Okay, I suppose this is a good of time as any to give my
opinion and state the reasoning for not changing anything when it comes to the requirements, minus the age recently. Please note that these requirements have been in place since before I was staff, with tweaks, but the current ones were there when I became the staff manager, and any changes I do make will not be all at once. Also note
just because I say something here does not mean it will happen, as I will have to talk with the recruitment team and would not make decisions like this on my own.
I've played on cracked servers that required 10 successful player reports; this server isn't a cracked server.
First and foremost, we are not a cracked server, nor any other server, so how we choose to run our server or select our staff
will be different, so there is no use in comparing us to try and make a point.
This is exactly what I am saying.
The 200-post lets you see what type of person you're recruiting and the reports compliments that system.
But why 100? Why is 100 the magic number? Isn't 50 enough? What about 30?
Imo, the requirements should be 30 reports which are clear and successful rather than just 100 reports. Quality > Quantity.
Alright let me officially start here. Why was 100 chosen as this "magic" number. Now for a lot of reasons I can stand on both sides of the line and see where you all are coming from.
When it comes to the side saying that it is too high, I can understand this as we do urge that the quality is greater than the quantity, then helpers go on to report as well, and finally it is really hard now for reports to be achieved (depending where you play) because of the chat filter and Sentinel.
From the management side 100 is not too many because it shows the dedication to the server, the amount of time they are potentially on the server (more reports
could mean they have been online more frequently or for a longer span of time), if they make mistakes with reports, it can show where they improved and how, and finally it insures that the quality of their reports remains consistent throughout a long span of time.
With that in mind, having it at 30 is simply too easy. Now it could still seem like a lot, but depending on how often you play 30 could be quite simple. There is also the fact that they could do 10, have 20 denied reports for poor quality, do 20 more that were accepted and then have some scattered throughout of denials for poor quality (not counting the ones that were denied for already punished because those do not count against you). While this could still happen with people that have 100 reports, it becomes less frequent as they learn how to report and how to detect cheats etc.
All of that to be said, I
could see it being lowered to anywhere from 50 to 80 reports that are successful and still being a decent amount. It would show their dedication and understanding of our rules/formatting, while also preparing them to be Mods-in-Training (helpers). Especially considering they proceed to report as helpers, since they are proving their capabilities to be a mod and if they are ready.
Also, they should split the moderation team more. For example, there are some people who are more on the forums and less on the server and they should be Forum moderators. There are also players who are the other way round and they should be Game moderators.
This will
not happen. The reason being is because we are a
team and I do not think that having someone who is staff on the forums could show they understand how our server works as a whole. They could fall behind on some information and thus spread some false information unintentionally. I will not be dividing the team or making it so that only certain staff do certain jobs. The staff as a whole have been improving their teamwork and carrying the weight equally. If there are issues with some staff, feel free to create a report in staff-feedback or message me and I can look into it.
Can anyone honestly tell me if it is even possible to reach 100 reports in a decent time without dedicating yourself to just watching and reporting?
Does that not encourage creepy (for lack of a better word) behavior?
This doesn't mean you have to sit there and watch chat or other players endlessly. I never did and got over 100 in a fairly decent time when I recorded and did chat reports too.
I'd love to see a system where community members are taken on based on their personality, love and dedication for the server rather than predetermined and impersonal statistics.
We already try to accomplish this. It may not seem like it, but the minimum requirements are in place to make it so you can
apply. Not everyone who has those requirements met will be accepted due to things outside of those specific requirements. I just do not make it widely public what all goes into being fully accepted for several reasons, but the main one being: I want staff that are genuine. If they think I am watching them, they will be fake. Now this may not apply to everyone, but it is a known fact that people who are being watched (and know it) are far more likely to "behave" and act like they are following the rules then the ones that do not realize they are being watched who may still behave, but they will be genuine and be themselves.