Minecraft PC IP: play.cubecraft.net


Well-Known Member
Mar 6, 2023
I would like to start off by saying that I mostly enjoyed the 1.19 update. The game that I play, Lucky Islands, was mostly improved. However, it’s important to worry about the cubecraft community as a whole, and not our personal opinions. After all, cubecraft will only be around as long as other people are playing on the server too.

Recently, I’ve noticed a significant decline in player count on cubecraft, specifically the player count of Eggwars. Many people on these forums have stated that they do not like the new changes and would prefer to have them reverted. Others have announced that they will be quitting the server entirely. Let’s face it, the 1.19 update appears to have negatively effected the cubecraft community as a whole. I want to talk about why I think this update has gone so poorly, as well as what I think cubecraft should do in the future.

I think the biggest reason this update is hated is because it changed too much. Let’s compare a Minecraft server to a restaurant. A restaurant often offers food in a specific genre, for example, Italian. The restaurant’s customers enjoy this type of food, and keep coming back. If a restaurant were to suddenly start selling some other genre, for example, Chinese food, their customers wouldn’t come back, because the food they used to like is no longer there. Instead, they will go to the other competing Italian restaurants, and are unlikely to return. The same can apply with a Minecraft server. If you change the core mechanics of every single game significantly, people will no longer come back because the games they used to love are gone.

Next, I would like to address why I think this update came to be in the first place. Many people have said that cubecraft needed this update to keep it from “getting stale” While this is a good argument, I’m not sure how valid it actually is. In my opinion, PvP games are some of the most repayable games out there. Outside of video gaming, competitive games have been around for decades without declining in popularity, such as soccer and chess to name a few. The rules of these games haven’t changed in centuries, yet they haven’t “became stale” While some OG cubecraft players will get bored and quit one day, as long as new players are joining the game at the same rate or more as old players are leaving, the game will stay alive.

Next, we need to discuss the future of cubecraft. While many people have suggested that this update be reverted, I highly doubt that the sunk cost fallacy will allow the developers to undo their months of work. I think that if cubecraft is going to recover, it will be slow. It’s a lot harder to build bridges than to burn them, after all. My hope is that this update will serve as a lesson to the cubecraft team, and that they will be able to learn from this mistake to make better updates in the future. If they do not do this, we may have a dark future ahead of us. My biggest fear is that I won’t be able to keep playing on cubecraft forever. Unlike single player games, that will last as long as their console or cartridge is effective, there will come a day where cubecraft will no longer exist. After witnessing the fall of mineplex, I’m worried that cubecraft could be going in the same direction.

The last thing I want to talk about is my advice on how cubecraft should bring content updates in the future. In my opinion, smaller, more frequent updates would be less likely to cause players to stop returning to the server. Cubecraft should avoid making big changes to core mechanics, and should instead make small adjustments to each game 1 at a time, and carefully consider feedback before bringing any changes out of beta. One thing that I enjoyed about this update was the map changes. If cubecraft wants to keep their game fresh, maybe they could make slight adjustments to their maps every so often. During the holidays, they could decorate their maps to fit the theme. They could also adjust maps to fit the theme of the map. (Ex: A map called ruins becomes more ruined each update. A map called construction becomes more complete each update) I think it would be cool if players who play the game long term understand “the story” behind each map.

That’s the end of this long rant. I hope none of this makes anybody upset, as I did not intend to do that. If you want me to keep making bigger posts like this, please tell me and I probably will. If you don’t, I probably will anyway. Thank you so much for reading this far!


Novice Member
Dec 11, 2021
The Quantum Realm
I personally believe that the update on EggWars was something which hit "rushers" real hard, with maps being removed and special tactics being foiled, but for causal players such as me, I felt that the update wasn't too bad as well, but as you said:
However, it’s important to worry about the cubecraft community as a whole, and not our personal opinions. After all, cubecraft will only be around as long as other people are playing on the server too.
This is definitely true, I just wanted to share a personal view on the 1.19 update.
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