Hello mortals, I have a website suggestion for you all!
Now you can express your enthusiasm for my suggestions! (Just kidding most of them suck, chofl)
Party emoji
Hurray! Cease your gif-searching so you can get a bunch of likes on the latest update threads! Now you can reply with this adorable little fella instead c:
Star emoji
Give somebody a gold star for their thread with Eiriana the Star! (Name chosen by me)
Crying emoji
For when you couldn't disagree more ;-;
Blank-faced emoji
For when you're indifferent, or have seen a terrifying thing
Envy emoji
For when somebody reks you in an off-topic game
The final product x
So... what do ya think? @andyschofie @Efcluke94 @Tacosbefriends
Hearteye emoji
Now you can express your enthusiasm for my suggestions! (Just kidding most of them suck, chofl)
Party emoji
Hurray! Cease your gif-searching so you can get a bunch of likes on the latest update threads! Now you can reply with this adorable little fella instead c:
Star emoji
Give somebody a gold star for their thread with Eiriana the Star! (Name chosen by me)
Crying emoji
For when you couldn't disagree more ;-;
Blank-faced emoji
For when you're indifferent, or have seen a terrifying thing
Envy emoji
For when somebody reks you in an off-topic game
The final product x
So... what do ya think? @andyschofie @Efcluke94 @Tacosbefriends