1. Poach
You have 10% / 80% to receive a random item from the opponent's inventory when you kill someone (Must be using melee attack). Items received this way cannot be Token (iron token, gold token, Diamond token, Emerald Token. Nope).
[Unless your opponent with that diamond armor sucks while you are using leather armor... Nah, you ain't beating him/her. Unless you are hacking, or he/she just sucks bad]
2. Ender Phasing
You have 12% / 100% to take 50% less damage when teleporting using an ender pearl.
[Considering you only get probably 1 ender pearl in a game, and considering ender pearl only appear on OP Mode... Yeah... Not gonna change much, and in fact is a minuscule advantage]
3. Arrow Collector
You have 1 / 5% to retrieve the arrow shot by your opponent. This will only work when you are blocking (1.8) or Using a shield (1.9)
[You can collect arrow that have bounce back from you, this just automatically gives you a chance to not make it an annoyance]
4. Sorcerer's Will
You have 2 / 15 % to receive Regeneration II For 6 seconds when you respawn.
[This is just my way of saying : Pls, just delay respawn and keep the spawn protection, Reason : Point Farming]
5. Ender Shock
Your ender pearl have 12%/100% to Pass through your enemy's Body [In 1.8, you can stop an ender pearl by be in front of the ender pearl, don't know if it is still a thing] and Your ender pearls deal up to 1 / 6 hearts of damage (Bypasses armor) based on the range of the ender pearls traveled.
[p.s Yeah, unless you bought 8 ender pearls and keep on teleporting to Point A To Point B In which that it need to pass the opponent and have enough travel distance. You ain't killing anyone with ender pearls. It's just to make their saturation low (for 1.9 at the least); And you would need 8 stacks of diamonds to pull this type of clutch kill]