Backstory: Friend and I were playing a game of late Eggwars Duos and he was dead. "Reboot me." He said. "I cant, Its not Apex Legends" Thus the idea popped up.
Function: A NPC who allows you to respawn temmates with their head when their dead.
Menus & uses: First, a menu would say "Hi, I am the respawn assistant, Please select an Option." The options "Yes." and "No." appear. After choosing yes, you would be able to by back loot. If you choose to buy back loot. The prices will be: 32 Diamonds (OP), 64 Gold(Normal) and 128 Iron (Hardcore). "Would you like for fallen teammate to be reaspawned by you or at base" Would the NPC say with a selection screen
Misc: The Dialog above would be said in the menu or in chat. The model texture would be a futeristic scientist. Would spawn during 4 teams during duos or alredy spawned in quads and mega
Function: A NPC who allows you to respawn temmates with their head when their dead.
Menus & uses: First, a menu would say "Hi, I am the respawn assistant, Please select an Option." The options "Yes." and "No." appear. After choosing yes, you would be able to by back loot. If you choose to buy back loot. The prices will be: 32 Diamonds (OP), 64 Gold(Normal) and 128 Iron (Hardcore). "Would you like for fallen teammate to be reaspawned by you or at base" Would the NPC say with a selection screen
Misc: The Dialog above would be said in the menu or in chat. The model texture would be a futeristic scientist. Would spawn during 4 teams during duos or alredy spawned in quads and mega