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Oct 17, 2016
Hi Cubecrafters,
I've lately seen a lot of player say they have been banned unfairly (mostly by Sentinel) or that they found a hacker on tell staff to ban that player (on Discord) So I'll be making a guide on how to report someone on how to create evidence as well as what to do if you've been banned unfairly! (or fairly but want to give it a shot)

Where do I report?
(1) If you have a rank (iron+) and the hacker is still in your game you can use the /report command as follows /report [player name] [reason]
You can use the following reasons:
  • ak / antikb /antiknockback
  • reach
  • killaura
  • ac
  • autoarmo(u)r
  • autobridge /scaffhold
  • autoclicker
  • autoloot / cheststealer
  • b(unny)hop
  • fly (ing)
  • glide
  • ka / killaura
  • kb / knockback
  • name
  • noslow(down) /speed
  • reach
  • skin
  • teaming
  • tower
This report will send to staff ingame, the player will then be spectated and staff will decide if the player will be banned. If staff accepts your report you will get one usage back. If it gets denied of automatically closed (after 1-2 hours) you will lose one usage.
(2) Using the website
This can be done by all players! But you'll have to make an account this can be done by using the /registerreports command. You will have to click on the given link, you'll have to fill in an e-mail and a password! And you're set to go!

All reports for the Bedrock server happen on the forum, here. You'll need a forum account for that. This can be done by clicking the sign up button on the right upper corner of the screen and follow the instructions there. (You'll need an active email!)

How do I report?
(1) You have use the command and see a message is chat like this
You have successfully reported [player name] for [cheats]! Staff will look into this as soon as possible!
Super! You're done!
(2) Trough the website. It is really simple you click on New Java player report and fill in the form. You'll need to know

  • What rule the player was breaking (cheating/spam/camping...)
  • The players name
  • A screenshot and/or YouTube link as evidence (more about this later)
  • The language that was spoken, if it's a chat report or player name
  • Extra information you'd like to add
After the form has been filled in you simply press the "submit" report button on the bottom of the page! And you're done!

Here you'll need the same information as for Java
  • What rule the player was breaking (cheating/spam/camping...)
  • The players gamer tag
  • A screenshot and/or YouTube link as evidence (more about this later)
  • The language that was spoken, if it's a chat report or player name
  • Extra information you'd like to add
When you have that, you click on the post new thread button. Once there you'll have to make the layout yourself... You can choose a prefix to make it easier for mods. (Bug or player report)
Gamertag: CubeCraftGames
Report type: Cheating
Evidence: youtu.be/dQw4w9WgXcQ
Credit to @Camezonda
After you made that, just press the Create Thread button and your reports has been made!

How do I make evidence?
Depending on the report you're making you'll need a video or screenshot.
The Java version of Minecraft has a built-in screenshot system. Simply press F2. You can find the file afterwards
  • On Windows
By typing run in the search bar and typing %appdata%, this will bring you to a location where open .minecraft. In that folder you'll find another folder called screenshots.
  • On MacOS
Press command-space or open spotlight search after that type ~/Library/Application Support/minecraft and hit enter. There you'll find the screenshots' folder
  • On Linux
Open search and type ~/.minecraft. There you'll find the screenshots' folder

On Bedrock, you'll need to use Windows game bar on PC or take a screenshot on a mobile device (depending on the device itself, mostly likely a combination of physical buttons)
You can record your game easily with the following programs

On an IOS device
You can simply use the build in screen recorder! You can enable this trough setting. (Settings - Control Center - Customize Controls)

On an Android device
Depending on the version of your operating system you'll have an in-build screen recorder. This one can be enabled by sliding from the top to the bottom of the screen (Where you can put the Wi-Fi on/off, ...) If you do not have an in-build screen recorder you can download of from the play store (suggestion)

Where do I appeal?
This is the same for Bedrock and Java, you will always appeal here. If your appeal gets denied you contact the staff member who banned you! If you have been banned by sentinel you contact @Capitan. Contacting the staff members happens on the forums through conversations.

How do I appeal?
When appealing you can use the following tips

  • Be honest, do not lie in your appeal! Staff will probably know
  • Be as detail about the situation as possible (do not invent stuff)
  • Type without using an extensive arsenal that includes the most exotic words in the English Language!
  • Do not ask to demote the staff member in question! This will not help you (Staff complaints go here!)
  • Do not curse/swear
  • Be remorseful (if you really broke the rules) you will not be pardoned when you tell them you'll do it again!

Dear staff, if you see that anything is wrong/not complete please tell me so that I can change it as fast as possible!
I have no idea where I should post this, so I choose support as it will help players
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You’re new pfp is so pretty!
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