I have noticed that the knockback has been changed to be more like java edition, on Hypixel, and this is conflicting, because there are two different versions of Minecraft for a reason. I liked the knockback before it was changed to be more like Hypixel. Now with the current knockback, the first person to get the hit has almost a 100% guarantee of winning, but before, you still had a chance. Also the range is unfair sometimes, especially with autoclickers. Once you are hit, it is almost impossible to hit the person back. Before, it was a fair fight, and you could still win by skill even if you had worse stuff. But now, none of that matters. Autoclickers dominate, and its harder to hit people unless you are used to that kind of knockback. (Java and Hypixel players) I think and hope that other people feel this way as well, and I doubt it, but I hope enough people want it back to change it back. I literally just made an account to say this. Now currently until the knockback is fixed, I'm changing to a different server for PvP, the Hive. I hope it gets fixed, because even though the Hive PvP is closer to the old Cubecraft knockback, its not very good either. Please change it back, to be geared toward bedrock players, so we can have our fun back.