since "gg" is alredy being rewarded with 1 bonus exp, why not add the same for "good luck"/"gl"/"good luck have fun"/"gl hf"? im not just suggesting this because i want to grind experience or something, but because i think it would increase [the opposite of toxicity idk if there is a word for that].
I wholeheartedly agree with your suggestion. The "GG" reward, however, was only given when it was posted after the game (self-explanatory).
But the "gl and gf" reward will be given at the start of the game and then only once per game. There are a few open questions in my opinion:
How many of those synonyms can be used in order to receive a reward?
Can you collect both rewards; The gl/hf - Before the match - and the gg - After the match - ?
Overall, I think that feature is a nice addition.
BUT, if there was a bug and the reward didn’t pay out, people could spam those messages and get warned or muted without them realizing there was a bug. You shouldn't obviously spam that, but I'm willing to bet that's what people could be doing.
Besides this, even if there was no bug, people could still send out numerous messages with synonyms in an effort to gain more XP.