Minecraft PC IP: play.cubecraft.net

Which of these do you agree with?

  • 1 - Weekly Rewards

    Votes: 2 25.0%
  • 2 - EggWars NPC Art

    Votes: 2 25.0%
  • 3 - Yoink Rod / Rainbow Apple Tree Rework

    Votes: 2 25.0%
  • 4 - Lobby Parkour Timer

    Votes: 2 25.0%
  • 5 - Wardrobe Locked Festivity Items

    Votes: 3 37.5%
  • 6 - Achievement Ordering

    Votes: 1 12.5%
  • 7 - Snowman Survival and Pillars of Fortune Statistics

    Votes: 5 62.5%

  • Total voters


Forum Expert
Sep 12, 2018
MinerWare Town
Some of these suggestions might be for both Bedrock and Java, but I don't play Bedrock so I wouldn't know.

QoL and Other Stuff

Hi guys! Here are some QoL features I found necessary to post here. I don't think these changes need implementation right away, so even if these are put on the far far end of the backlog list, I am happy. Here we go!

1️⃣ Lobby - Weekly Rewards

Going over to the chest in the lobby, you can claim a total of 8 rewards. 2 of them are general for everyone, 6 are rank-based. half of these rank-based rewards are based around ranks that no longer exist. I know, they have this cute little reminder text that legacy ranks that were lower are able to claim it, but why keep them at all? My suggestion is to change the rewards to something more intuitive. An idea could be:

make 4 rewards:
One called 'Iron Rank Weekly Reward' - containing 2 cubelets (combination of both iron and lapiz rewards)
One called 'Diamond Rank Biweekly Reward' - containing 2 super cubelets (combination of both gold and diamond rewards)
One called 'Obsidian Rank Biweekly Reward' - containing 1 super cubelet (originally the emerald reward)
One called 'Obsidian Rank Monthly Reward' - containing 1 uber cubelet (the same as right now)

This way you don't have to change anything to the system but make it more intuitively as well. Reminder text can stay. lay-out in the chest would be the same as now, but removing the spots where lapiz and emerald rewards are right now, to make it look clean.

2️⃣ Lobby - EggWars NPC Art

I might have OCD, but the current NPC art of EggWars has a little enchantment table next to it. I think this should be removed, as the enchantment option has been removed as well. The Art is far more complicated and overly decorated compared to the other NPC Arts, so I think there shouldn't be something else taking the place of where it currently is, but just simplify it a bit more.

3️⃣ Lucky Islands - Yoink Rod / Rainbow Apple Tree Rework

When opening the insanely overpowered middle block, you might hope to open any of the cool items: Mega Sword, /fly or a ton of new lucky blocks. Yoink Rod and Rainbow Apple Tree are by far the worst of these, because of separate reasons. Starting with the first of the two, I will share some ideas to rework this a bit.

Yoink Rod as an item is very unique in concept and good in execution. If you are experienced in playing, Yoink Rod is actually not that much worse compared to the cool items I mentioned earlier. What I think would be good to make it a bit better is to lower the time needed for the item to be picked up again, or maybe even insta-pick-up for the person having the Yoink Rod. This way you can not only disarm your opponents, but also use their weapon against them. If you rush to middle, get a Yoink Rod and after that immediately someone with a diamond sword starts bashing you, you have barely any chance on survival. Yoinking their sword and bashing them back would make this much better and more exciting.

Rainbow Apple Tree is the worst item to get from the block, mostly because it drops so many apples that your inventory is stuffed. Making the tree drop half of the current amount of apples would be so much better already. Secondly, I think the apples should be even faster to consume or have more positive effects when consumed, so they are also worth to keep. Currently, players open this item and run away as fast as possible not to get any of the apples in their inventory. That needs to change, definitely for a block deemed as overpowered.

4️⃣ Lobby - Lobby Parkour Timer

The Lobby Parkours are great! They are fun, don't take too long, don't take too short and have the player see something of the lobby. I like them a lot! However, as a parkour speedrunner, the timer is the big issue. See, when you start the parkour, you will get the message with 'Started Parkour! Get to the end as quickly as possible!', which is amazing for support. When you fall or cancel your run with the arrow, you will get 'Returning to beginning of parkour...', which is good for information. When speedrunning, I notice a mistake in the first 5 jumps quite often, causing me to cancel my run pretty fast. This means the text of the run stacks before it goes away. The black lines behind the text make it tough to see the timer. I know, I can disable these or disable the chat while speedrunning, but that would cause me not to see my friends come online for example. Wouldn't it be much better to move the timer to the top of the screen instead of the bottom? I understand implementing the timer from the parkour gamemode is too laggy and barely possible, but I suppose moving this timer to the top of the screen is a good alternative to that!

5️⃣ Lobby - Wardrobe Locked Festivity Items

Currently, when an item is locked in your wardrobe because you haven't obtained it yet, it is displayed with name and how to obtain it in the wardrobe as a rocket star. This is not true however for all the items that are only obtainable during events, such as spring or winter. Or at least, that is what I think, as I can't see my locked banners for example. I suppose this is a bug, but if it isn't as they aren't always obtainable, I think this should be changed.

6️⃣ Menu - Achievements Ordering

Okay, okay, I suppose I can understand it is tough and time-consuming to change the achievement menu to how it looked before: organised, sorted, clean and amazing. But, the current state is just a straight mess. If only one of the categories I mentioned would apply, it would be so much better already! I don't know what is and what isn't possible, but I would like to suggest the least: put the achievements in ANY order. If you go to FFA Kits, the order of the achievements in my menu is the following:

(FLTR:) 1k kills (Sniper) - 1k kills (Beast) - 100 kills (Beast) - 15 ks (Berserker) - 1k kills (Wizard) - 100 kills (Berserker) etc.

First off, I don't know if this order is the same for everyone, but nonetheless, this order is ridiculous. Please make the order at least make a little bit of sense (of course, I don't know how time-consuming this is, but even then I suppose that is worth it)

Last thing to add: there is an order system to filter out the 'Easy', 'Medium' and 'Hard' challenges, but this doesn't filter it enough in my opinion. Fixing that setting would also help a ton already.

7️⃣ Menu - Snowman Survival and Pillars of Fortune Statistics

I suppose you guys never look at this menu, but if you were ever looking for your statistics from old games, you can find all the arcade statistics and all the other statistics of games removed in The Big Future (called by me first in this post, a big but very funny post which you should definitely read and leave a like underneath). This is amazing, a little piece of legacy we all needed. I think seasonal games should also be added to this, even the ones from longer ago (Ender, Colony Control, Carving Chaos, Present Rush, Snow Down (i don't know if these statistics even exist still LOL)), but that's a different suggestion. I was looking if these still existed when I stumbled upon the Snowman Survival statistics. You expect them to be in this legacy menu, but they are in the normal statistics menu. I think these should be removed, and maybe filled up by Pillars of Fortune statistics? Would be great!!

Sorry if any of these were bug reports, but in the end, it is all quality of life so it belongs here anyways. I could make a bug report for all of them, so tell me if needed. Otherwise, please agree with this post if you agree or explain why in the comments if you do not!

If you agree with only one of the seven, please STILL leave a like, so there is a bigger chance Cam will see this and it will be implemented! you can disagree with me in the comments!


Well-Known Member
Mar 6, 2023
On suggestion #3:

I personally believe the 3 other drops from the rainbow lucky block could use a nerf, but the giga sword and mega cube are by far the most numskull. While the giga sword being ridiculously broken fits the chaotic theme of lucky islands, I think it makes the game unbalanced in a bad way. If you are being attacked by a player who has one, it’s almost impossible to do anything to stop them from killing you, except running away. This makes it feel like I’ve lost not because of a flaw I made, but because I was at the mercy of my opponents decision to go after me, which feels unfair. One solution that could solve this issue is by giving the weapon really high knockback instead of sharpness. This could allow players to potentially survive a hit by using the maps terrain to their advantage.

The mega cube simply gives the player who opens it way too much loot. In lucky islands solos bedrock, the map with the most diamond lucky blocks is Clickbait, with 28 diamond lucky blocks. (I haven’t checked any maps added after 1.20.70 because I’ve stopped playing due to the changes made to the D-pad, so there could be some newly added map that might have more.) If these 28 diamond lucky blocks were distributed evenly, each player would get 2.333… diamond lucky blocks. Compare this with the mega cube, which gives the player 19 diamond lucky blocks. That represents a huge proportion of the maps loot going to a single players, and you usually get everything you need to win the rest of the game from it. I would reduce the number of diamond lucky blocks to 6 (replacing them with normal ones)

I think your solution for the yoink rod is great, although having the item just go straight into the players inventory would seem contradictory to the item’s name in my opinion, but that’s just a knitpick anyway.

I really with the rainbow apples were stackable, it would keep them from filling players’ inventories and make it easier to use multiple in quick succession. However, I’m not opposed to the idea of increasing the buffs but lowering the quantity of rainbow apples given.
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Well-Known Member
Aug 30, 2023
Actually the weekly rewards chest has been updated recently to something very similiar what you suggested. Obviously 4 of the items looks like bedrock in the screenshot since I have claimed them, but you will get 2 weekly cubelets if you have iron rank, 2 weekly super cubelets from diamond and 2 weekly uber cubelets from obsidian.

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Forum Expert
Sep 12, 2018
MinerWare Town
On suggestion #3: ... rainbow apples given.
Never not trust the Lucky Islands legend. Agreed with all points! Though I don't think knockback sword would be a good replacement for the Mega Sword, but I absolutely agree with the point made.

Actually the weekly ... cubelets from obsidian.
Screenshot taken on 19/05/2024 1:24 a.m. local time (2 minutes ago)
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Well-Known Member
Aug 30, 2023
Never not trust the Lucky Islands legend. Agreed with all points! Though I don't think knockback sword would be a good replacement for the Mega Sword, but I absolutely agree with the point made.

Screenshot taken on 19/05/2024 1:24 a.m. local time (2 minutes ago)
View attachment 230553
Could it be possible that players are not getting this update all at the same time? I know that this doesn't make sense, but I remember that some players got the new friend list before some others too. That's a only explanation that makes sense, since my chest was updated like 2 weeks ago.


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Oct 17, 2016
Could it be possible that players are not getting this update all at the same time? I know that this doesn't make sense, but I remember that some players got the new friend list before some others too. That's a only explanation that makes sense, since my chest was updated like 2 weeks ago.
They will have been on an old bungee.

The reward chest has not changed for players with a legacy rank; as they'll keep their old rewards. Players with a subscription rank, receive the new rewards as explained on the store.
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Forum Expert
Sep 12, 2018
MinerWare Town
Well, that makes sense. In that case, my suggestion only applies on the legacy ranks. However, I suppose that makes it far less necessary. Thanks for giving the QA insides!
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