CubeCraft’s newest game magic and mayhem mainly uses wands for a form of combat. However here are a couple more weapon ideas that could possibly be considered for the future. I don’t have name ideas and don’t know stuff such as how much mana they would consume as I am just giving ideas that can be fully-fleshed out into other weapons later. I am not exactly giving ideas for a normal and special attack either as I’m not too confident in my knowledge to make them work correctly. While I would suggest a few melee weapons, it seems CubeCraft wants to refrain from using Melee weapons in the future so I’ve avoided them or loopholed around them within these weapons.
Long-Ranged Staff
Very long range, very high damage, only hits one enemy, medium cool-down, hits both ground and flying enemies, the projectile would probably be a lightning Bolt but I’m not too sure. This is essentially a sniper in the real world. Perhaps the Special attack could be a beam of energy ( like the Minecraft Dungeons Corrupted Beacon or a Kamehameha) that similarly to the piercing enchantment in regular Minecraft would go through enemies provided they were in a clustered line.
Close-Ranged Magic Blaster
This blaster would have a short yet wide range when fired. It would deal high damage to enemies that were close to the front of the blast yet low damage to enemies that were off to the side of the blast. Medium cool-down. Working sort of like a shotgun with a wide yet short range, this weapon would be used when nice and close to a group of enemies. Perhaps the special attack could be just once giant blast of magic that does a decent amount of damage yet stuns all enemies caught in the magic for a short amount of time.
Rapid-Fire Magic Blaster
This would be a machine gun or sorts. Essentially, with a medium range and low damage the player clicks once and this blaster rapidly fires magical projectiles until it’s out of mana. There’s no stopping the onslaught of projectiles once you start firing until you need to reload. While the range is medium the projectiles would fly in a direct line and would spray in multiple directions. The Special Attack could surround a player in a magical shield ( would weaken damage dealt to the player but would not negate damage) and let the player fire magical explosive projectiles that are powerful and deal splash damage until the special attack ends.
Hypnosis Wand
With the normal attack this Hypnosis wand would deal a steady stream of very weak yet enemy-seeking magical blasts that would curve towards the closest enemies. So while very weak, this is a great wand if you don’t want to have to aim or is being chased and want to hit enemies behind you without looking back. Ever so often one of these magical Blasts could cause splash damage bit for the most part these are weak projectiles.
But the special attack is where this wand is like no other. Causing no damage and long cool down essentially when an enemy is hit with the special attack, it will turn on its own kind and fight alongside you for a short amount of time. This amount of time can be upgraded when the wand is upgraded. There will be a certain amount of health an enemy must be under to be hypnotized by this wand and this health barrier would be expanded when the wand is upgraded. Would work against all enemies aside from those above the health barrier and bosses. This special attack would hypnotize a certain amount of mobs. The hypnosis would be lifted either when the mob is killed or the special attack ends.
Grenade-Like Energy Explosive
This explosive would have medium-long range yet would deal low damage and very high splash damage that when blown too close could even damage yourself. Enemies in the middle of the blast will take more damage than enemies that were hit in the outskirts of the blast. This would have to be a throwable item and would curve down like an arrow and then explode on contact with the Ground. This explosive should be a giant ball of green energy that is thrown as though the player is aiming with a bow.
While this can simply be a weapon I would prefer if this was a one-time use thing with a medium or long cool-down that can be bought from an NPC which would make the player backtrack to buy this item again should the player run out. This explosive should be required to blow up a wall or something later in the story should the CubeCraft team decide to update this game.

These are my weapon suggestions for future Magic And Mayhem update. If you like this idea please AGREE with this suggestion. If you do not agree please tell me why in the comments down below. Thank you

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