Minecraft PC IP: play.cubecraft.net
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Feb 18, 2022
I have an idea that you as the cube craft staff could do a hide and seek game or something along those lines that can give a bit of xp for levels but not too much and a reason for the levels in the lobby as at the moment they are kind of useless when you can make small ranks out of them like Cube Enjoyer, Cube Lover, Cube Gamer and so on just a suggestion not expecting it to be in the server but I think people would like it <3 your work ~ Spoon:pride::pride:😃😃
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Reesle wrote on coolroyboy's profile.
Heyy I didn’t know you were here!
Happy Birthday, Cool person! :D 🎉
Lord of Ducks wrote on Alicia28's profile.
welcome to the Cubecraft forums, hope you enjoy your stay here, if you need help, contact a staff member!
Exterminating cheaters...
Reesle wrote on redj101's profile.
Thank you for the follow! :D
Reesle wrote on UBRE's profile.
Happy Birthday!
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