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Would you like to see this feature on CubeCraft?

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Forum Expert
Sep 1, 2015
Currently, the leaderboard of Parkour looks pretty silly in my opinion.
At the moment, there are 17 players at the top spot of the leaderboard, all having the exact same amount of Gold Medals.
On top of that, I think Parkour in general should really receive an update to make it a bit more exciting again.

Therefore I was brainstorming about potential ways to spice it up a bit.
In the end I came up with a pretty neat idea which would also give people the chance to see who has the fastest time on each and every track.

So, in stead of only having the opportunity to see the players with the most Gold Medals, people would get the chance to see the fastest time for all tracks.
And people could even race against the fastest times themselves!

Of course we can’t just save the best time ever ran by a player and display them on the leaderboards without any context, since there might be small bugs which could give players a slight advantage over others or simply because hackers could make use of hacked clients to take over spots on the leaderboards by being the fastest on tracks with for example only 1/100th of a second faster then the previous record and therefore without getting noticed this player actually used hacks.

But how can we ensure that all times displayed on the leaderboard are ran legitimately?
Well, let me introduce the best part of this suggestion thread. ;)

As some of you might remember, Mario Kart Wii had a cool feature for time trials which allowed players to race against their personal best times on each and every map. But players were also able to race against the world records for all maps by going to the Mario Kart Wii leaderboards and clicking on the world record they wanted to play against.

If you’re not familiar with Mario Kart Wii, I can imagine that this sounds very strange and you might think:
“How on earth would that even be possible?”

Well, the game automatically recorded player’s time trials and saved the clip as soon as it beat the player’s previous record.
And if the clip happened to be the fastest time ever raced on that track, it got displayed on the global leaderboards.
(Potential hackers got manually removed from the leaderboards by staff.)

This was done by something called ‘ghost data’.
When you wanted to race against an already saved time trial, you simply got placed in the map along with a transparent version of the character the other player raced with.

In this GIF, you can see a player racing against an already saved time trial.

Now you can already see it coming, no?
My suggestion is to implement this on CubeCraft in a similar way!

After clicking on the gold ingot called ‘Parkour Leaderboard’, 2 buttons would show up:
one saying ‘Gold Medals’ and the other saying ‘Best Times’.


When clicking on ‘Best Times’, you would get an overview of all tracks
(the same way divided as they are right now…
Hard, Medium, Easy —> all maps of the difficulty selected —> all levels of the selected map).
After selecting the map you want to play on, you’d get placed in that map along with a transparent version of the record holder’s skin.
Once you walk over the pressure plate to start the level, the record holder’s skin will appear and start doing its thing.


In this GIF, you can see me racing against the time of the record holder of Barn Lvl.1, Invocative.

Now, how could we bring this feature to CubeCraft in the least memory consuming way?
We can’t simply copy this whole idea from Mario Kart Wii as it would cost way too much memory to save every payer’s ‘ghost data’ and let us race against our personal best times.

I think the best way to do this, is by only saving the fastest time for every individual track.
Save the fastest time for every track and instantly delete all other ‘ghost data’.
(Maybe with a small exception: the previous record(s) should be saved for at least another week before getting deleted.
This is to prevent records from being deleted completely after they got beaten by potential hackers or bug abusers.
This one week
(the exact time of this 'back up' period could be determined by CubeCraft, of course) could give staff the time to delete cheated records and replace them by the previous legit record.

I understand this project would cost lots of money due to the fact it requires many hours of development and quite some memory to save those ‘ghost datas’. But I decided to make this thread anyway because I really feel like Parkour needs a big update since its player base is way too small to be such a well designed game at the moment!

Please, let me know how you feel about this idea.
All kinds of feedback is appreciated!

~ Josher



Forum Professional
Jul 24, 2016
I do like this idea..
If it's even possible to implement this..
Although I doubt this will ever be added, because it'll take too much time for a game that isn't popular at all
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Forum Expert
Jan 28, 2015
Well we can hope that they implement this great idea! Btw I love Mario Kart, I played it so much during my childhood<3. So thanks for this nostalgic moment.
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Forum Expert
Sep 1, 2015
I do like this idea..
If it's even possible to implement this..
Although I doubt this will ever be added, because it'll take too much time for a game that isn't popular at all
Well, I honestly think this update has the potential to make Parkour a poplar game on CubeCraft!
Simply due to the fact this update could bring some competitiveness to a game mode which is mainly designed for the rather relaxed type of players, makes this game mode enjoyable for a very large group of players.

But the main reason for my doubts about this update is —like I mentioned in my original post— the fact it’ll require a lot of development time, which obviously costs lots of money. :/


Forum Expert
Jun 11, 2017
The Netherlands
Yeah well. I do agree with you. This current medal system doesn't really work. Maybe it's an idea to not only put the best time in the leaderboard, but add a side mark which sais who had that time. But then again, parkour isn't really popular, so not sure if they'll change this.


Forum Professional
Jul 6, 2015
I don't really think this would be possible, though it would be cool.

The closest the developers could get with this would look like something along these lines:

I can imagine thousands of armour stands would crash the server really quickly


Marketplace Coordinator
Dec 11, 2018
Wales, United Kingdom
I really like this idea! Parkour was one of the first gamemodes I played through as much as possible (because I didn't like PvP back then) so seeing something like this would be cool.

I don't really think this would be possible, though it would be cool.


I can imagine thousands of armour stands would crash the server really quickly
Actually I suppose something can be implimented similar to the NPCs in Survival Games where it shows the player's corpse. Shouldn't be that intensive on the server I guess.
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