Hello CubeCraft Team
1. Limit resource pack usage: The server uses multiple resource packs that, while visually appealing, consume a lot of resources. Perhaps you could reduce their number or size, or provide an option to use more vanilla items for a lighter gameplay experience.
2. Optimize non-vanilla elements: Some of your mini-games use items that aren’t part of the base game (vanilla), which can cause lag. If possible, using vanilla-based alternatives could reduce the load on players’ devices.
3. Improve network connection management: Compared to other servers like The Hive, connection lag seems more frequent. Optimizing your infrastructure might help stabilize the connection for a smoother experience.
Thank you for your hard work and attention to the community. I hope these suggestions can help make CubeCraft even more enjoyable to play
And thanks for reading !

I’m a regular player on your server, and I really enjoy your mini-games and the creativity you bring. However, I’ve recently noticed significant lag issues that affect my gameplay experience. I’d like to offer some suggestions that might help improve performance and reduce lag, both for device and internet connection.

Thank you for your hard work and attention to the community. I hope these suggestions can help make CubeCraft even more enjoyable to play

And thanks for reading !