Minecraft PC IP: play.cubecraft.net


Forum Expert
Jan 4, 2019
Hello Egg Warriors!

As you all know by now, there is an EggWars update coming soon that is focused on bringing back OG content to the game in Overpowered mode. Since the notion page for it hasn't been updated, I have decided to suggest an updated shop (both networks) and kits (bedrock only, idk the java kits) for the game based on the Notion board.



Removed items:
wood pickaxe: removed to speed up the pace of the game, OG EggWars didn't have it.
netherite armor: possibly confirmed by notion page.
trident: possibly confirmed by notion page.

Side note: Nerf the knockback for the TNT on Java network.

As for the suggested kit balances (Bedrock, Overpowered mode):

Miner: Stone Pickaxe Efficiency 5 (buff)
Reason for buff: Wooden pickaxe efficiency 3 can't mine obsidian at a reasonable speed. Stone pickaxe efficiency 5 does that at a reasonable speed without making diamond pickaxe efficiency 2 obsolete.

Builder: Change stone to andesite, and change the helmet to protection 4 leather.
Reason for change: What is the reason to change andesite to stone? Helmet is replaced due to new armor balancing.

What do you think of the suggestion? If you was to change the price of an item or balance a kit, how would you do it? Let me know your thoughts in the comments.

Edit: Brought back milk and tipped arrows, brought back 1 iron block purchases, adjusted amount of concrete and its prices, and adjusted prices for iron armor, iron sword, tnt, leap feather, enchanted apple, strength potion, and player tracker.
Edit 2: Added a legend to the shop, made more shop adjustments. Added current OP shop (click on the spoiler to see it)
Last edited:

Mr Jii Gamer

Dedicated Member
Jun 10, 2022
Hello Egg Warriors!

As you all know by now, there is an EggWars update coming soon that is focused on bringing back OG content to the game in Overpowered mode. Since the notion page for it hasn't been updated, I have decided to suggest an updated shop (both networks) and kits (bedrock only, idk the java kits) for the game based on the Notion board.

View attachment 230925
Removed items:
tipped arrows: annoying to play against, also it's rare.
milk: no one uses this.
wood pickaxe: removed to speed up the pace of the game.
netherite armor: possibly confirmed by notion page.
trident: possibly confirmed by notion page.

As for the suggested kit balances (Bedrock, Overpowered mode):

Miner: Stone Pickaxe Efficiency 5 (buff)
Reason for buff: Wooden pickaxe efficiency 3 can't mine obsidian at a reasonable speed. Stone pickaxe efficiency 5 does that and is also capable of destroying obsidian at a reasonable speed without making diamond pickaxe efficiency 2 obsolete.

Builder: 16 blocks and no helmet (rebalanced)
Reason for rebalance: An extra block could help, and the removal of helmet is because majority of players buy full armor sets, giving them an extra helmet that they usually get rid of.

What do you think of the suggestion? If you was to change the price of an item or balance a kit, how would you do it? Let me know your thoughts in the comments.
The price of tools i see it so good 🫡
So i am with you
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Well-Known Member
Aug 30, 2023
Hello Egg Warriors!

As you all know by now, there is an EggWars update coming soon that is focused on bringing back OG content to the game in Overpowered mode. Since the notion page for it hasn't been updated, I have decided to suggest an updated shop (both networks) and kits (bedrock only, idk the java kits) for the game based on the Notion board.

View attachment 230925
Removed items:
tipped arrows: annoying to play against, also it's rare.
milk: no one uses this.
wood pickaxe: removed to speed up the pace of the game.
netherite armor: possibly confirmed by notion page.
trident: possibly confirmed by notion page.

As for the suggested kit balances (Bedrock, Overpowered mode):

Miner: Stone Pickaxe Efficiency 5 (buff)
Reason for buff: Wooden pickaxe efficiency 3 can't mine obsidian at a reasonable speed. Stone pickaxe efficiency 5 does that and is also capable of destroying obsidian at a reasonable speed without making diamond pickaxe efficiency 2 obsolete.

Builder: 16 blocks and no helmet (rebalanced)
Reason for rebalance: An extra block could help, and the removal of helmet is because majority of players buy full armor sets, giving them an extra helmet that they usually get rid of.

What do you think of the suggestion? If you was to change the price of an item or balance a kit, how would you do it? Let me know your thoughts in the comments.

These are good suggestions, but milk bucket should not be removed on Java. This is because there is a debuffer kit which gives player throwable weakness and slowness potion. I use milk everytime someone throws these potions on me.

I also agree that TNT should cost 10 gold as it has too overpowered knockback on Java. It costs 5 gold at the moment so players can buy good amount of them with discount and spam them instead of fighting with swords.
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Forum Expert
Jan 4, 2019
These are good suggestions, but milk bucket should not be removed on Java. This is because there is a debuffer kit which gives player throwable weakness and slowness potion. I use milk everytime someone throws these potions on me.

I also agree that TNT should cost 10 gold as it has to overpowered knockback on Java. It costs 5 gold at the moment so players can buy good amount of them with discount and spam them instead of fighting with swords.
Thanks for the insight on the debuffer potions. Milk is staying on Java due to this.
Yeah TNT also has overpowered knockback on Bedrock, thats why I nerfed it. It's good to know it's also on Java.
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Novice Member
May 20, 2023
The underground
I totally agree with most of these
I have a suggestion for use of a wooden pick
As you know that currently the pickaxes degrade everytime you die but currently it only goes to the wooden pickaxe e2

But what I suggest is that if wooden pickaxe gets removed in the new update and stone is the lowerest tier

What they can do is
Everytime you die it degrades normally but it goes to wooden unenchanted pick
So that even if you keep the pickaxe it's no were near what you get from shop so you still have to buy a new pick but in case of emergency it's still there
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Dedicated Member
Feb 9, 2021
I was a part of the feedback team during its (short) existence and we went over every suggested revert and change that Eggwars could get. This suggestion is pretty close to the consensus we came to and most of the changes are pretty popular with the community (and staff team).

Another idea that floated around was what to do with Netherite, the least controversial suggestion was to keep it as a one time purchasable perk. Though this perk would only give you half Netherite (probably boots and leggings). This suggestion was extremely controversial for reasons that I won't get into, but in my opinion it's the only way that Netherite could stay.

Also, could you please add a chart of all of the current items and their prices, just for comparison. Finally, I think we should also talk about perk balancing and prices, as they're just as important as items.

Deleted member 601525

As you all know by now, there is an EggWars update coming soon that is focused on bringing back OG content
I just hope they do not go too far back, otherwise we might return to the point that caused them to "go away" from the OG content in the first place.

Removed items:
wood pickaxe: removed to speed up the pace of the game, OG EggWars didn't have it.
netherite armor: possibly confirmed by notion page.
trident: possibly confirmed by notion page.
removing wooden pickaxes would actually slow it down, at least it would if not for your suggested stone pickaxe price change AND the suggested miner kit changes.

For netherite, I'd still prefer a suggestion I made on a thread where you suggested bringing back leather, where we simply leave the armors as it is BUT reduce the amount of protection on diamond armor so that it is more balanced. But I guess this works too.

As for tridents, I forgot those things existed, with how much damage per hit most weapons on overpowered mode deal the trident has become pretty useless and rarely used. In other words: remove 'em, nobody uses 'em.

Miner: Stone Pickaxe Efficiency 5 (buff)
Reason for buff: Wooden pickaxe efficiency 3 can't mine obsidian at a reasonable speed.
Have you ever considered the Idea that it... shouldn't?

Obsidian, even in overpowered mode, is meant to serve a purpose. So is the fact that the pickaxes capable of mining them are not available that quickly.

Anything that isn't explicitly a diamond or netherite pickaxe should be able to mine obsidian at a "reasonable speed". I don't see why we'd to change that.

Builder: Change stone to andesite, and change the helmet to protection 4 leather.
Reason for change: It is how it was in OG EggWars
I actually agree with this change, but I hate the reasoning.

Balance changes should have certain thoughts or calculations or ideas behind them rather than just doing it because "that's how it was in the old version", especially when said version is the one that caused problems severe enough that the server devs felt forced to go away from it.

The reason why I agree with the change is basic consistency.
We use andesite in all other modes, why does overpowered mode use stone?
And the leather helmet also makes sense if leather was brought back, there'd be no reason to keep the Iron helmet.

Now onto the changes within the store:
1. I see no reason to add a 15 concrete block option, I already view the 3 block one as useless and I don't why anyone would ever buy 15 blocks instead of just saving a few seconds longer for that full stack or half stack, especially considering the fact there is nothing you can realistically do with a mere 15 blocks.

2. Making obsidian cost gold instead of diamonds is very bold in my opinion. But tbf, considering how we already have a block that costs gold that is almost as strong I can see how it won't change much in how the game is played, I guess mining eggs might take a little bit longer and now the blocks we'll be mostly mining will be dark.

3. Absolutely love the food price changes, I don't get why golden carrots have the same price in all gamemodes, it just makes sense for them to be cheap in overpowered mode. Its called overpowered for a reason.

4. Also love the overpowered golden apple price change for the same reason.

5. Don't really like the Stone pickaxe being cheap, even if its overpowered mode, players should have a little bit of time to prepare before they can get attacked. Reminder: this is part of the exact problem that caused the "og" eggwars to go away in the first place.
That said, the rest of the prices look good. If its overpowered mode, lets us have overpowered pickaxes a bit cheaper.

6. Do we assume the swords deal their actual damage (the one their stats suggest), or that they work like they do now? If option 1, then those changes are valid, if its option two, then I think sharp V netherite should actually be even cheaper.

7. Even ignoring the fact I'd prefer a completely solution for armor, I have a bit of a problem with the suggested prices. Iron and Diamond feel expensive, even if they have prot IV. I think we'd be fine if Iron had a price tag similar to the one it has on normal mode, perhaps a bit higher, and 128 for full diamond, even with discounts in the game, sounds unreasonable to me.

I feel like a price around 85-95 diamonds would be better, this way diamond armor is still hard to access, but not as much, while also rewarding players who can get emeralds and discounts a lot.

Oh, and with prot IV armors the difference between Iron and Diamond is even more massive, I guess its more justified with those prices though.

8. Haybales sound like an interesting addition, I guess we do need some way of reducing fall damage after all. I will say this: I don't necessarily support their addition, I don't disagree with it, but I am curious how it would work ingame and how many people use them.

Overall, I like most of those changes, I don't see the point of some of them and I think a few of them are downgrades to what we have right now.


Forum Expert
Jan 4, 2019
I'm working on a second update to this suggestion, will let everyone know when it's complete.
I totally agree with most of these
I have a suggestion for use of a wooden pick
As you know that currently the pickaxes degrade everytime you die but currently it only goes to the wooden pickaxe e2

But what I suggest is that if wooden pickaxe gets removed in the new update and stone is the lowerest tier

What they can do is
Everytime you die it degrades normally but it goes to wooden unenchanted pick
So that even if you keep the pickaxe it's no were near what you get from shop so you still have to buy a new pick but in case of emergency it's still there
Wooden pickaxes can only be obtained if you die with a stone pickaxe, unless CubeCraft changes that or goes back to the non-perma pickaxe system (doubt that will happen though)
Also, could you please add a chart of all of the current items and their prices, just for comparison. Finally, I think we should also talk about perk balancing and prices, as they're just as important as items.
I will be adding the current OP prices table as part of the suggestion edit. Additionally, I will be adding a legend to the suggested table to mark what we are suggesting to change.
Now onto the changes within the store:
1. I see no reason to add a 15 concrete block option, I already view the 3 block one as useless and I don't why anyone would ever buy 15 blocks instead of just saving a few seconds longer for that full stack or half stack, especially considering the fact there is nothing you can realistically do with a mere 15 blocks.

2. Making obsidian cost gold instead of diamonds is very bold in my opinion. But tbf, considering how we already have a block that costs gold that is almost as strong I can see how it won't change much in how the game is played, I guess mining eggs might take a little bit longer and now the blocks we'll be mostly mining will be dark.

3. Absolutely love the food price changes, I don't get why golden carrots have the same price in all gamemodes, it just makes sense for them to be cheap in overpowered mode. Its called overpowered for a reason.

4. Also love the overpowered golden apple price change for the same reason.

5. Don't really like the Stone pickaxe being cheap, even if its overpowered mode, players should have a little bit of time to prepare before they can get attacked. Reminder: this is part of the exact problem that caused the "og" eggwars to go away in the first place.
That said, the rest of the prices look good. If its overpowered mode, lets us have overpowered pickaxes a bit cheaper.

6. Do we assume the swords deal their actual damage (the one their stats suggest), or that they work like they do now? If option 1, then those changes are valid, if its option two, then I think sharp V netherite should actually be even cheaper.

7. Even ignoring the fact I'd prefer a completely solution for armor, I have a bit of a problem with the suggested prices. Iron and Diamond feel expensive, even if they have prot IV. I think we'd be fine if Iron had a price tag similar to the one it has on normal mode, perhaps a bit higher, and 128 for full diamond, even with discounts in the game, sounds unreasonable to me.

I feel like a price around 85-95 diamonds would be better, this way diamond armor is still hard to access, but not as much, while also rewarding players who can get emeralds and discounts a lot.

Oh, and with prot IV armors the difference between Iron and Diamond is even more massive, I guess its more justified with those prices though.

8. Haybales sound like an interesting addition, I guess we do need some way of reducing fall damage after all. I will say this: I don't necessarily support their addition, I don't disagree with it, but I am curious how it would work ingame and how many people use them.

Overall, I like most of those changes, I don't see the point of some of them and I think a few of them are downgrades to what we have right now.
1) I'm working on reverting it back to the three quantities system, removing the 3 blocks purchase and changing the 15 block purchase to something like 12 blocks.
2) In the proposed shop, I removed ancient debris. That's why obsidian costs gold again. There was no point keeping both blocks (at least on Bedrock, since there is a difference on Java)
6) Damage works the same as in Java 1.20. For example: Netherite sword does 8 damage in CubeCraft, while in survival, it does 9. Sharpness also works the same as in Java 1.20, +1 damage is added every odd number. For example: Sharpness 5 netherite does 11 damage in CubeCraft, while it does 15 damage in survival.
8) Hay bales reduce fall damage by landing on them, you can also place them while falling and it also works.
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Jun 7, 2024
Hello Egg Warriors!

As you all know by now, there is an EggWars update coming soon that is focused on bringing back OG content to the game in Overpowered mode. Since the notion page for it hasn't been updated, I have decided to suggest an updated shop (both networks) and kits (bedrock only, idk the java kits) for the game based on the Notion board.

View attachment 230938

Removed items:
wood pickaxe: removed to speed up the pace of the game, OG EggWars didn't have it.
netherite armor: possibly confirmed by notion page.
trident: possibly confirmed by notion page.

Side note: Nerf the knockback for the TNT on Java network.

As for the suggested kit balances (Bedrock, Overpowered mode):

Miner: Stone Pickaxe Efficiency 5 (buff)
Reason for buff: Wooden pickaxe efficiency 3 can't mine obsidian at a reasonable speed. Stone pickaxe efficiency 5 does that at a reasonable speed without making diamond pickaxe efficiency 2 obsolete.

Builder: Change stone to andesite, and change the helmet to protection 4 leather.
Reason for change: What is the reason to change andesite to stone? Helmet is replaced due to new armor balancing.

What do you think of the suggestion? If you was to change the price of an item or balance a kit, how would you do it? Let me know your thoughts in the comments.

Edit: Brought back milk and tipped arrows, brought back 1 iron block purchases, adjusted amount of concrete and its prices, and adjusted prices for iron armor, iron sword, tnt, leap feather, enchanted apple, strength potion, and player tracker.
Edit 2: Added a legend to the shop, made more shop adjustments. Added current OP shop (click on the spoiler to see it)
Agreed! Seeing how getting ancient debris is easy to obtain via gold ingot. Many people will cover there egg with debris within just between 1-2 minutes of the game and possibly shorter; thus, having a stone pickaxe with efficiency V will make it fair.
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Well-Known Member
May 30, 2020
Regarding pickaxes, I believe there really is one question which conditions this sort of tool into good or bad: Can it break a certain block before the island owner manages to respawn and break a block-in? This time window is around 8 seconds, varying if the enemies spawn with a pickaxe or not. I will refer to this as the impediment threshold (im. th.).
I believe that having the Miner kit pickaxe break ancient debris during the im. th. is great, as that block is easily attainable but I do not believe, as much as it pains me, that it should break obsidian during the im. th. (which I remember the eff. 5 stone pickaxe being able to do). Obsidian is supposedly an end-game item, having the pickaxe one spawns with go through it does not speak balance to me.
Obsidian costs diamonds and ancient debris is the option for those who do not venture towards middle. Balance according to the effort required could be good.
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