Hello, the resource pack you mentioned is not allowed according to rule 1.2, meaning it is bannable.
1.2 - Use of illegal clients or mods (Cheating)
Any client/mod that provides a distinct, gameplay-changing advantage is illegal. The use of illegal clients or mods is strictly prohibited. Mods like kill aura, anti-knockback,
x-ray, auto-clickers, and fly are all examples of illegal modifications.
Players caught using illegal clients/mods may have their stats wiped.
Knowingly teaming with/having someone use illegal mods for you may result in a ban as well. For a list of approved clients and mods, please read here:
https://cbecrft.net/mods . If the mod you want to use is not on that list, please contact a moderator.
You can appeal your bans/mutes here: