ESPAÑOL: Hola! hoy quería sugerir una idea que puede que a muchos os guste. Como sabéis en el lobby de Java podemos desbloquear mediante Cubelets las miniaturas (el muñequito que nos sigue) y se me ha ocurrido que poder ponerle nombre seria algo ingenioso y divertido! pero claro, tener en cuenta que los nombres inadecuados sean sancionables. Seria algo que a mi parecer a mucha gente le gustara ya que conseguir una miniatura no es fácil y las personas que tienen miniaturas saben esto. Espero que os guste la idea! :D
ENGLISH: Hello! Today I wanted to suggest an idea that many of you may like. As you know in the Java lobby we can unlock through Cubelets the miniatures (the doll/mini you that follows us) and I thought that being able to name it would be something ingenious and fun! but of course, keep in mind that inappropriate names are punishable. It would be something that I think a lot of people would like because getting a miniature is not easy and people who have miniatures know this. I hope you like the idea! :D
ENGLISH: Hello! Today I wanted to suggest an idea that many of you may like. As you know in the Java lobby we can unlock through Cubelets the miniatures (the doll/mini you that follows us) and I thought that being able to name it would be something ingenious and fun! but of course, keep in mind that inappropriate names are punishable. It would be something that I think a lot of people would like because getting a miniature is not easy and people who have miniatures know this. I hope you like the idea! :D