Hi there!
So, Cubecraft changed the achievements system a few minutes back.
You now can sort by easy, medium or hard achievements, only there is no option to see all the achievements.
But my friends and I think it's a bit messy and we would love to see the old system back.
Now, some players might like this new system so I suggest to add a panel where we can see all the achievements instead of only easy, medium or hard.
Old system:
New system:
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Disagree if you don't like this suggestion at all. I would love to get some feedback, so please let me know what you think about this idea. Have a nice day!
So, Cubecraft changed the achievements system a few minutes back.
You now can sort by easy, medium or hard achievements, only there is no option to see all the achievements.
But my friends and I think it's a bit messy and we would love to see the old system back.
Now, some players might like this new system so I suggest to add a panel where we can see all the achievements instead of only easy, medium or hard.
Old system:
New system:
Thanks for reading!
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