Let me see if i have everything right. It doesn't hit ground mobs, it costs a total of 2,300 coins to upgrade to its max level, its speed in which it damages mobs is roughly around the speed of a mage tower, and it hits only one target at a time. The sign in the pictures say that it attacks silverfish, endermites, and blazes. That's why I'm assuming that it doesn't hit ground mobs. The initial cost is 500 coins to place, then it's 600 coins followed by 1,200 coins to upgrade it from there, totaling at 2,300 coins. To anyone that's really watched a mage tower burn a horde of zombies, try to picture how fast it does damage to zombies, and then remember that zombies have 40 health. I believe it only hits one target at a time simply because the sign's first line says "Locks on target", not "Locks on targets", and it says "No AOF" on another one of the signs... I think it means it's not an AoE tower, which stands for Area of Effect. Please correct me on any misunderstandings that I have about this tower.
If I have all of my information correct, then this just seems like a Zeus tower that does damage, costs more, targets only flying mobs, and it hits the same number of mobs at a time. If this is the case, and my all of my facts are correct, then you don't have a "yes" from me, because as I said, it sounds like a more expensive, but lower damaging version of a Zeus tower. However, if it targets all air mobs in range at the same time, then this is exactly the tower that I've been looking for or hoping to see. The damage isn't so high that it's overpowered, and it means that enough of them can do considerable damage to air mobs... so much so that I'd definitely want to see it in game. I've been wanting an air AoE tower for awhile now.
Again, if I have anything wrong, please tell me that I do. I won't cast my vote until I'm sure that I have everything correct.