 9.2 out of 10!
BEDWARS: And here it is, the final game of this massive thread. Bedwars is my main game and my favourite game. On both duos and 4s I have over 200 wins. Alright since it's the game I've been waiting to type out I'm gonna make this VERY detailed. Ok here we go;
Block selection: Obviously wool is a staple in any bedwars server, same with wood. Wool is a teensy bit overpriced but wood is a good price. Terracotta is very overpowered as its so cheap. Now this is how I would make it. If you don't know in hypixel bedwars sandstone is resistant to fireballs but not tnt. Right now tnt is kind of useless so I suggest Terracotta being fireball proof but not tnt proof and then cube adding a new block to bedwars, I was thinking end stone or deepslate. Make this tnt resistant and make it 2 diamonds a pop!
Armour: The armour in bedwars is overpriced. It's good to just have leather, chain, iron and I don't suggest cube adding more types, but I do think that they should make it 12 of its respective item instead of 20. Especially as chain isn't even too much better than leather. Apart from that, armour is good
Weapons: Honestly, no real change required. The weapons for bedwars are perfect.
Other items: I agree with the prices for the totems, fireballs and gapples, but turrets are wayyyy to op. I think cube should make turrets 18 gold instead of 10 because they legit have aimbot. The totems can be annoying but balanced, but now on to the hats. Regeneration hat. unless you have a diamond sword which I almost never buy unless it's a sweaty game it is so hard to kill someone with it on their noggin. Anti-kb hat is the opposite. 20% less kb?!? Like come on it was so much more op before they updated it and, for the price you pay, it's disappointing. Skeleton hat. What it says on the tin. I never use return to home scroll as its pretty bad and the player tracker is pretty good if you have someone hiding I suppose. Tools are tools, so now on to the team upgrades.
Team upgrades: I always buy sharpness first but I have a small suggestion. Do sharpness 1 for 10 diams and then add a sharpness 2 for maybe 15 diamonds. Same with prot. Health boost is a great idea and isn't too op, regeneration boost is pretty balanced surprisingly. Faster generators is very overpowered but great and diamond generators is perfect for campers. Iron age is a good upgrade to buy but one of the last I would get, and terrifying turrets just makes turrets more op, so that's not good.
Maps: the maps on bedwars are the second best after skywars, but i think they should add more! I mean they are beautiful but j get tired of seeing the same ones over and over.
I have mentioned some other things before so you can check out my first ever thread I'd you wanna see an idea I had.
Bedwars overall is so fun and a pretty good way to get exp if you're good at it. My final rating I bedwars and i shall give it 9.6 out of 10. The things I mentioned above were mainly small downsides but I could go on for days about the upsides.
Thank you so much for reading it and yes, this was my big thing I told you I was working on. I heard a bit more about @BicolourSine41 's project and his might be better than mine but idc. This took me 4 hours to write and a lot more time thinking of stuff to put down so I would really appreciate it if you liked this and put your ratings down in the comments below! Happy 2025 cubecraft...