No kit stands a chance in a 1v1 combat against offensive.
First of all, that's not true, I think almost all kits, except medic, have a fair chance against offensive. Yes, offensive might be better at fights against them but that's literally the purpose of the kit, fighting, and killing people with its insane DPS, as tank is to have a better defense, explosive is to blow up everyone and place mines and medic is healing. Each kit has it's own purpose and, even though that in a 1v1 offensive will win, this game isn't solo based hence you should work as a team to defeat the offensive players.
The shotgun bow for Tank isn’t as effective as you would think, because even though you can shoot players without directly aiming at them, nothing beats the fast shooting of the offensive kit.
Tank kit has a grappling effect, a bow that shoots multiple arrows and an invincibility ultimate that allows it to kill anyone in a 1v1, including offensive kit. Tank kit is more effective on close up fights in my opinion, where it has more chances to hit a target multiple times with one shot, dealing an incredible amount of damage.
The Medic is bad at combat which is expected but its healing potion is honestly not that useful, its effects can be taken away with 2-3 shots, and the team healing powerup is underpowered.
Yes, the effect can be taken away with 2-3 shots, in those 2-3 shots you can heal your teammates 2-3 times, hence they'd have to do 4-6 shots in order to do what you healed. It's definitely not underpowered and you can spam heal your teammates by bow spamming them. The kit also has self-healing and the ultimate is an absolute bomb that heals one teammate all the time and essentially makes it immortal.
As for explosives, I thought as arrows were explosive they would cause damage if they land near a player, but no, so they’re actually not that useful, yes they deal more damage but again, that doesn’t counter the fast shooting of Offensive.
As far as I know Explosive kit has the best damage per shot, and it usually 2/3 hits a player who is not getting healed, I also think it can deal a small area effect. I've always thought of Explosive of that kit you use to counter Offensive, to be fair. This kit is easy to aim, and, although it doesn't shoot as fast as offensive you'll kill them faster. You can always dodge the Offensive kit's arrows and get on a place far away from them to shoot them while they can't shoot you. It also has traps and a TNT ultimate that if it goes unnoticed will wipe teams in a second, it's secondary attack it's really decent too in close fights since you can place it on the enemy and it will instantly explode. I don't find it unbalanced either.
The maps are all built in an awful campy way, players can hide behind columns and walls, double jump into roofs and balconies and be annoying the whole game shooting from a distance, it honestly gets frustrating after you get killed a few times by that one guy that’s sitting on the roof of the map.
Well yes, you basically contradict yourself at this point since you want the games to be faster as you stated under, but you don't want the games to be campy? I mean, as you said, if only one person gets on the capture point it will stop capturing, so maps have to be campy and have to have ways to stop the enemy team to access the middle of the map to avoid them getting on the capture point.
Capturing progress is extremely slow, especially since it’s completely stopped once *a single* a person from the enemy team is standing in the arena with you.
As far as I know, if there are more teammates standing on the capturing point it will capture faster, and I don't really find that a game that could possibly take 2 minutes if all the teammates fight on the capture point slow.
There always has to be one way to stop the enemy team from capturing anyways, what do you want? To have a whole team be on the capture point to stop it from capturing? This point doesn't really make sense since sometimes people leave the game and take the example someone is alone on their team, and have no teammates left, how would they stop the capturing process then? I find it really balanced and it's not really that hard to avoid having enemies on the capturing point.
Games are slow, uneventful and honestly as repetitive as a game can get, after some time you’re just in auto-pilot spamming arrows everywhere. Some maps have bigger areas than others, making games inconsistently longer while still having the same time, kits, and team sizes.
Uneventful and slow are not really two things that work together in this game, if a game is slow then it's because there's a lot of action happening at the capture point, if a game is uneventful then it's not slow because there's not a lot of events happening on the capture point.
Maps are inconsistent for variety, and I find that fun and that it gives the game a lot of variation, I'd love to have new Archer Assault maps, perhaps. Not all eggwars maps are the same size nor last the same, and kits are the same does that make them "inconsistenly longer"? Yes. But they're still fun.
It really does get boring after a while, all you have to do is spam right click for 5-10 minutes straight, it really isn’t CubeCraft’s most original gamemode which is why I think it is the most fitting candidate for removal. And who knows, maybe it could make space for a different featured game.
Games get boring on your point of view, I find them entertaining and I enjoy healing my teammates or just killing some players. I actually find it a very original game mode anyways, it brings a concept of having to fight with only bows, combined with kit PvP and capture the point, I've hardly seen that anywhere, so I'd say it is really original.
You could have included the balancing system when someone leaves that essentially makes the game a pain for each team, but you decided to go to talk about things that I personally find untrue, hence I dislike this thread. Not all games have to have a fast-pace game style to be fun.