The unsure sign that you can put on a suggestions should be removed because it is completely useless they should only be a only agree and disagree not unsure because there is no meaning of unsure, are they going to add it or not?
unsure does have a meaning, when you agree with one point of a suggestion but disagree with another of the same suggestion, you can use unsure to signify your mixed opinion. otherwise it’s like a black and white, you can only agree or disagree without having a sort of blur in between where you both agree and disagreeThe unsure sign that you can put on a suggestions should be removed because it is completely useless they should only be a only agree and disagree not unsure because there is no meaning of unsure, are they going to add it or not?
i am very unsure that this will be added in.Im quite unsure about this idea.
I dont think it should be removed, i can agree or dont agree, but some suggestions are good but can be better, with the unsure button u can show that it has potential, but isnt great yet.The unsure sign that you can put on a suggestions should be removed because it is completely useless they should only be a only agree and disagree not unsure because there is no meaning of unsure, are they going to add it or not?
I’m pretty sure that whoever is sure that they decided to react with unsure is meme-ing.The unsure sign that you can put on a suggestions should be removed because it is completely useless they should only be a only agree and disagree not unsure because there is no meaning of unsure, are they going to add it or not?