Sure it's a stupid feature but didn't you know you're also stupid? The hitboxes are just the same and even if it changes, it doesn't really matter that much. I mean c'mon, there's no insane human out there that aim for the head hitbox instead of the chest hitbox. It doesn't matter who you are whether you're a pvp pro, normal player or a noob. you always aim for the chest hitbox.
Also, about the armor shrink. Why is that even matter?? is it really because of people abusing it to trap you? If it is, you gotta have at least 20 IQ to see a hole and say "oh hey that's pretty suspicious hole".
I believe CubeCraft already doesn't support minecraft skins from the minecraft bedrock skin editor. But the thing is though. Why does such a super small thing affect your gameplay? Just say you're bad lol
First off did you even read the post? He said
even tho the players hit box is still the same you dont know if ur actually hitting them or the air unless ur looking down at them.
Calling someone stupid when your the one that didnt read the full post is stupid.
Also your calling the good pvpers insane??? If you know how to do math, you have better chance at winning a fight when you look at the head. You can easily prove this just by where the crosshair is. Since your crosshair and whole view is based on your head, then if your 5 blocks away from a person and is aiming for the head no matter which direction the person your fighting is, you'll always hit them. accept when they have the high ground. No wonder Anakin failed

. But you see how this is going? If you just aim at the chest of the character you'll have a less chance of winning because of how unequal the space is between you and your enemy.
The armor shrink can also throw you off because of the fact that it looks like they have a smaller hitbox. if you really haven't gone against someone abusing a small skin cheat, then assuming "It's like normal pvp" is a 20 iq move you made right there.
have you heard of Minecraft Marketplace skin packs? There's a skin pack that has a shrunken skin in it and that alone is able to be used in cubecraft. Also the fact that you said "small thing" made me laugh as it was the "best" pun ever.
Why not have yourself admit that your the bad one here fella.