Minecraft PC IP: play.cubecraft.net

Judge Kreep

Mar 6, 2019
  • Commitment: We only look for people who have proven their dedication to the server. Our minimum requirements include 100 successful player reports, 200 forums messages, and 3 months of activity on our network. Do not apply if you haven't fulfilled all of these.

I've played on cracked servers that required 10 successful player reports; this server isn't a cracked server.
Is it not less likely that there'll be hackers? If so, why are 100 reports required?
- You're making people parade around as a moderator.
I understand that you want to see if applicants are eligible, but a system that depends on players reporting others' does send a message - how MANY hackers are on this server that you expect 100 reports from each applicant?

I thought the grindy part was in-game, not on the forums.

I've been the head of non-Minecraft things and I completely understand that you're repelling those applicants that are simply applying because they think it'll be fun, then later abandon the role whenever they get bored.
However, you're also repelling those that might be eligible and willing to stay for the long-run.

I'm suggesting that the reports be lowered to something more reasonable, like 20 or 30 reports.
Or perhaps 10 successful reports in a row.
Is the point of the reports to grind or to show that you know how and when to report a player?

Judge Kreep

Mar 6, 2019
If I report 100 people in regards to chat offenses then what is the purpose of reporting 100 people?

I definitely do not see the purpose of the requirement now.

If it's to learn how and when to report, can't anyone easily learn that from 5 reports?


Forum Professional
Sep 18, 2016
The Netherlands
If I report 100 people in regards to chat offenses then what is the purpose of reporting 100 people?

I definitely do not see the purpose of the requirement now.

If it's to learn how and when to report, can't anyone easily learn that from 5 reports?
I think it will teach you how to judge players (for example: if they are cheating or not) and you keep the server clean. And if you report 100 people in regards to chat offenses you have made 100 people who've sworn or advertised think of their mistakes. Also, it's not a good thing if you only report to become helper. Anyway this is a requirement and I don't think it will change soon, so you'll have to deal with it.


Forum Expert
Sep 15, 2018
If you just made 30 successful reports it’s not sure you know so many situations. For example, if it’s lag or hacks. I think it should stay as it is.


Dedicated Member
Feb 2, 2018
I thought the grindy part was in-game, not on the forums.

I understand the confusion. You're supposed to report hackers from the game, not the forums. There aren't any hackers on the forums.

However, you're also repelling those that might be eligible and willing to stay for the long-run.
People are willing to stay for the long-run and handle countless reports, but are not willing to report only 100 people?
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Dedicated Member
Jan 10, 2018
Honestly, I agree.
I personally believe the requirements are waaayyy too high right now considering Cubecraft is recruiting for a voluntary role.

To me, it's a bit rediculous how applicants are being asked to dedicate soo much time.
Besides, Cubecraft is very lacking on moderators and they are only hurting themselves by making the requirements so high.

Imo, the requirements should be 30 reports which are clear and successful rather than just 100 reports. Quality > Quantity.

Also, they should split the moderation team more. For example, there are some people who are more on the forums and less on the server and they should be Forum moderators. There are also players who are the other way round and they should be Game moderators.

Judge Kreep

Mar 6, 2019
If they see you don’t even take the effort to make a report, would you be a good staffmember? Think twice.
A report? You mean 100?
They could easily say that you'd need 1,000 reports and you'd still be claiming that it's a good system.
Your rebuttal doesn't say much other than "you need reports to be a helper", and I agree, but 100?

I think it will teach you how to judge players (for example: if they are cheating or not) and you keep the server clean. And if you report 100 people in regards to chat offenses you have made 100 people who've sworn or advertised think of their mistakes. Also, it's not a good thing if you only report to become helper. Anyway this is a requirement and I don't think it will change soon, so you'll have to deal with it.

I see the reasoning as to why reports are necessary, you do not need to explain that to me.
But why 100? Why is 100 the magic number? Isn't 50 enough? What about 30?
You're saying that the more reports = more accuracy, so why not 200 or 500 then?
The idea is to get a grasp of what the applicant is doing and if they're capable of being a helper - wouldn't 30 or 50 suffice?

Also, in regards to "it's not a good thing if you only report to become a helper", people have to get out of their way to get 100 successful reports, especially if you only play in specific servers, so I believe if anyone wants to become a helper that is essentially what they have to do.

I understand the confusion. You're supposed to report hackers from the game, not the forums. There aren't any hackers on the forums.

I was being sarcastic! :)

People are willing to stay for the long-run and handle countless reports, but are not willing to report only 100 people?

Only 100 people?
Is there even any data on how long it would take to report 100 people successfully?
Does that correlate with the 3-month rule and the 200 post rule?
This is what I am saying. Why 100? Just because it's a big, even number?

If they see you don’t even take the effort to make a report, would you be a good staffmember? Think twice.
Quality > Quantity

This is exactly what I am saying.
The 200-post lets you see what type of person you're recruiting and the reports compliments that system.


Dedicated Member
Feb 2, 2018
Only 100 people?
Is there even any data on how long it would take to report 100 people successfully?
Does that correlate with the 3-month rule and the 200 post rule?
This is what I am saying. Why 100? Just because it's a big, even number?

I don't ever report anyone unless they're chat abusers and they annoy me and I have around 20-30 succesful reports already.
Just from my experience, I think I could reach 100 pretty quick if I started recording. Every time I play I see a few people that would be report-worthy if I would record.
If you play actively and report actively, in my opinion it shouldn't be too hard.
I am not sure of course, I don't record and report myself so I could be mistaken.
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Judge Kreep

Mar 6, 2019
Can anyone honestly tell me if it is even possible to reach 100 reports in a decent time without dedicating yourself to just watching and reporting?
Does that not encourage creepy (for lack of a better word) behavior?

Not to mention that it sounds a bit unreasonable and some may even say unethical.

Like, "Oh yeah, I had to sit on the chat for 10 days so I could easily report people - that's how I met one of the requirements to become a helper."

To become a cop, you don't need to report a certain amount of people to the police.
I'd say that training is WAY more efficient and reasonable than 100 reports.


Forum Veteran
Jul 1, 2016
Can anyone honestly tell me if it is even possible to reach 100 reports in a decent time without dedicating yourself to just watching and reporting?
Does that not encourage creepy (for lack of a better word) behavior?

Not to mention that it sounds a bit unreasonable and some may even say unethical.

Like, "Oh yeah, I had to sit on the chat for 10 days so I could easily report people - that's how I met one of the requirements to become a helper."

To become a cop, you don't need to report a certain amount of people to the police.
I'd say that training is WAY more efficient and reasonable than 100 reports.
I am 100% sure that this are not the only requirements you need to become a staff member. They made the number this high to actually get staff members who're willing to offer their freetime to help out the server. If you join the staff member team with just a small amount of 30reports, are you willing to stay for the server and are you willing to show that you're the one they need to choose. By this I mean they put the number this high to let people know that becoming a staff member is not just something that you can do here and there, it will take and effort from you to help everyone out where you can help them out.

Also as a Helper you're willing to help everyone the best you can, this means that you're chatting more with the players than playing games. To become helper you need to be able to answer every question that gets asked to you this also means that you have to watch the chat. So to come back to you statement that it is unreasonable and unethical. This is exactly the reason why they put the number this high. You as a future staff member needs to check the chat because that is your main goal "Helping out people" , if you're willing to show that you're worth it you will already have to start with checking out the servers chat where I can assure you that most of the time you will find someone breaking the rules in chat and there you go, you got an extra report.

I am also fully with you that you're saying that training is the best way to teach someone how to do something right. You gave the police as example. Before the even join the police forces they already had to do 4tests with each different catogories in it. This is what we're also trying to do. We are giving the people who join a small test by proving themselves to be able to handle such a big amount of power. Same goes for policeman if they wanna join the police they will have to show with these 4tests that they're able to handle such a big amount of power.

Conclusion: These tests/requirements are there to help us find out who is able to stay in the team and who is able to handle such a big amount of powers by letting them proof us that they're strong enough to join the Cubecraft staff members team.


Forum Expert
Mar 31, 2016
While a hundred reports is still achievable, it's a lot harder than it used to be. There are fewer cheaters thanks to Sentinel, less swearing thanks to the chat filters, and -unpopular fact- fewer players. However when I play on the server, I can still easily kick, warn, mute or ban someone every five minutes. Myself, I was accepted with 30 reports in the old report-a-player sub-forum and 15 reports on the reports website. And even though I met all the other requirements, in the current system, I wouldn't have gotten through.

As a helper, however, I made over a hundred reports within one and a half months (44 days to be precise), and my promotion was prominently (if not solely) based on the quality, quantity and variety of my reports. Fact: reporting is a helper's main task. It's how helpers prove they would be a good moderator.

I personally think that, as a community member, knowing, understanding and respecting the rules is bigger than upholding them. Being helpful, interactive and friendly to players is bigger than reporting them. Be the perfect community member, then go for staff. Then start focusing on the bad side of the player base. I'd love to see a system where community members are taken on based on their personality, love and dedication for the server rather than predetermined and impersonal statistics.

Spent an hour writing this. It's a difficult subject and really messed with my mind.


Dedicated Member
Jan 10, 2018
I am 100% sure that this are not the only requirements you need to become a staff member. They made the number this high to actually get staff members who're willing to offer their freetime to help out the server. If you join the staff member team with just a small amount of 30reports, are you willing to stay for the server and are you willing to show that you're the one they need to choose.

By this I mean they put the number this high to let people know that becoming a staff member is not just something that you can do here and there, it will take and effort from you to help everyone out where you can help them out

It is a voluntary job.
It literally is a job which can be done "here and there" since you are doing it in your free time.

Of course it should take a little bit of effort and time to apply, however,
I personally believe that community members shouldn't be encouraged to nolife reports right from the start in order to get 100. Especially when the server is slowly declining and the number of hackers is reducing (with sentinel also being a factor).
Chat reports really show little imo. Anyone can take a picture of another person swearing.

Also as a Helper you're willing to help everyone the best you can, this means that you're chatting more with the players than playing games. To become helper you need to be able to answer every question that gets asked to you this also means that you have to watch the chat. So to come back to you statement that it is unreasonable and unethical. This is exactly the reason why they put the number this high. You as a future staff member needs to check the chat because that is your main goal "Helping out people" , if you're willing to show that you're worth it you will already have to start with checking out the servers chat where I can assure you that most of the time you will find someone breaking the rules in chat and there you go, you got an extra report.

I am also fully with you that you're saying that training is the best way to teach someone how to do something right. You gave the police as example. Before the even join the police forces they already had to do 4tests with each different catogories in it. This is what we're also trying to do. We are giving the people who join a small test by proving themselves to be able to handle such a big amount of power. Same goes for policeman if they wanna join the police they will have to show with these 4tests that they're able to handle such a big amount of power.

Conclusion: These tests/requirements are there to help us find out who is able to stay in the team and who is able to handle such a big amount of powers by letting them proof us that they're strong enough to join the Cubecraft staff members team.

I don't quite understand as to how a voluntary helper on a block game server can be compared to a full time job which earns a salary. They are two completely different subjects.


Forum Veteran
Jun 26, 2016
Okay, I suppose this is a good of time as any to give my opinion and state the reasoning for not changing anything when it comes to the requirements, minus the age recently. Please note that these requirements have been in place since before I was staff, with tweaks, but the current ones were there when I became the staff manager, and any changes I do make will not be all at once. Also note just because I say something here does not mean it will happen, as I will have to talk with the recruitment team and would not make decisions like this on my own.

I've played on cracked servers that required 10 successful player reports; this server isn't a cracked server.
First and foremost, we are not a cracked server, nor any other server, so how we choose to run our server or select our staff will be different, so there is no use in comparing us to try and make a point.

This is exactly what I am saying.
The 200-post lets you see what type of person you're recruiting and the reports compliments that system.
But why 100? Why is 100 the magic number? Isn't 50 enough? What about 30?
Imo, the requirements should be 30 reports which are clear and successful rather than just 100 reports. Quality > Quantity.
Alright let me officially start here. Why was 100 chosen as this "magic" number. Now for a lot of reasons I can stand on both sides of the line and see where you all are coming from.
When it comes to the side saying that it is too high, I can understand this as we do urge that the quality is greater than the quantity, then helpers go on to report as well, and finally it is really hard now for reports to be achieved (depending where you play) because of the chat filter and Sentinel.
From the management side 100 is not too many because it shows the dedication to the server, the amount of time they are potentially on the server (more reports could mean they have been online more frequently or for a longer span of time), if they make mistakes with reports, it can show where they improved and how, and finally it insures that the quality of their reports remains consistent throughout a long span of time.
With that in mind, having it at 30 is simply too easy. Now it could still seem like a lot, but depending on how often you play 30 could be quite simple. There is also the fact that they could do 10, have 20 denied reports for poor quality, do 20 more that were accepted and then have some scattered throughout of denials for poor quality (not counting the ones that were denied for already punished because those do not count against you). While this could still happen with people that have 100 reports, it becomes less frequent as they learn how to report and how to detect cheats etc.
All of that to be said, I could see it being lowered to anywhere from 50 to 80 reports that are successful and still being a decent amount. It would show their dedication and understanding of our rules/formatting, while also preparing them to be Mods-in-Training (helpers). Especially considering they proceed to report as helpers, since they are proving their capabilities to be a mod and if they are ready.

Also, they should split the moderation team more. For example, there are some people who are more on the forums and less on the server and they should be Forum moderators. There are also players who are the other way round and they should be Game moderators.
This will not happen. The reason being is because we are a team and I do not think that having someone who is staff on the forums could show they understand how our server works as a whole. They could fall behind on some information and thus spread some false information unintentionally. I will not be dividing the team or making it so that only certain staff do certain jobs. The staff as a whole have been improving their teamwork and carrying the weight equally. If there are issues with some staff, feel free to create a report in staff-feedback or message me and I can look into it.

Can anyone honestly tell me if it is even possible to reach 100 reports in a decent time without dedicating yourself to just watching and reporting?
Does that not encourage creepy (for lack of a better word) behavior?
This doesn't mean you have to sit there and watch chat or other players endlessly. I never did and got over 100 in a fairly decent time when I recorded and did chat reports too.

I'd love to see a system where community members are taken on based on their personality, love and dedication for the server rather than predetermined and impersonal statistics.
We already try to accomplish this. It may not seem like it, but the minimum requirements are in place to make it so you can apply. Not everyone who has those requirements met will be accepted due to things outside of those specific requirements. I just do not make it widely public what all goes into being fully accepted for several reasons, but the main one being: I want staff that are genuine. If they think I am watching them, they will be fake. Now this may not apply to everyone, but it is a known fact that people who are being watched (and know it) are far more likely to "behave" and act like they are following the rules then the ones that do not realize they are being watched who may still behave, but they will be genuine and be themselves.


Forum Veteran
Jul 1, 2016
I don't quite understand as to how a voluntary helper on a block game server can be compared to a full time job which earns a salary. They are two completely different subjects.
He brought this subject here so I decided to go further on his example. I know that a paid job and a voluntary job are 2complete different things. I just thought about comparing them.

Judge Kreep

Mar 6, 2019
Thank you all for the insight and responses.

I want staff that are genuine. If they think I am watching them, they will be fake. Now this may not apply to everyone, but it is a known fact that people who are being watched (and know it) are far more likely to "behave" and act like they are following the rules then the ones that do not realize they are being watched who may still behave, but they will be genuine and be themselves.

That is gold.
All in all, it appears as though the server has nice and mature staff, so that's a good sign.

Anyways, hopefully I didn't offend anyone with my suggestion.
Be happy, dwellers of CubeCraft! :)


Dedicated Member
Aug 23, 2016
The Shattered Plains
It's easy to report 100 players. Keep in mind that chat-related offenses are also reportable and that they will count as real reports. You can easily report 100 players in 1 month, if you really feel like reporting, so in my opinion it's not a very big deal.

The sad thing is, in my experience, that even reporting 100 hackers wouldn't take you that long. lmao


Dedicated Member
Jan 10, 2018
AnimalTamer said:
This will not happen. The reason being is because we are a team and I do not think that having someone who is staff on the forums could show they understand how our server works as a whole. They could fall behind on some information and thus spread some false information unintentionally. I will not be dividing the team or making it so that only certain staff do certain jobs. The staff as a whole have been improving their teamwork and carrying the weight equally. If there are issues with some staff, feel free to create a report in staff-feedback or message me and I can look into it.

The problem is that you're asking staff members to moniter 5+ different platforms (Java 1.9, Java 1.8, Bedrock, Discord, Forums, Marketplace, etc.) within their free time. Free time during school days especially is only going to be 1 hour and maybe 3 hours on weekends. Also, considering a lot of staff members get demotivated and simply lower their activity times.

I agree that splitting the team isn't the best solution but I do believe that something must be done about this situation. However, at this point, communication is even worse if a staff member has to know information regarding all of the different Cubecraft platforms.

Surely splitting the team and referring players to the relevant expert staff members would improve the situation?

Personally, when I was staff, it honestly felt as if this were the case already. I was someone who didn't have great experience with 1.8 hacking and I always seemed to ban falsely on 1.8 especially. It would have been better for me to ask a staff member who's more experienced on 1.8 than feeling pressured to take the report myself.
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