Now we have active helpers that come online with the power to do something about hackers i would like to suggest to add a /report command for VIP level 2 and above.
The command will be simple, it will send an alert in the chat of an active helper to /tpa to an individual so they can make their judgement on whether they are hacking or not.
This would be a very easy and useful command to add for players to use and it won't be used as much due to it only being available for Level 2 and above.
The command will go something like this
/report CubecraftGames Kill aura
The current system right now is to do the forum report which will take a while to get seen to.
Another alternative is using discord and if you happen to be friends with helpers you can message them names and they will look.
So why is this feature so difficult to add ingame for bedrock, if you have to coding ability to make the games you have made for this server so a /report command to do exactly what i suggested should not be hard to implement and will be an EXTREMELY helpful feature not only for helpers but for players of the server.
Please staff do not ignore this forum post.
The command will be simple, it will send an alert in the chat of an active helper to /tpa to an individual so they can make their judgement on whether they are hacking or not.
This would be a very easy and useful command to add for players to use and it won't be used as much due to it only being available for Level 2 and above.
The command will go something like this
/report CubecraftGames Kill aura
The current system right now is to do the forum report which will take a while to get seen to.
Another alternative is using discord and if you happen to be friends with helpers you can message them names and they will look.
So why is this feature so difficult to add ingame for bedrock, if you have to coding ability to make the games you have made for this server so a /report command to do exactly what i suggested should not be hard to implement and will be an EXTREMELY helpful feature not only for helpers but for players of the server.
Please staff do not ignore this forum post.