Minecraft PC IP: play.cubecraft.net


Dedicated Member
Jul 16, 2016
The nest of dorks
So like 2 weeks ago I applied for staff, no response. I feel like writing this up to inspire me, and others to never give up on becoming staff, so here it is: If you think that you'll become staff and you put in A lot of commitment and effort in the server, never give up. Trust me, I don't care how long it'll take for me to become staff, I'll never become staff if I gave up. So, patience is the key. Because if you believe that you'll become a staff member, you'll become a staff member at one time or another. The main key is to never give up. Don't let your negativity take over your body. Keep on fighting to become staff, get more mature, improve your application, etc. Because if you never give up and you put in time in becoming staff, you'll get to be staff. Trust me. Well I haven't gotten accepted so xD

Despacito 2

Forum Professional
Dec 6, 2015
Ssssshhh this is some secret information and this message will maybe get deleted soon...
Be patient they reply when you least expect ;)
Also you dont need Helper to help people... Only difference between a player and a helper is that they get more acknowledge and they can kick people...


Forum Veteran
Mar 4, 2015
East-Flanders, Belgium
Being staff on a server isn't the end of the world. In my opinion, there are a lot of other important stuff than become staff on a Minecraft server. Like finding a job, wife, etc. If you don't become a staff, don't worry just life further. And if you're going to re-apply, look at your apply and think what's rong about it.
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