Op eggwars is not as bad as op skywars, in op eggwars u can rush so much faster, I love it :Dit just takes forever to kill someone thats why i want it to be removed
With U :DOp eggwars is not as bad as op skywars, in op eggwars u can rush so much faster, I love it :D
I meant get better melee weapons
it just takes forever to kill someone thats why i want it to be removed
Make that 5A 4th vote for removal it's gaining traction!!!!!!!!!!!1!!!!!@!!!!111!!!!!11!!!!!!!!11111111!1!!1!!!
In a "Here's how Bernie can still win" kind of wayA 4th vote for removal it's gaining traction!!!!!!!!!!!1!!!!!@!!!!111!!!!!11!!!!!!!!11111111!1!!1!!!
A lot of people simply don't have enough money to be spending £35, £60, £90 or £140 on an online rank. It seems very harsh and inconsiderate of you to approach this question in such a way.No thanks.
I quite like OP mode.
If you don't like it, buy a rank and vote for normal/hardcore instead.