Hey everyone! Hope your all having a wonderful day or night! The following is my theory for what “Secret Project #1” will be. Interested? Let’s get into it.
What Do We Know Definitively?
First, let’s start with what we do know about it. Thanks to Lyriie and Camezonda, we know that it will be some sort of game. As far as I know, that’s the only confirmed info about this project thus far.
My Theory (w/ Evidence):
I’ll start out by first stating my theory: I think the new game will be Parkour-related.
So, for my theory to have any evidence, we have to go back over 8 months ago to this post by Efcluke94. In the post, he states “I've had a concept on the backburner for a while to get a new mode on Parkour for MCO. Which introduces longer levels - 20-40 mins - that you'd be able to unlock by having a parkour rank or a certain number of gold stars … This is something I'd like to get done for next year.” That was posted at the end of last December, so it is “next year” right now! I personally think this would be a really cool game mode!
Another piece of evidence that helps support this theory is the fact that “Secret Project #1” was announced less than a month after Efcluke94 made that post. Plus, if this theory is actually what’s behind Secret Project #1, it would explain why 8 months later it has still not been released, because I’m certain that 20-40-minute long maps take a very long time to conceptualize and to build.
How Does The Emoji fit in?
For past updates that are announced via the Notion Board, the emoji usually acts as some kind of hint for what the update will be or will contain.
I feel like the emoji would make sense with this theory. So this is the emoji for Secret Project #1:
This earth emoji may not look like much, but here’s how I think it fits in. So, through Parkour levels, especially long 20-40 minute ones, it would possible to “explore” and “venture” through different scenery within Minecraft (I hope that made sense). The earth emoji would also be valid in the sense that the earth is a giant planet, and the parkour levels for this sort of game mode would be giant.
Thanks for reading! Hope you found this interesting! Feel free to reply if you think I missed something important or if you’d like to discuss this theory further. Also, don’t forget to vote on the poll! That’s all for now!
- Reesle :)
Hey everyone! Hope your all having a wonderful day or night! The following is my theory for what “Secret Project #1” will be. Interested? Let’s get into it.
What Do We Know Definitively?
First, let’s start with what we do know about it. Thanks to Lyriie and Camezonda, we know that it will be some sort of game. As far as I know, that’s the only confirmed info about this project thus far.
My Theory (w/ Evidence):
I’ll start out by first stating my theory: I think the new game will be Parkour-related.
So, for my theory to have any evidence, we have to go back over 8 months ago to this post by Efcluke94. In the post, he states “I've had a concept on the backburner for a while to get a new mode on Parkour for MCO. Which introduces longer levels - 20-40 mins - that you'd be able to unlock by having a parkour rank or a certain number of gold stars … This is something I'd like to get done for next year.” That was posted at the end of last December, so it is “next year” right now! I personally think this would be a really cool game mode!
Another piece of evidence that helps support this theory is the fact that “Secret Project #1” was announced less than a month after Efcluke94 made that post. Plus, if this theory is actually what’s behind Secret Project #1, it would explain why 8 months later it has still not been released, because I’m certain that 20-40-minute long maps take a very long time to conceptualize and to build.
How Does The Emoji fit in?
For past updates that are announced via the Notion Board, the emoji usually acts as some kind of hint for what the update will be or will contain.
I feel like the emoji would make sense with this theory. So this is the emoji for Secret Project #1:

This earth emoji may not look like much, but here’s how I think it fits in. So, through Parkour levels, especially long 20-40 minute ones, it would possible to “explore” and “venture” through different scenery within Minecraft (I hope that made sense). The earth emoji would also be valid in the sense that the earth is a giant planet, and the parkour levels for this sort of game mode would be giant.
Thanks for reading! Hope you found this interesting! Feel free to reply if you think I missed something important or if you’d like to discuss this theory further. Also, don’t forget to vote on the poll! That’s all for now!
- Reesle :)
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