Please change the knockback to the way it was before. When you fight somebody, if they get the first hit, you’re practically dead. It was a 1v2 on fairytale at the end of an eggwars game and the team came to the base with one having leather armor and a stone sword and the other having no armor and a wooden sword while I had iron armor and a diamond sword, and the leather got me into a knockback state where i couldn't hit him and he got 8 hits on me and I lost. And with my friend he got caught in knockback too and fell when the opponent had nothing and my friend had iron armor and a diamond sword. It ruins the progression in the game and most of the time when we lose its because of the new knockback system. The new knockback takes out so much of the skill to the game where kids can just knock you off or get you into a state where you cant hit them and hit you to death. PLEASE remove the new knockback because i'm sure theres people that have experienced the same thing as me even on minigames other than eggwars. If you can’t just remove it, make a poll to see what the players want.